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JT Jag

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Everything posted by JT Jag

  1. [quote name='Golan 1st' timestamp='1289341041' post='2508563'] I guess that a GOON explaining how MK are actually not so bad is convincing This only show what lows MK reached.[/quote]A GONS post in an entirely unrelated thread! It never fails. Seriously, think up some new material, maybe think up something more creative than an ad hominem.
  2. [quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1289339645' post='2508534'] Since you're so familiar with MK's package, I'll take your word for it. [/quote]Say now!
  3. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289335292' post='2508413'] So you're saying, if I point a gun at your head and demand your wallet, you have no reason to complain once you handed your wallet over? This is a really interesting view on morality you have here. [/quote]No, that's not a good metaphor at all. It's more like this. Person A gives person B, member of corporation C, payment for a service. Person B does not fulfill the service. Person A asks Corporation C to refund the money, and requests additional reparations for person B breaking the contract--- an amount clearly inflated and intended to be negotiated down. Corporation C, clearly not being very business savvy, agrees to the amount without attempting to negotiate it down, and then complains about the result borne from their lack of savvy to the local business journal without taking their grievances back to Person A. Is any of this wrong?
  4. I'm clearly biased, but I don't see the problem here. NSO agreed to pay a sum. Then they complained about the sum they agreed to publicly. Now MK wants the agreed-to sum. Not too hard to comprehend.
  5. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1288682969' post='2499742'] In keeping with this rule I shall refer to GOONS as GOoONaS and TOP as tOotP. [/quote]GOoONaS actually sounds pretty awesome.
  6. [quote name='helstrm' timestamp='1288658879' post='2499426'] And the United State of America is the USOA?????????? We are GRUE... Deal with it. [/quote]Not entirely sure what this United States of America is, but if such a country did exist its acronym would TOTALLY be USOA.
  7. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1288656020' post='2499380'] We would've also accepted goons. [/quote]The term "goon", however, does NOT apply to SirWilliam our pubbie viceroy.
  8. Best of luck GROUE. Which is your real acronym, deal with it.
  9. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1288424765' post='2497063'] To be honest, if your ignorance of world history is so lacking that you don't know why Denial from MK would be an authority on what and what not the hegemony did during its time, you simply aren't qualified to continue this discussion. [/quote]Maybe he's... In denial. [sub][sub][sub][sub]oh god im so sorry[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
  10. [quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1288387865' post='2496648'] Oh hey VE, you lost power to the bloc you were the "architect" of. [/quote]FOK were really the ones that kick-started this bloc, thanks for playing though.
  11. Also: Yay, access to Toad's Kitchen is restored!
  12. Fun fact: GOONS and Umbrella currently have three separate MDoAPs with eachother now.
  13. [quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1288365313' post='2496345'] Yep but hey, It's not like you guys don't do the exact same thing when whining about some tyrannical red alliance right?... right? [/quote]Talking about things that happened in 2007 and 2008 in mid-2009 is slightly different from talking about things that happened in 2007 in late 2010.
  14. Crafty, pragmatic political move by MK, strategically tieing themselves into both CnG and Pandora's Box, in this treaty that is totally not motivated by any other factors like friendship. MK ( you two~)
  15. [quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1288272822' post='2495141'] Everything GOONS does is wrong so this is wrong, and you all should feel bad. [/quote]"No one could act on behalf of the GOONS and speak of it being in 'good conscience'. To act on behalf of the GOONS is to be in the wrong by definition." - Captain Flinders
  16. Much appreciated. Also congratulations on the successful elections and such.
  17. I expected this announcement to have something to do with golf, and was sorely disappointed.
  18. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1287633226' post='2489335'] Although I can't claim to know either RandomInterrupt or Penguin well, it seems as though this is a shift of a rather great magnitude in terms of ruling styles and attitudes. Coupled with Grub back at Minister of Love, it'll be interesting to see if we see a new dynamic Polar more reminiscent of Grub's reign. Should certainly be entertaining, although I would have done unspeakable things to see Ivan back as Emperor of Polaris [/quote]Oh, there will be a shift reminiscent of past NpO policies, but I contend that rather than it being Grub v2, it will feel like a more... absorbent time in Polaris.
  19. All of you guys should just form some sort of Rising Sun bloc so that you'd be easier to [s]roll[/s] keep track of and just get it over with.
  20. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1287619504' post='2489100'] [color="#0000FF"]As for Ninjas, had GOONS not gone out of their way to harass them and provoke them, they'd never have been attacked. GOONS isn't completely innocent here. Don't forget that. I know I won't.[/color] [/quote]For the record, Rebel Virginia, your contribution to this thread probably should have been limited to this. All this repetitive polemic banter about the immorality of GOONS and their ilk (and believe me, it is not just you RV) is not just grinding, but it is also usually quite off topic.
  21. Oh dear. Well, if nothing else, this will certainly be interesting.
  22. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1287599433' post='2488852'] Well, if true that merely transfers my dislike of the terms from GOONS to FnKa, whose government decided that they preferred to have their membership kept at war. Yeah that's a really classy way to defend your members. Hopefully those people don't intend to ever enter an alliance government ever again, and pretend that they care about their membership. [/quote]I don't think there's much concern here because those FnKa members are inactive and could not be contacted about/did not bother with negotiations for an alliance-wide peace. Also this is NOT the FnKa thread.
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