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Everything posted by silentkiller

  1. Nice work. Congrats on the white peace to all the parties involved.
  2. Well seeing DICE's performance in the last war I'd say NATO should welcome this arrival. The free money is quite good.
  3. Damage given is always going to be higher, seeing as he would be able to nuke all 6 and only get nuked once.
  4. Ah thanks a lot. Never knew that the affects of anarchy last till the coming update :/
  5. After coming out of a self inflicted anarchy I am collecting 7 mil a day, whereas before I was collecting around 12.6 mil or so, I realise that GRL would have no doubt played a part in this, but a reduction of about 5 mil? never knew it could reduce it so much mostlt because I have never been at peace when GRL is high :/. So is this income drop normal or is it just me? Extra notes: I have all my trades, has nothing to do with events etc. Thanks for any help
  6. Real warriors keep 10 days worth of bills and raid the rest from their enemies. Dissappointing TOP
  7. What has posting a dow on CN forums got anything to do with preparing for a blitz?
  8. a week before Unjust war.july 20007 iirc.
  9. no u Thats about as much effort as you put into your posts. Nice one. Comeon Dahl you are losing your touch.
  10. Na I think it started more because of the facepalming in the private channels everytime you posted on the OWF.
  11. No he is not backpedaling, he is talking about something completely irrelevant to your or my definition of spying, he is talking about how diplomacy was always tried by New Pacific Order.
  12. Probably one of the worst emoticons. a new emoticon suggestion: Also, signed
  13. How about all of us stop posturing in this thread, offer congrats for the milestone and move on? Sounds like a plan to me.
  14. ugh Yeah I understood that for you saying that alliances that declare war and go into peace mode are cowards, if that is not the case I would like to apologise.
  15. Here's to a low Global radiation figure. o/ peace.
  16. It's obvious that you have no idea what is happening. Athens allies were set to declare tonight(?) and yes they have people im pm as well. Being in pm does not mean you are a coward it's just a strategy to give you an edge over your opponent. and when both sides are doing it it cancels each other out. This will be my last post to you and I hope you understand that using peace mode is not a sign cowardice otherswise most of CN would be called cowards right now. fake edit: yeah I am mad about what happened in Karma war.
  17. Are you an idiot? Both sides of this war are in pm. Why are Athens and co in pm as well? Are they cowards, no its to prevent a counterstrike on their nations. Seriously this pm topic just doesnt work when both side are doing it.
  18. What is this I dont even. Congrats LoD may this growth continue . o/
  19. Best topic ever? Damn, the peace mode argument might have worked last war, but it's pretty hilarious right now considering both sides right now are "peace mode warriors". Although you seem like an ill informed poster and I am sure you don't represent the general mindset of your alliance.
  20. As long as TPF doesnt have a problem with it, I dont understand why do you?
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