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Everything posted by Hadrian

  1. [img]http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/AlexanderTheGreat2009/PandorasBox_2.jpg[/img] That's all I have to say on the matter.
  2. Nothing will happen, in all likelihood. Though, FAN's mpol made an announcement and he rarely (if ever) makes one for no reason, so...
  3. Glad to see that this particular boat hasn't sunk yet. Hail Blackstone o/
  4. How extraordinary that you should create an alliance with the same name as your nation, Sigrun. Regardless, best of luck to you.
  5. What a lovely little merger this is, though four into one might take some serious organisational skills. G'luck.
  6. [quote name='Logan' timestamp='1286467030' post='2477957'] I'm saying ERA disbanded because of their war with GCU, and you keep using the same circular argument that proves this point. If Andover disbanded because he was the only member, then one need to look for a further cause as to why he was the only member. This cause was that GCU had successfully attacked all the ERA members besides Andover and made them flee from the alliance. From this we can say that GCU were the cause of ERA disbanding. [/quote] Again, my issue is with GCU claiming victory when they haven't won anything. A disbandment in a war isn't tantamount to a victory. Edit: To clarify..a disbandment in a [i]micro[/i] war isn't tantamount to a victory.
  7. [quote name='vladimer lennin' timestamp='1286466441' post='2477951'] are you serious if he could not continue the war that means he lost... [/quote] You don't get it... He couldn't continue the war because you weren't strong enough to hit him. You could vice versa that and say he couldn't continue because he wasn't weak enough to hit you, but that's even more fail. Edit: Typocheck.
  8. [quote name='Logan' timestamp='1286464080' post='2477940'] His members abandoned his alliance because of the attacks from GCU, and then Andover disbanded because he was the only member. I don't understand how you can arrive at a different logical conclusion than this. [/quote] Then the members surrendered, not Andover or ERA. Get it in your head that Andover disbanded because he was the only member and could not continue the war. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1286464568' post='2477941'] ERA was at 3 nations when GCU attacked, they couldn't attack Andover because they had no one in range. ERA fell to 1 member because of the war with GCU. ERA lost support of RED. Andover disbands ERA/LION disolves. Andover isn't going to admit that the war was the reason for disbanding but it clearly was because they lost their members because of it. So yes, it's because GCU attacked 2 nations, that's 2 out of 3 nations. I might also add that Andover didn't aid any of his nations at war. If I was a member of ERA, I would have left too, as well as declaring that GCU won [/quote] My point of issue lies with GCU claiming victory when they haven't actually won. [quote name='vladimer lennin' timestamp='1286464873' post='2477944'] yea thats the part that confused me i was expecting more from ERA... i thought Andover was going to flood the other two with war aid but he only send 3mil to one and then he left...they kinda went down quietly [/quote] You need to learn the aid mechanics. And probably the war ones, just in case.
  9. [quote name='vladimer lennin' timestamp='1286463147' post='2477935'] yea we attacked only two nations but it it was 5 attacks on ERA no the war wasnt over...we didnt think so he did call his allies didnt he? "LION" yes we did get lucky if RED didnt back it would have been awhole diffrent outcome our war with LION ended because they didnt attack us but we won the war against ERA we took down 2-3 members and ERA disbands i think thats surrender [/quote] LION didn't get involved in this war. Yes, they declared but for the last time, [b]there were no IG attacks[/b]. No, disbanding doesn't really count as surrender. For it to be surrender, someone actually has to say "We surrender!" By all means, construe ERA's disbandment as a surrender. Just don't forget that Andover couldn't actually fight GCU because none of you were even half his size.
  10. [quote name='Logan' timestamp='1286461996' post='2477933'] You seem to be trying to hard. If they attacked two members and they left, leaving Andover the only member, and Andover disbanded because he was the only member, what can we draw from this? [/quote] Are you seriously suggesting that because GCU attacked two nations, they somehow won the war? Don't skirt around the edges here; Andover disbanded because he was the only member, [i]not because GCU was at war with ERA[/i].
  11. [quote name='vladimer lennin' timestamp='1286460083' post='2477925'] no we did, we attacked igwonia and the empire of mandy and if you look there still in anarchy... we decleared peace with those two nations because they agreed to leave ERA... [/quote] Fair enough, so you attacked two nations, anarchied them (though only igwonia is still in anarchy). And that's it? War won? ERA disbands? Andover disbanded ERA because he was its only remaining member. Not because of you. He could quite easily have called in allies and dominated GCU. Why he didn't I don't know, maybe he just wanted to escape from his failure of an alliance but that's a story for another time. Sure, you might have had some indirect effect on his decision, but it's crystal clear that your union got lucky.
  12. [quote name='vladimer lennin' timestamp='1286452606' post='2477889'] hey give us some credit we did reduce ERAs numbers to one, then LION declears war,and they didnt even attack i guess because they were struck by our gloriousness no we were sh**ing bricks we didnt know what to do then we say this,we were like then then [/quote] No I will not give you some credit. Where are the wars? Where is the damage? What have you actually done? Your first claim is null and void. You did not reduce ERA's membership count to one. Please explain to me in detail exactly how you did that. I think you'll find that to be an impossible task. The LION was eating itself up over internal issues. I don't know what the hell they were doing, but one of their member alliances left as a result. The bloc didn't crush your alliance to pieces because they had effectively trapped themselves in their own constitution. Bragging about what you've done when you haven't done it is a [i]great[/i] way to start on the OWF.
  13. What's with the retarded "o/ GCU" responses..? GCU didn't do !@#$. They didn't win anything, this was all some non-existant war that just so happened to end with ERA's disbandment. I for one, don't see any IG declarations.
  14. [quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1286290885' post='2475930'] GO GO GCU. [/quote] Oh man, I chuckled at your ooc sigged quotes /ooc. Why haven't you thrown a nuke at Andover yet, Jens?
  15. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1286235276' post='2474769'] As usual, there is nothing to be won. This announcement has resulted in a grand total of zero new wars being declared, with the three wars that GCU nations had declared on Andover's sidekick having since been peaced out. [/quote] Damn it. How explicitly anti-climatic.
  16. "The fish will be swimming counter-clockwise over this." Watch out for the piranhas. If this is real and not a pathetic, big, fake joke, then..well...thanks for ruining my day. What has the world come to...some kind of triple-bloc hedgemony? Pandora's Box of Super-Grievances anyone? Yeah, I think it just got opened. Or will be opened. 10/10/2010 was it? I don't know.
  17. To GCU: If you win this and manage to get reps from LION, I will personally hail you. To LION: If you win this, please force GCU to disband. Hurry up already.
  18. [quote name='Emperor Brutus' timestamp='1285849194' post='2469662'] Hmm... War if that's what you call it. [/quote] Yes Brutus, an inter-alliance conflict is usually called a war.
  19. Fear None Kill GOONS You wanted a war GOONS. You got one.
  20. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1285631436' post='2466414'] Wouldn't it make more sense for them to just merge though [/quote] I doubt they even know [i]how[/i] to merge.. Don't really see the point in this treaty but whatever makes you little ones happy.
  21. I look forward to a treaty then. G'luck TIG.
  22. I like how you use our flag. [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Conclave"]http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Conclave[/url]
  23. Good Dame Themis, I wish to nominate [b]pezstar[/b] for this donation of respect, as I believe her fierce loyalty to STA, "never back down" attitude and strong leadership traits deserve some form of public credit. Respectfully, Hadrian
  24. Liking it. Let's see where this new thing takes Bob.
  25. Looks good. Surprised that IBA would merge so soon, though. I smell puppeteers. G'luck.
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