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Everything posted by Hadrian

  1. [quote name='kwell' timestamp='1290128061' post='2516954'] To each his own then. What you see as a Mk attempt at a pr blow to NPO I see as informing the public of a cancellation, and explaining why. This is a good tradition that more alliances should follow. If you want to look past that fact and the fact that they are defending their diplomats honor and integrity as a good alliance should, then their really isn't much hope for you. Point me to a screen shot of where someone said that? Also, if the thread still had people posting on it, then I would consider it still active and its the NPO's governments fault for not closing the thread. [/quote] This is what sprang to mind when you said that last point: "OMG! NPO IS AN EBIL GOVERNMENT FOR NOT CLOSING THE THREAD! IT'S WAAARRR!!11oneone" But, first of all..what cancellation? This isn't some kind of treaty issue. All MK did was remove diplomats from their respective assignments, because they had their posts mocked and (from what I've seen said) edited. The fact that MK decided to put this out for all the world to see is...well..pointless. And if it is, as you say, a PR attack...then it is a poor one. A very poor one indeed. A screenie of which bit? Be specific. Oh and, finally.."defending their diplomats honor and integrity"...what honour and integrity?
  2. [quote name='kwell' timestamp='1290124780' post='2516900'] -snip- Oh really? Ignorant, fine, do you want to play the ignortant card. Your the one not looking at the bigger picture. This is about NPO demasking and kicking out 2 mk diplomats unwarrantly and MK not putting up with it. Somehow you believe that MK is an the wrong? Glad to know how you would defend your diplomats honor and integrity. [/quote] Yes, I do want to play the ignorant card. See kwell, if you took a step back and looked at the bigger picture, you'd see that this is nothing more than the Mushroom Kingdom whining to the world that they got kicked out of someone else's house (and the house of their prime enemy at that, which is probably another critical reason as to why they've brought this !@#$%^&* to the OWF). And something about a three-year old thread that mocked an MK member? I don't see a problem with that, no. After all, you 'Shrooms seem to mock everyone that goes to your headquarters. Eye for an eye, no? (Leaves the whole world blind.)
  3. [quote name='kwell' timestamp='1290122255' post='2516872'] Posting this shows them who their haters are. I love how you trolls are attempting to paint mk in the wrong when they just reacted to NPO. They actually value their diplomats integrity when the diplomats are in the right, I can assume that this is not understood by the repeatededly trolling in this thread. It honestly speeks greatly about how you value/defend your diplomats when they are unwarrantedly demasked. [/quote] I love how you're completely ignorant of the bigger picture.
  4. [quote name='Priest Kahn' timestamp='1289305624' post='2507918'] So wait. Basically we're looking for a CB because you KNOW we're looking for a CB and anything we say to the contrary is just a lie? We wouldn't have accepted less because you KNOW we wouldn't have accepted less and anything we say to the contrary is a lie? I'd tell you to quit spying, but if you actually had spies you'd see how ridiculous what you're saying is. [/quote] You still can't tell me why MK is so keen on battering NSO. And I really don't need spies, the situation is quite clear for all with brains to see.
  5. I'm going to go out on a limb here. The NSO only agreed to the terms because, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by what I see from announcements and logs, they have two options in this situation. As a forethought, NSO didn't negotiate because they know MK would never have agreed on a simple 3mil return sum (which is in reality, the only thing that was lost), being the greedy !@#$%^&* that they are. Option 1: Pay the reparations (which are far too excessive for a ruined trade circle and a wayward lost 3mil) and be on their merry way. Option 2: Refuse and get rolled. Now to those who would say "Oh no no no no no, we wouldn't attack them at all, not one infra point lost, we swear". Just forget it and take your damn mask off. Because the fact is no amount of hushing and shushing from Neverender could possibly calm the clamour of voices that would inevitably arise from not just MK, but other groups who would love to have another go at NSO. You'd all be moaning, saying things like "BUT THOSE EBIL SITH RUINED THE TRADE CIRCLE AND MK LOST THREE MIL AND THEY WOULDN'T PAY UP AND HURR DURR". On the matter of whatever was lost from tax collections, really, don't even go there. Cue curbstomp number two. I mean, let's be serious here, you folks are looking for the slightest possible legal CB to roll NSO. If that isn't true, then I am very interested in why MK is so keen to hold NSO as responsible for the mishap. They have already stated that the guy was a ghost and that there was a simple administration error that left him masked as an Acolyte. This may or may not be true (the Sith could be lying after all), but let's not forget, they have even done MK the courtesy of booting him, allowing them to reclaim the lost 3mil. But no, MK are still not satisfied. [b] So, asking Neverender personally here, just why the hell are you going after the whole alliance rather than sending your premium raiding squads out to reclaim what was lost from the nation that actually committed the offence?[/b]
  6. Oh man, what a pathetic move on MK's behalf. That amount of reps for a bunch of ruined backcollects? Wow...just..wow.
  7. What do you think of my- Nah, I'm kidding. Does a majority of people in the STA think there will be a war this winter? E: A global one, that is.
