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Everything posted by silentkiller

  1. [quote name='ratonbox' date='20 April 2010 - 09:26 PM' timestamp='1271795193' post='2268021'] Haven't been in contact with that many alliances, because i'm fairly new. So, I guess this could be a non-biased opinion because i can't use anything from the past in rating an alliance. These are only the alliances that i know. Mostly Harmless Alliance 7/10 I like them. Not contributing to all the drama in Planet Bob, good thing. [b]New Pacific Order 4/10 They have guts, but I didn't like what they did in the war.[/b] New Polar Order 7/10 Nice guys. Not as bad as many people see them. Sparta 6/10 I've had limited contact with them, but they have a +1 for being alright when i talked to them. Viridian Entente 7/10 Limited contact, but the people i've seen posting on the forums are top notch. Mushroom Kingdom 6/10 Good fighters and interesting people. United Purple Nations 6/10 I'm starting to like them. FOK 6/10 We fought on the same war theater but i don't know them that much. The Order Of The Paradox 7/10 I've been a diplomat there an they are nice. Ragnarok 8/10 Really good and even if my former alliance had a major disagreement with them, they were still civilized towards me. A shoutout to La_Famzy. RnR 6.5/10 Fought together with them. Made a good impression. Poison Clan 7/10 Protecting some of my friends and i've heard only good things about them. Nueva Vida 8/10 hizzy makes up for most of the score. Siberian Tiger Alliance 6/10 Not that much contact with them but good show in the last war. Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 5/10 I would've given them a 7 if they still had Gopherbashi and SCY in the alliance. [/quote] Nothing wrong with a little neutrality once in a while
  2. [quote]It is also certain that TOP/IRON had the option to persue peace in the first day of the war, when they saw what was moving against them and before the nukes started flying, they chose to ignore that last chance,[/quote] You arent serious are you?
  3. [quote name='Londo Mollari' date='15 April 2010 - 06:46 AM' timestamp='1271310401' post='2261006'] Just because they didn't do it on their own doesn't erase their culpability. And it doesn't make it any less funny to hear former hegemonists crying now that the shoe is on the other foot. "Oh lawdy lawdy, we haz seen the light!" [/quote] Worked for half your allies about a year ago. Don't see a reason why it should'nt work now?
  4. [quote name='Ubermeir' date='06 April 2010 - 10:56 PM' timestamp='1270590952' post='2250750'] Really not that much to argue about, really noone "put" Iron in this position. If this was not the peace you wanted, did not want the abilty to destroy Gre alone, then why sign the treaty. It has been said that the defeated won because they held out and were strong. But now one 60 person alliance holds you hostage, and it is everyoneelse's fault because you agreed to the peace treaty that would allow you to smite them? Ah, but you can't, maybe Gre should have fought this war all by themselves? Really, the depths people go to in these threads. I do not buy it. Far be it for me to tell someone else what to do. But messing up Gre would be a good start, these words, particularly these words don't seem to be getting anyone very far. Saddle up, lock and load...they are on the battlefield alone... [/quote] You really are out of touch of reality arent you?
  5. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='06 April 2010 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1270586638' post='2250669'] I'd like some clarification on this point. The 'enablers' (by which I assume you mean various SG alliances) are not at war with IRON and this stipulation is not present in the peace agreement, so I'm not sure that's true. [/quote] What I got for that is that it would be viewed as an act of war towards Gremlins, which would then result in a response by their paperless allies. Although yeah definitely need Shahenshah to clarify this.
  6. [quote name='shahenshah' date='06 April 2010 - 09:21 PM' timestamp='1270585301' post='2250644'] We are also under economic embargo, any aid from outside will be viewed by enablers as an act of war. To top off the hypocrisy..at the same time, its okay for Gramlins to carry out economic transactions outside of its AA. We are not 'restricted' by terms but we've already gotten the answer from Gre's friends/allies as to what would happen if someone dares aids us in any shape or form. [/quote] Wait a minute, do you mean economic aid by alliances who are not currently under surrender terms? If so I sure would love to know who these friends/allies are.
