That's right, the people of Numeria have decided to declare war on sugar based sodas.
Due to the findings of our 'Do Something That Everyone Will Hate You' department's exhaustive, like, ten minute research, it has been determined that people really like sugar based sodas.
Therefore, in the spirit of the madness of the world, we have let sugar based sodas know that we're fighting now.
And I have one thing to say to you, 'warm place to sleep at night' - I'm watching you.
Seriously, there's a distinct lack of clarity as to what the hell is going on right now. So the new way of war is quick declarations and peace when numbers are crunched? Is this because people are becoming more weary of destruction? I don't think so. I think it has more to do with the lack of a dominant presence and the odd allies that seem to be popping up here and there for politics-of-the-moment advantages.
There was another time when sides were formed and wars were based on transgressio