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Everything posted by Hadrian

  1. [quote name='Zhaan' timestamp='1284843847' post='2457463'] With Pot barely being around, it's pretty much George and I, so it's necessary. I know what you're saying though. The rest wasn't restructured. The departments are being left condensed under the new format. [/quote] Fair enough. I know Pot is occupied with other things at the moment so I guess that's a safe setup.
  2. Re-creating the original three-director command ladder is stupid...there's a reason we got rid of it in the first place, guys. Regardless, good luck folks, I hope you all get past this difficult time.
  3. Hopefully this will be a step forward in the right direction towards a bigger and better Brown team.
  4. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1284333316' post='2451631'] Nice attempt at backpedaling. [b]So when it's convenient to be associated with the old GOONS, using the acronym, the symbology, referring people to external web sites (especially one in particular)--basically evoking all the "good stuff" from the past, you have no problem with it. When any of the bad stuff from the past comes up however, you're a "new" alliance.[/b] [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img] Your "new" alliance was founded by members of the old GOONS and led by members of the old GOONS on the lunar surface before returning here. New? That's pretty relative. [/quote] That's the new GOONS standard, Hal. Lower than the !@#$@#$ ground.
  5. He's simply explaining why she was expelled...it's called being thorough. Who knows? A big bad war might have started if he hadn't said so.
  6. Oh, snap. An unfortunate incident. Good luck resolving it.
  7. Ouch IRON. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img] Shame this had to go.
  8. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1284309976' post='2451050'] Your posts reads "I don't know all the details of this conflict but I'm going to state my opinion anyway." The leader of the group already admitted that A) they're rogues, B) they intended to go out with a bang anyway, C) they already intended to attack GOONS before the tech raid incident, D) even if it wasn't GOONS they were going to go rogue on SOMEONE. Please tell us more about how GOONS started this when the leader of UOKMB already said that we didn't. EDIT: Typo. [/quote] This conflict is integrated into a bigger picture here, but for the topic's sake, I'm not going into it. Keep the pain up UOKMB. Recruitment and propaganda ftw.
  9. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1284309209' post='2451025'] No, I'm saying people shouldn't complain that the small defenseless groups are being beat up when they started the conflict. [/quote] This conflict started [i]as a result[/i] of your alliance beating up small defenseless groups.
  10. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1284305227' post='2450965'] "Your funeral". [b]As to Methrage, have you no remorse for the people who have paid for your mischief?[/b] [/quote] I cannot tell you how hard I laughed at that statement, seeing as it comes from you. Seriously, I was like this x 3mil.
  11. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1284304528' post='2450954'] Maybe small numbers of defenseless nations who have the odds heavily stacked against them shouldn't declare war on large alliances. [/quote] Why not? Rising up and fighting in the face of insurmountable odds seems like a pretty awesome thing to do, to me. Are you seriously trying to say what people should and shouldn't do in this [ooc]game[/ooc] now?
  12. Fear not, comrades. The Empire is safe under my watchful eye. In all seriousness, good luck with progressing.
  13. /me sighs Just give [i]me[/i] the position of Kaiser already. Enjoy (partial?) retirement Freddy.
  14. [quote name='Hidraca' timestamp='1284244150' post='2450230'] In response to the person with our chart in their signature. Since we've been bleeding members due to inactivity(Goons themselves being a fickle bunch since you didn't bring enough playmates for the whole class) I wouldn't use that chart as a barometer of the damage your rogue group has done. Now here's yours [img]http://i51.tinypic.com/4l6lqd.jpg[/img] and from what one can assume is happing here is fairly simple. You have not lost members, in fact you gained one or two and you've lost more NS than we have. On top of that. Almost all your members are out of my range so I will not get a chance at joining in this war. This makes me very sad. You are a disappointing bunch sirs. [/quote] Oh, you mean me? I have nothing to do with UOKMB. I personally support their rogue-ery against you, that's about it. Also, they are 9. You are 299. See the difference? Edit: Better make that 10.
  15. [quote name='Fyfe XIV' timestamp='1284240551' post='2450164'] No. It doesn't [/quote] Sure it does. [quote name='thekirbyfake' timestamp='1284240554' post='2450165'] If only the vocal indignant would get off their tall equine and put their infra where their mouth is [/quote] Fixed.
  16. [quote name='Brutilius' timestamp='1284233779' post='2450064'] Gaining one member now constitutes the need for an announcement? [/quote] In this case, yes, yes it does.
  17. Peace is an awful lie. Enjoy retirement Lintwad and good luck to Heggo. Doubt you'll need it.
  18. I like these guys. o/ UOKMB P.S. What in Admin's name does that stand for?
  19. Nice article folks, keep up the good work.
  20. [quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1282038218' post='2419357'] Read the rest of the thread, all your points have been addressed. [/quote] I'd rather not rustle through the previous eighty pages. It would likely bore me close to death. I'm done here anyway. No point trying to convince anyone when your words fall on blind eyes, right? Peace out, good luck with your war, etc, etc.
  21. [quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1282037481' post='2419345'] Hoo knows the value of sharing, although really he should have shared some more and let even more allies in on the action. [/quote] Bandwagoning ftw, amirite?? [quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='1282037581' post='2419348'] AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH Have you seen the last 90 pages? What am I supposed to do at this point? I have people like you who wont even take a gander at what is actually going on and wont even take the time out to learn the story when I make my way to you through queries and PMs. There was a lovely, sensible argument made over yonder (World Affairs) I've repeated this story 30 times in 5 different threads, I've done some crappy propaganda, and I finally got nuked (thanks RV). I'm sailing my way through the end of this thread and war by piggybacking on the lulz you call 'facts.' I have to say that everyone in this thread is now dumber for having looked at it. [img]http://www.maniacworld.com/everyone-is-now-dumber.jpg[/img] I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. May it also be noted that if you REALLY cant look through the last 90 pages, with the argument made every 5 pages, then dont post. Think it, just dont put your avatar next to it. If you have any questions, come hither, I bare the truth and I shall guide thee to our point of view. The view of the God of CN. Also, alcohol shall play a part in all further arguments made in this thread. Cheers. [/quote] Riiiiiiiiiight. I'm just going to sit right here and continue laughing at you. Also, please, no alcohol, your brain is already dim enough thanks.
  22. [quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1282036636' post='2419330'] We were not counterred, we were agressively attacked by STA because they received incorrect information. That situation has been rectified. [/quote] Diplomatically, your goals were blown away. See below. As well, given what STA were told and the information they had available, I'd say they were fully justified in attacking MM. [quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1282036744' post='2419332'] I refer you to Caliph, our triumvirate. Our aim was to achieve peace for all involved and we started with a higher demands to be able to meet the level of terms we desired. Back to you. [/quote] No, your aim was to achieve reparations for the action against MM and maybe try to regain some of the tremendous amount of PR ground you had lost. Also, I happen to be an extremely good analyser, and I can tell you, when I surveyed those logs on STA's forums, you guys were practically pissing yourselves when MK folks started talking.
  23. [quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1282036664' post='2419331'] They didn't, they offered NSO a way out. Instead NSO choose the action that led to war. NSO only have themselves to blame for sending that aid, and it was the trigger for the war. Aiding someone in a state of war with an alliance is a very solid CB, no matter which way you try and spin it. [/quote] Really, how many options do you think NSO had? Based on the information they had at hand, that is? Also, in a state of war?! The guy's a rogue, not even a nuclear-equipped one at that. Hardly worth going to war over. Another thing I find utterly amusing is that three of RoK's allies decided to jump in. Were you really that scared of the Sith?
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