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Anu Drake

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Everything posted by Anu Drake

  1. [quote name='popsumpot' date='18 February 2010 - 08:12 PM' timestamp='1266541944' post='2190782'] Oh hey NATO! You guys are at war with 10 alliances, but you don't get to call in help, no sir! [/quote] Don't forget Umbrella, that's 11 alliances. But I hope UCN gets peace soon, especially with GOONS. They've been fun to fight. ADI, that goes for you too. We're honored by your support but hope you get peace here.
  2. Congrats on the election and especially to the Executives. Kevin
  3. [quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' date='18 February 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1266518205' post='2189941'] I honestly don't even want to see those who entered through any treaty at all punished. People sign oA's for a reason and you shouldn't be angry when an alliance honors said treaty out of friendship, as they are legally allowed to do as per the writing of the treaty. My distaste is towards those against CnG who entered without cause, or treaty, and no one else. [/quote] Very sensible and reasonable, Stumpy. Although we used an oA to enter, it was really to defend IRON, even though their attack on CnG was something I hit the rafters about privately, we were standing by our friends and assisting Legion in doing the same. All the facepalms I could muster didn't stop us getting the assignment of attacking FoB (not being a member of the official NATO government made my objections moot), but we did so because it was what our role in the coalition called for. Knowing we were attacking an alliance with coalition ties to aqua, to MK and to RoK, we knew the response would be harsh. Now, we are half the size (both my nation and my alliance) and while the warring is always fun, the people we are fighting are alliances we don't have any beef with or distaste for. That's the crappy rub of coalition wars sometimes. Anyway, good to see a rational post in this thread that had disaster written all over it from the start.
  4. Sweet, one of these. Would add in all the nukes but there's not enough space... [IMG]http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u55/AnuDrake/stats.jpg[/IMG]
  5. As always I envy your master of language and reason, Archon. Politically, I may find myself on the other side, but personally there are few I would put on an equal level as you.
  6. While watching this non-drama (very sad really), I was hoping it would remain private. Failerific spy is sad and the details are beyond annoying. I still think there was far more lying than spying going on, and the attention needs were through the roof. Poor guy.
  7. It depends on your definition of fine leadership is. If you are talking about making an impact on power structures and crucial events, both behind the scenes and on stage, Xiphosis has been very successful. He's been involved in most of the major decisions of his alliance and coalitions. To get to that level of diplomatic hierarchy, you have to have a certain amount of panache and finesse, and have power to back it up. Panache for the masses and finesse for those both below and equal to you that you have to work with. With the exception of the greatest, most straightforward and enjoyable war in CN history (my opinion only), the Illuminati tag team, Xiph has been on the opposite side of my IC player so I can't verifty his internal alliance abilities, but I can say from a historical perspective, Xiphosis is far above average as a leader, which I think should qualify him for a fine leader by anyone's definition.
  8. Very well written and to the point, Xiphosis. I rated it 5 of 5. Far too many 'leaders' are rash and reactive, and while the format of the world forum and PMs lends itself so easily to that same type of 'stop, think, post' mentality that would help with this problem, it is unfortunately not used for this purpose. New leaders too often jump on IRC and think decisions need to be made at that pace, not realizing that a simple 'we'll talk about this as an alliance and get back to you' is not only politely acceptable but usually expected. Or I might just be too old for the chat chaos of IRC. That's probably closer to the truth, unfortunately.
  9. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='08 February 2010 - 03:06 PM' timestamp='1265659560' post='2168994'] This war is so awesome i am reading stuff wrong, i honestly thought the announcement title was a confession regarding substance abuse. [/quote] That's the first good laugh this place has provided me in at least a week. Bravo, Alfred. Thanks LSF, you all have shown yourselves to be good friends and I hope you come out of this mess of a war without taking too much damage.
  10. Let's stop with the bandwagon and backstabbing stuff please. Alchemy is honoring their committments to their protectors, they wanted to fight and we're on the list. That's as honorable as you can get, so drop the negativity against Alchemy, please.