  7. [quote name='goldielax25' date='06 April 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1270582718' post='2250593'] If VE were to 'do something' about it, it would not be without first discussing it with many different alliances. Silentkiller, I agree with the point you made, I worded improperly. What I meant to say, is that there is nothing ridiculously urgent about this. This isn't a Ramlins alliance that blitzed the crap out of IRON and has done a ton of damage, there is time to work this out and ensure that two precedents are maintained: that the concept of unconditional surrender and keeping alliances in war after peacing out with an entire coalition is not something the world will support or tolerate, and that terms signed by surrendering alliances, especially light, simple, and easy to follow ones like no re-entry will continue to be followed. I will borrow a page from the coincidence coalition and say that diplomacy should take the day here. If diplomacy can not work, then perhaps more extreme measures can be looked in to, but luckily for everyone involved, IRON is not in need of an immediate conclusion to this at whatever cost, so we have the time to work for the best possible solution. [/quote] Yeah thats definitely more understandable. Hopefully Gremlins realises that they are not going to get what they want soon and this whole sorry episode is put to an end. [OOC] I hate you and Impero for killing me in Supremacy D: [OOC]
  8. [quote name='goldielax25' date='06 April 2010 - 08:18 PM' timestamp='1270581471' post='2250574'] News flash: The big bad Ramlins only have 4 declared wars on IRON. Conversely, IRON and DAWN have declared quite a few on them. Before you're willing to paint people on this side a certain color for not doing anything, first ask yourself does anything need to be done immediately? Or do you think that maybe there are those who think the best course of action here is to let this play itself out for a little while before deciding what course of action to take. I'd rather postpone any intervention than set the precedent that the no re-entry terms that we took very seriously in this past war are going to not be taken seriously in the future. [b]IRON is under no duress right[/b] now, and as more people get an actual chance to talk to the sides and see what is really going on, I believe we will get closer to a resolution. [/quote] While I agree with most of your post, the bolded bit is wrong. IRON cannot take its top nations out of peace mode(you know the ones that will be rebuilding pretty much everyone in IRON) as they'll come under attack by Gremlins as soon as they come out.
  9. I have one question. What were you thinking AUT?
  10. [quote name='Whitney' date='02 April 2010 - 06:04 AM' timestamp='1270184632' post='2245048'] Does your alliance know you're embarrassing them with your lack of reading comprehension? It's alright, R&R. I know what it's like to have a bad egg lying around. [/quote] All of ODN being bad eggs, I am sure you do.
  11. You guys are a puppet alliance of NSO on pink. I refuse to recognise you as a soverign alliance.
  12. [quote name='Proko' date='01 April 2010 - 05:19 AM' timestamp='1270095524' post='2243059'] I highly doubt you are going to get an apology from Penguin over a decision he didn't make. Similarly, you're not going to get an apology from me for a decision I didn't make. We will also not apologize for Sponge's actions that precipitated the Second Patriotic War, nor will we apologize to GATO for not recognizing them as alliance. We will recognize that things occurred, but we are not going to take responsibility for decisions we didn't make. [/quote] I doubt they want an apology from Penguin, more an apology from NpO. Who better to represent NpO than its emperor?
  13. [quote name='neneko' date='31 March 2010 - 10:39 PM' timestamp='1270071557' post='2242442'] So the reason your first comment on the matter was to call MK enablers was not in any way to pin the blame on us? Yeah I'm really buying that. I'm sorry it backfired on you but you'll just have to live with being my personal laughing stock for a few more days. also I never said NpO. NPO and npo is the same to me though. I don't particulary care if you call us mk or MK for that matter. [/quote] Its becoming apparent that talking to you is useless, see the post that you quoted? Yeah I am still saying C&G is enabling Gremling by, and I am repeating this for what must be the 10th time, supporting Gremlins on the battlefield, Is that really hard so understand? I understand that you must feel obliged to dispell this theory as quickly as possible but to say that C&G is not even partially to blame for this(that is if Gremlins does not listen to reason and C&G keeps on supporting them) is ridiculous. Feeling's mutual dont worry, I mean, never have I worked so hard to explain something so simple to someone.
