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JT Jag

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Everything posted by JT Jag

  1. For those of you that can't read, there is a time period for the reps. Read article one. It's "a period of one month".
  2. [quote name='Electron Sponge' timestamp='1298091658' post='2638055'] To which I respond that your alliance has foolishly overextended itself and cannot hope to outlast those who you oppose, given your cultural handicaps and lack of diplomatic acumen. You have chosen your allies foolishly and your enemies even more so. Biting off more than you all can chew doesn't begin to cover it. [b]See you in a month or two bro[/b] [/quote]Emphasis added. So much for this!
  3. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1299984536' post='2662205'] Congrats guys, you've changed since the early days, and [b]thank god.[/b] [/quote]Same ol' Xiphosis, always taking credit.
  4. [quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1299918920' post='2661293'] saying "I planned to spy on you, but then didn't so I don't know what you're so angry about" is like saying "I shot at you but I missed, so what's the big deal?" [/quote]A slightly flawed analogy. A more appropriate one is "I pointed a loaded gun at you and threatened you, but then decided not to fire". Which, by the way, is still a felony most places.
  5. For the record I no-bet on King Xander's offer there. A very wise decision if I do say so myself.
  6. [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1299914588' post='2661204'] It's really because at the moment my brain seems to be firing from a different terrestrial plane. [OOC: Friday night + coming home to CN = ] [/quote]You've got Siberian Tiger blood in your veins?
  7. We're actually just .02 off of CSN in score now :v
  8. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1299880242' post='2660348'] The reason was apparent to someone. [/quote]Readily apparent reason, then.
  9. I'd say 11.88 is pretty close to 12.04. You guys are the experts though!
  10. I would like to register a complaint. GOONS has bounced back up to 11.88 score, which is higher than iFOK's current score. We want back in the sanction race.
  11. [quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1299535198' post='2655774'] I would [i]love[/i] an alliance to test it. [/quote]We would but... we're sorta busy.
  12. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1299406931' post='2654283'] When we get done raking npo/ et al. over the coals and we rise against our gov in a coup jt_jag will be spared. palaceofhate will be driving this ship soon [/quote]truly this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me
  13. [quote name='Charles the Great' timestamp='1299506599' post='2655418'] just because you want it to be a coalition war does not make it so. [/quote]This is a moot point, considering that in another thread various members of Pacifica's side repeatedly insist that this is a coalition war and that their actions are thus entirely justified. We're FAR past arguing whether it's a coalition war or not.
  14. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1299480243' post='2655161'] 50 tech says that the PC-RoK front of the war lasts longer than this alliance. [/quote]No bet.
  15. [quote name='AndrewHG' timestamp='1299349766' post='2653607'] Pretty much when your government rhetoric is [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99272&pid=2647453&st=0&#entry2647453"]this[/url]. edit: And yeah I stick my neck out and stand up. I fully expect some sort of back channel attack because it is to your cores and will never change. [/quote]Wowsers, our government really must [i]be[/i] unstable if we give a two-week-old newbie a government position!
  16. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1299289354' post='2652962'] You should go back and look at the stats. At the beginning, MK/Umbrella/GOONS had a [b]large[/b] statistical advantage, when NPO's allies came in, NPO's side only had a very slight advantage. The numbers are all there if you would care to do the research instead of making things up. Edit: to save you the trouble, you can look at the wiki entry for the war, specifically the section on stats. [url]http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_House-NPO_War#Stats[/url]. Pay attention to the difference of Day 1 (with only NPO vs. MK/Umbrella/GOONS/FAN, compared to Day 3 after NPO's allies entered). Your comments of "at first it was even and then the other side was way ahead" would only be accurate if you only look at the number of nations, but obviously the statistics of total strength, score and nukes paint a different picture then you would like to. [/quote]Ok, I may have understated things with a "slight" advantage, but historically speaking when you look at world wars in the past, a two-to-one advantage for the declaring side on day one before counters is fairly unremarkable.
  17. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299284761' post='2652879'] It is not my fault that you cannot hope to understand the concept of honor. [/quote]No matter how *honorable* you are, that doesn't magically change the clause you invoked to join this war from being optional aggression. In terms of paper and politics and not morality, you were [i]not[/i] obligated to join this war. Get that through your skull.
  18. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1299282907' post='2652843'] Stopped reading here. Do you honestly believe this? [/quote]The stats support his statement. When FAN, MK, Umbrella and GOONS declared on NPO, they held only a slight advantage in most statistical categories (score, number of nations, nation strength, nuke count, ect). When the bulk of NPO's allies (and NPO's allies' allies) countered (against GOONS), NPO's side actually had a by and large statistical advantage. There was a good month or so there where, if NPO's coalition had played their cards right, they could have done a LOT more damage to us. Instead, they turtled and played the curbstomp card. Things only started getting out of hand numbers-wise a week or two ago when the NpO front started collapsing, allowing CnG to enter this front. But to say it was a curbstomp from the beginning is an outright fallacy.
  19. [quote name='Banedon' timestamp='1299262343' post='2652565'] NPO paid the heaviest reps in the history of planet Bob at the end of the Karma war. You and the rest of your coalition attack NPO out of the blue for no reason, and expect them to pay you for the privilege? [/quote]I said "mild terms". Never necessarily mentioned reps.
  20. [quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1299260170' post='2652547'] If this is one of the most ineffectual hits in cn history, I'd really get a kick out of seeing what an average hit would look like on you guys. Maybe your entire alliance would be zt/zl/zi? [/quote]We probably all should be hovering around ZI in theory, considering the mass of NS you arranged against us. The NS damage you have done to our alliance, while it [i]seems[/i] massive on paper, is simply repeated instances of 20-35k NS nations getting knocked down into the 10k ranges due to nuclear warfare, which is typical. And that is the sort of damage that can be repaired extremely quickly with a good post-war rebuilding plan.
  21. Pragmatically speaking, when you are talking about coalition warfare there is a [i]slight[/i] difference when you're talking about a party that is already engaged in conflict (e.g. MK and Umbrella) and a party that is not even at war yet. There are similarities to TPF and MK/Umb's arguments (though they are both wrong, in my opinion), but as MK and Umbrella were already in the front an attack on their immediate treaty partner could understandably be seen as a more immediate threat to them then an attack on TPF's treaty partner would be, as they were unengaged in any front.
  22. [quote name='Stetson' timestamp='1299225632' post='2652275'] They do? And what's that pray tell? [/quote]NPO can surrender and get very mild terms pretty much any time due to the nature of the conflict, and the various alliances on their side can surrender and pay reps according to their entrance point and capability to pay reps.
  23. [quote name='blueski' timestamp='1299220004' post='2652165'] We don't owe our enemies anything, and we're not looking for good relations with them in the future. Trust me, any true Goon would sooner be held down into perpetuity than be future allies with Invicta or Legion. [/quote]We are, however, open to potential post-war diplomacy and trades with NSO. How about a few bags of Chee-Tos (a beloved goon delicacy) for RV?
  24. Can we please not derail my ascension thread with mindless bickering over the spelling of my alliance's acronym? I have a very fragile sense of self worth, and will feel like a failure of a human being if I don't get a minimum of thirty (30) mindless hails. Get to it.
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