  11. Ten is a much more round, solid number. Thanks Alchemy and good stomping.
  12. [img]http://ascelios.com/McCroskey/PicLens/srp14/pl_images/blu_gazaStrip.png[/img] This is why we're fighting 9 alliances? For serious? Grub, you betrayed TOP, you betrayed everyone that had just stood up to fight for you just before that as well. Glad we could see our nations getting destroyed for the fun of it. /actually it has been pretty fun so far, but this makes it all feel so unnecessary
  13. We hit a member of CnG in response to obligations far removed from any of our actions. MK and Athens responded as they should have by defending their bloc mate. While this is one of the bigger Aqua on Aqua fight, it certainly isn't the first time alliances have had the opportunity to keep the fighting in coalition wars between sphere members and those out of sphere. The point is, this is a political alignment war and not one of color, so you do what you have to do to best fight with strategy. MK is the best in terms of organization and brutal strength, they've beaten me down before very well. They have that same strategic intelligence to know that this was a smart move from CnG's point of view, and you can only respect that. War is war, and it is fun, even against 9 alliances. Do we stand any chance of winning? Obviously the good money is on no. Will that keep us from doing everything we can to stay alive? Of course not. Will this mean we leave Aqua? I asked Archon point blank after the Karma war if we should, and he said that we should stay. Not sure that those feelings are still the same
  14. Being declared on by an Aquan alliance was inevitable, and our treaty ties led us to war with FoB, which led to us being attacked. I'm sure a lot of people take great joy in this, but truly statements like 'NATO attacked Aqua' are not necessary in a thread being attacked by MK.
  15. Nice, a cross out add in, but still got all boxes checked. That's a lot of love.
  16. It is nothing personal, but I hope this alliance doesn't do so well. Can't we find a place in the middle?
  17. Good luck Olympus, strike them down with the lightening bolts of the gods.
  18. Good luck GR, always liked you guys. Here's to a good fight, see you on the other side of eternity...
  19. [quote name='Lenny N Karl' date='03 February 2010 - 09:03 AM' timestamp='1265205804' post='2156416'] Then I must be the modern day eggman [/quote] I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
  20. [quote name='Jack Diorno' date='03 February 2010 - 06:14 AM' timestamp='1265195698' post='2156244'] I remember a young ADI coming to Athens, telling us their dreams of unifying all of Aqua, you seemed so pleasant. Now you can join NATO in being the only aqua alliance who doesn't maintain good relations with everyone else, actively standing in the way of complete aqua unity. MHA, MK, FARK, Gremlins, RoK, Athens, =LOST=.. all the big players in aqua are for once united, united in their defence of C&G.. all of us except for you. Way to go. [/quote] Nail on the head. But we at NATO have tried and tried to have good relations with everyone else in Aqua, but we get shut out or ignored. Don't worry about aqua unity. I tried it several times and told ADI it would never work. NATO had excellent relations with most Aqua alliances the times I tried, but those efforts failed miserably. ICE fell apart, but it was hardly NATO's influence. Something will always keep Aqua from being unified. But getting confirmation on how we're viewed is good to know, should help with decisions.
  21. [quote name='Revol' date='03 February 2010 - 12:55 AM' timestamp='1265176509' post='2155527'] I am the eggman, they are the eggmen. I am the War-rus, goo goo g'joob. [img]http://foreigndivision.org/Smileys/default/warrus3.gif[/img] o/TFD o/NATO [/quote] Yellow matter custard Dripping from a dead dog's eye Crabalocker fishwife Pornographic priestess Boy, you've been a naughty girl you let your knickers down I love you TFD, good luck and godspeed. But I am the Walrus.
  22. That's right, the people of Numeria have decided to declare war on sugar based sodas. Due to the findings of our 'Do Something That Everyone Will Hate You' department's exhaustive, like, ten minute research, it has been determined that people really like sugar based sodas. Therefore, in the spirit of the madness of the world, we have let sugar based sodas know that we're fighting now. And I have one thing to say to you, 'warm place to sleep at night' - I'm watching you.
  23. [quote name='The Pansy' date='02 February 2010 - 11:20 PM' timestamp='1265170810' post='2154503'] May your nukes fly true Zenith Best wishes from Olympus [/quote] Repeating what this man says. Best wishes from NATO as well.
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