  14. [quote name='neneko' date='31 March 2010 - 10:23 PM' timestamp='1270070620' post='2242414'] You're quite the wordsmith. You also seem to be well informed on the matter. You have made me see the light. edit: also it's not really "we all" yet. So far it's just you and that npo guy from the other thread. With your brilliant posting I'm sure you'll have no problem making others see the light though. [/quote] I like how you love twisting people's words, but no I am not saying the same thing. Hell I didnt even say C&G is not doing anything to resolve the situation. Now if you would have recalled correctly you'll know that I said Gremlins is doing this becaue at this moment it has the support of C&G and other alliances on, and this is the important bit, the battlefield. Now if you are further confused by this please do not hesitate to ask me through a pm. But I would really like if you would stop misunderstanding my words. Thank you. Edit: and its NPO not npo or NpO
  15. But we havent changed and are still "the root of all evil". Note my post on the locked thread and you'll see MK(C&G). I named MK as I see them as the main face of C&G and I am too lazy to name everyone, I thought you'd be happy about that D: . And in any case yes anyone who is withholding on offering peace to IRON due to Gremlins is enabling them to push their ridiculous demands. I hope that makes it more clearer, and yeah I would like that sandwich now.
  16. Your putting words in my mouth is appreciated, although let me correct you there. I said if MK was not going to leave their ally who was being unreasonable, alone on the field, then MK was enabling said ally to commit such unreasonable acts. Not that its all MK's fault. I am sorry but you cannot steal the "root of all evil" title from us.
  17. [quote name='Voytek' date='30 March 2010 - 10:10 PM' timestamp='1269983384' post='2241351'] I don't know, I'm about as far from the guys who make those calls as is physically possible. It's also not really something fit for OWF discussion. [/quote] I'll tell you, as MK has already made it clear that they wont be "leaving" their allies on the field, in case Gremlins does not listen to whoever might be trying to talk some sense into them MK(C&G) will be enabling Gremlins. Hope my original statement is now clearer. Edit: this is the last post I will be making on this as the alliances facing these terms want this to be resolved through private means. Good day.
  18. [quote name='Voytek' date='30 March 2010 - 10:04 PM' timestamp='1269983031' post='2241344'] You really think nobody's trying to talk them out of it? Really? [/quote] And if they dont listen? Will you be peacing out, or enabling them to demand such things? (serious question).
  19. [quote name='Voytek' date='30 March 2010 - 10:01 PM' timestamp='1269982876' post='2241337'] It is nobody's fault but theirs, hope this helps. [/quote] The word enabler comes to mind, mean anything to you?
  20. /me wipes his $@! using the paper the codex is written on. Apparently it doesnt mean anything anymore. Please carry on.
  21. [quote name='Choader' date='30 March 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1269981935' post='2241318'] Another way to put it, is no other alliance has needed that much guidance and help until now. IRON has proven to be completely incapable of being a self-supporting and independent alliance, who better to show them how then Grämlins? I'd wager there's hardly anything that would do IRON more good. [/quote] Thank you for justifying the viceroys on Legion and GATO. I knew we did them for a reason
  22. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' date='30 March 2010 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1269981205' post='2241304'] I don't even know why I attempt to explain things to people like you. You should first learn reading comprehension before you post. IRON has agreed to surrender to CnG with the terms they offered. Gremlins wants IRON's [u][b]UNCONDITIONAL[/b][/u] surrender. Basically meaning Gremlins would be able to do whatever they wanted to IRON. [/quote] Does that mean they can demand w/e reps they want, other terms of their liking without a chance at negotiation. Or am I reading it wrong?
  23. It'd be interesting to know exactly why or how Gremlins are holding up peace.
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