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JT Jag

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Everything posted by JT Jag

  1. You know, there ARE other targets out there, but leave them unmolested to attack Polaris I guess. But hey, feel free to innovate by being the 8th alliance to declare on iFOK. Good luck finding slots left after UPN's deadly blitz, though.
  2. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1295394173' post='2582256'] Umbrella and GOONS are not declaring war on the New Polar Order because they are waiting for orders from the Doomhouse Chief Archon. You heard it here first. FOK! owns, much love. [/quote]Besides, there aren't any slots left over for us D:
  3. I have a target list on hand for iFOK in case those smarmy purples get any ideas. I'm only partially joking. This isn't an uncommon practice, and my alliance has a contingency target list for just about every alliance in the sanction race that we aren't treatied to.
  4. Truly, the military might of the Brotherhood of Steel is baffling to behold.
  5. I am sure that NEW is devastated by the loss of such an... ok I just can not do this, can you people please at least come up with variations on the same material every now and then if you can't come up with something new? I mean, I get it, ha ha repetition is funny but for goodness sake there just comes a point where you have to just salvage your pride man. (For the record clearly this was inevitable and is the right move for both parties and I wish the best for both iFOK and NEW in the future.)
  6. Why did you have to ruin the purity of Toad's Kitchen? Also, recruitment in Alliance Announcements? I never!
  7. Why Why do they always spell it JT Tag Every time they spell it JT Tag a thousand innocent orphans are sold into the child slavery trade. This is my curse! You did this, supercoolyellow! Look upon yourself and [i]despair![/i]
  8. The White House Press Secretary making a press release for the executive office is hardly worth a comparison to wikileaks, and that's much closer to what you're doing at this point Schatt.
  9. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1293906086' post='2560176'] question about this though...how exactly would new triums come into power? if a position was opened, would it have to be a 2/3 "majority" appointment to replace? same with if 2 triums left instead, would it just resort back to a dictatorship? [/quote]One would assume that one of the triums would make their intention to resign known and as that trium's last act the three would vote on a current high gov member to elevate.
  10. [center][img]http://i53.tinypic.com/2i72v5c.jpg[/img] [size=5][b]38th Parallel Accords[/b][/size][/center] [b][size=4]Preamble[/size][/b] Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. [i]Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. [b]Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.[/b] Repetition can be a powerful thing. It can solidify an idea in your mind, make sure you don't forget something important, and define your perspectives. Nutty North Koreans, with their pervasive (for their size) presence on the open fora and adorable persistence on our private boards, have wriggled themselves into our thoughts, much like a bio-nanotechnological thought control implant placed at the base of our collective neck.[/i] [b][size=4]Articles[/size][/b] [list type=upper-roman][*][b][size=3]Everyone's nutty in their own way[/size][/b] Nutty North Koreans (hereafter referred to as "NNK") and the Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence and Sadism (hereafter referred to as "GOONS") recognize each other's sovereignty. GOONS will provide useful advice to NNK to consider in shaping their policies. [*][b][size=3]Stop pointing those nukes at each other or I'll turn this treaty around RIGHT NOW[/size][/b] NNK and GOONS will not commit any acts of aggression against each other. Any issues that may arise between NNK and GOONS will be taken care of in a cordial, private manner. [*][b][size=3]Don't cross the DMZ[/size][/b] If NNK is attacked by another alliance and GOONS determines that the conflict was not initiated by NNK, GOONS is obligated to use every means at its disposal to cause the attacking alliance to stop, be it military, political or otherwise. [*][b][size=3]The Pentagon wants to open a Stupidity Division[/size][/b] NNK agree to share with GOONS any information of a military nature that would not violate the trust of another alliance. [*][b][size=3]Equitable division of labor[/size][/b] This treaty may be brought up for review at any time after two months if both parties believe the possibility exists for an upgraded treaty. If this treaty has not been upgraded after a period of six months, it will be up for mandatory review. [*][b][size=3]Cancellation[/size][/b] Either side may dissolve this treaty at any time by giving 72 hours notice. This cancellation period may be waived at the combined discretion of both parties. Violation of any term set forth in the treaty can be used as grounds to cancel the treaty immediately.[/list] [b]Signed for GOONS:[/b] Sardonic, [i]GOONS Pilot[/i] Ktarthan, [i]GOONS Co-Pilot[/i] Beefspari, [i]GOONS Secretariat[/i] SirWilliam, [i]GOONS Strategos[/i] [i]Council Members[/i]: Tristesse, Biazt, Xodi, dalstrs, JT Jag Signed for NNK: [b]Head of the Universe[/b] [i]God:[/i] Kim Jong-Il [b]Heads of State[/b] [i]Kim Jong-il's BFF's (Triumvir):[/i] Gorchin [i]Kim Jong-il's BFF's (Triumvir):[/i] Vesta [b]Head of Government[/b] [i]Kim Jong-il's Backup BFF (Regent):[/i] Pikachujc [b]Government[/b] [i]Dear Leader Personal Trainer (MoD):[/i] Teh Squishy [i]Dear Leader Translator (MoFA):[/i] Pimpleman [i]Dear Leader Housekeeper (MoIA):[/i] Oracular
  11. I don't see the problem with there being both a people's choice awards and an academy awards.
  12. I am starting to experience a bizarre sensation of deja vu. As if this sort of thing has happened before with blocs and NSO, multiple times even.
