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Gurney Halleck

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Everything posted by Gurney Halleck

  1. C'mon, Doitzel, even without the very good backstory that VI provided, the name rings like an homage to an old James Bond movie. I like it. And you should too.
  2. Nice list. TOP still has a few areas we need to work on.
  3. Correct. And it's not because most nations are "cheap." It's the limited number of trade slots and the desire to make the most use of them. I have had tech sellers who wanted $3million and a 1000 soldiers - if they are a reliable, longtime seller, I have no problem adding a touch of Lagniappe.
  4. I, too, share the same birthday and came from the same place as you. Congrats, ChairmanHal (and Anu and the rest)!
  5. This announcement needs more Pingu. (Congrats ODN!)
  6. I really like UPN - except for TECUMSEH of course
  7. So to vent your anger at MHA for being called a traitor and a spy, you become a traitor and a spy? And a bad spy at that with that very innocuous logdump. Seems the only thing the MHA is "guilty" of is being a very good judge of your (lack of) character. (edit: spelling)
  8. This is great fun. We hunger so much for drama that we are forced to cobble our own.
  9. You have a 20-day limit.
  10. Good bye, Cobalt, and good luck in real life. If you do come back, I think Chromium would be a nice ruler name (keeping with the theme, anyway).
  11. Exactly. For larger nations wih a nice set of wonders, being able to pay bills, re-buy infra/tech/military, all while being able to launch two nukes and buy two nukes per day - for two or three months straight - is a huge incentive to work toward peace or to leave that nation/alliance alone.
  12. When I was in MHA, we tried a number 42. Checking now, it appears that's still going on.
  13. There are few certainties in life: Death, taxes, infallibility of almighty Admin, and buying the FSS next. Yep. No doubt about it. FSS FTW.
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