  8. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1288789125' post='2500822'] Are you sure you want to ruin ConC with people like xR1? Just sayin' [/quote] There is wisdom in your words. [quote name='Felix von Agnu' timestamp='1288809883' post='2501038'] Right after saying you don't want a treaty with them, you say you wouldn't mind a merger? Seriously, is my only response to that. It baffles me beyond words. -snip-[/quote] It was a joke......
  9. And this is why I voted 'No' on the ConC-AcTi treaty... This really is just a big bag of fail. xR1 is a fail of a leader, and I don't know a lot about AcTi admittedly, but with people like Teddyo and xR1 in there, pfftt... Now..if AcTi would like to merge into ConC please...
  10. Awesome announcement is awesome. o/ AzN o/ Pax o/ DoA
  11. Original and a good protector..Thessaly has good things coming.
  12. Seems like both groups haven't been acting very MDoAP-like towards each other lately, therefore this cancellation can only be good..
  13. That is a [i]lot[/i] of drama. Not sure what the hell was going through the minds of those "friends" of SOS Brigade.
  14. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1287882005' post='2491673'] I'm just asking you to bow out of the conversation. Both were in Aztec which is one of the top 5 blocs on Digiterra, which is a fairly big deal. Plus both of their nations are in tip top shape. What they have done is very impressive, like it or not. [/quote] Seeing as you asked nicely, I'll proceed to do so. As I mentioned before, I bid said alliances good luck in this endeavour.
  15. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1287881087' post='2491663'] Please stop talking, for Conclave's sake. They're a great alliance and don't need you to keep ruining their image. Also, yeah, RoA you shouldn't merge into your MDAP member. You're so silly sometimes. 0/10 Did not reach expectations [/quote] Don't you start too Beazy.
  16. [quote name='Burnsey' timestamp='1287878880' post='2491645'] Ok... What were you accusing Mayz of having a problem with? Simple as, simple is.[/quote] Right..look closely. Here is Mayzie's brilliant sarcasm: [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1287874994' post='2491594'] Well, I'm not gonnna pretend I have a problem with a three year old alliance I've never spoken to. Twat [/quote] Reciprocation: [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1287875344' post='2491601'] Ahaha..so you have a real problem then? You're not just pretending? [/quote] It's very confusing but the sarcasm is dripping. [quote]Seeing as it came across as a smart and snide comment, I don't blame him.[/quote] Fair enough.
  17. [quote name='Burnsey' timestamp='1287878152' post='2491639'] So...what were you saying he had a problem with? He was being sarcastic. Unless you decided to drop early and begin with personal insults I can't see what else you were getting at? Mind tidying that up?[/quote] There is so much confusion here, I don't know where to begin. [quote]Oh, no, I never said that you [i]had[/i] to do something, what I was getting at is how you have come in insulting 1TF about being a "middle of the fence" alliance when your alliance has done nothing spectacular to date. I think you are missing the point. [/quote] Blame xenon for taking offence to my introductory post. It really rolls along from there. My alliance has not been around for as long as 1TF in any case.
  18. [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1287877655' post='2491633'] Hadrian, I don't know you and I don't know why you feel the need to !@#$ in this merge topic, but how about leave it alone and take your sexual frustration elsewhere? [/quote] You [i]did [/i]go back and read it, right? No? Damn it Mayzie. The solution is to put a leash on xenon once in a while. I can't take elsewhere what doesn't exist.
  19. [quote name='Burnsey' timestamp='1287877052' post='2491623'] Well, really, this is gold. You say Mayz has a problem with 2 alliances he has lead and been MADP'ed to before which is utter crap, you have no idea what you are talking about. As for us being "another alliance on the fence", speak for yourself. What the hell have you done other than talk about !@#$ you don't know anything about? [/quote] What the f...no I did not say that Mayzie has a problem with 2 alliances he has led. Please, go back and read over it. [i]Carefully[/i]. I've been in ConC all of oh, 34 days. Is there a time limit on "doing things"?
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