  13. Can we just end the rest of the war too and move on to one that ISN'T a logistical nightmare please tia
  14. [quote name='Myworld' timestamp='1293266229' post='2553474'] Yes but by the grounds of the OP those are technically considered band-wagoners. And when I said earlier that people joining FARK was balancing out to those that went to NEW I get: How is that balancing with a 4:1 on NEW. Thus, 2 wrongs don't make it right. [/quote]It doesn't. NEW is still disadvantaged, even with all the independent supporters that may choose to support its cause. No one is arguing this? As long as these honorary NEW members are accepted by NEW's government and as long as they completely severed their ties with their former alliances, there is no precedent to call them rogues. It's ok on Fark's side too. The biggest problem, from my point of view, is that the "wargh", as they're called on irc, are actively recruiting from several alliances, which is a HUGE no-no. These things are supposed to just happen, not be forced.
  15. [quote name='Myworld' timestamp='1293265595' post='2553463'] I probably wouldn't be having an issue with it if it wasn't in your OP that: Your own bandwagon clause is one sided and full of crap if you can't even stand to follow it yourself. [/quote]One-way? Not really. People are just as free to drop their ties and join Fark as they are to join NEW.
  16. Also, anyone else participating in the Goodposter Contest: YOU'RE ON!
  17. [quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1293161204' post='2552249'] It's fine; this thread succeeded in burning any bridges SF and PB may have had with each other. [/quote]You're smarter then this, Mixoux. I count no less than [s]four[/s] [s][i]five[/i][/s] [b]SIX[/b] treaties between SF and PB that are active right now if you count Fark (and you should), including one MADP that your very own alliance possesses that has no cancellation clause, for what that's worth. As for "bridges being burned", you keep telling everyone VE's treaty won't be cancelled over this and who is GOD to tell the rest of SF which bridges they should be burning for GOD's affairs? GOD successfully "sent a message" with their cancellation, but politically they have achieved nothing.
  18. [quote name='In Spades' timestamp='1293161320' post='2552250'] Then ummmmmm, cancel without the little orphan annie diatribe? [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/Crying-girl.jpg[/img] I agree with why you're doing it and all... just sayin' that it makes you look like a crybaby !@#$%^ [/quote]You are a bad poster, please seek out help on the subject of reading comprehension.
  19. [quote name='Phetion' timestamp='1293139160' post='2551921'] Polar have done what exactly since BiPolar to warrant MK's aggression? PB's aggression for that matter? (Besides allying Legion :v) [/quote]Well there was the time when members of NpO's government was in an anti-GOONS coalition planning channel
  20. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293135333' post='2551855'] This is just how Xiph operates, it shouldn't be a surprise to either of you. He gives unwavering loyalty, no matter what, but he expects the same from all of his allies. A treaty with GOD is basically an MDAP, no matter what the treaty says. If you're willing to play his game, he'll play yours, but if you can't cede a bit of sovereignty, the relationship won't last. Like I said earlier, it's clear GOD and GOONS weren't playing on the same level here, so it's good that you hash this out now rather than in a tight spot. [/quote]But this isn't really the case, you see. I can't speak for GOD. But before this incident went down, we considered GOD to be one of our most valuable allies, and beyond just that, we considered them [i]friends[/i]. We would have gone to war in their defense any day of the week, and I'd have fought alongside them in any reasonable scenario. GOD is a couple non-chaining treaties away from some alliances we want to be nowhere near, but we were willing to let that slip in the name of friendship because we were sure we could work it out like adults if the time came that this became an issue. But I guess we couldn't get that same benefit of the doubt. Get your house in order, GOD. I still love you guys, I really do, and I hope we can still work together going forward. But I think you guys have some inner exploring to do.
  21. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1293128330' post='2551755'] "I hate your friend's girlfriend! Break them up or we're through!" "What? I couldn't do that if I wanted to, you know how proud Archon is." "SARDONIC, DO IT NOW." "Xiph, baby, please don't." "I'M LEAVING" *doorslam* [/quote]This is pretty much exactly how it happened. No, really, I'm pretty sure "Xiph, baby, please don't" is in the logs.
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