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Everything posted by silentkiller

  1. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='28 February 2010 - 04:55 AM' timestamp='1267333157' post='2207568'] [b]Translation: you are trying to be cool![/b] I put way too much effort into choosing my targets. I agree. There is a limit to it being acceptable. This is /nowhere/ nearby that. [/quote] Thanks for the brilliant rebuttal, we are all more intelligent for it. [quote]Actually, I've never complained unless it was far more then an alliance could produce. Please try to understand that some of us aren't obvious hypocrites. [/quote] Who decides what an alliance is capable of paying? Mk paid their 82k tech relatively easily, so they were justified? Good to know.
  2. [quote name='daggarz' date='28 February 2010 - 04:52 AM' timestamp='1267332972' post='2207561'] Its only 300 mill. Come on we are a small nearly dead alliance who barely fought in this war. Oh right.. there is 30 of us and we fought well over 100 wars. Hell I hit 9 guys and we had members who were in 15 wars. This was off the back of the war with ARES, off the back of the 57th war, off the back of the No DoW war. And we are not nearly dead! hmph! [/quote] Hey maybe you'll avoid hitting alliances next time infra and tech
  3. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='28 February 2010 - 04:51 AM' timestamp='1267332872' post='2207558'] Who had declared an offensive war on an alliances supposedly in support of a conflict that said alliances were not in. Brilliant friends and allies. The beatdown they took + the reparations should convince them to choose their allies more carefully (Hint: Competence is good). If not, well, they probably deserve what they got. [/quote] Translation: honouring treaties is only cool when we do it!!, If the other side does it they suck at choosing friends and deserve paying reps. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us.
  4. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='28 February 2010 - 04:46 AM' timestamp='1267332588' post='2207545'] Ok. They took damage, requested reparations. Done. I don't really think reparations are bad, in any way shape or form unless [b]the other side is requesting it[/b]. You lost a war, thats what happens to get peace. If Nemesis and MA were requesting they destroy wonders, or limiting them in other ways, then I would be upset. [/quote] Fixed that for you. I love how the acceptability of reps changes every day, first alliances using Oa clauses need to pay reps, now alliances that do damage need to pay reps. I wonder whats next
  5. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='28 February 2010 - 04:36 AM' timestamp='1267331999' post='2207525'] I'm quite glad they requested reps. Someone had to~ I love how you don't blame anyone else as well, kudos. [/quote] Who else am I supposed to blame for Nemisis and MA taking reps? you feeling allright? I hope you try to defend these reps as well. I'd love to see you try.
  6. Nice going MA and Nemisis, if you cant take the heat maybe you shouldnt take part in war? Just an idea.
  7. [quote name='Penkala' date='26 February 2010 - 01:31 AM' timestamp='1267148109' post='2204124'] That's just one of 'em. There were more IIRC. I'll save you some time: you can't elawyer your way out of defending the 'evil' side when it came down to 'good vs. evil' in the Karma war. That war was about which direction politics would go - back to viceroys and EZIs or forward to things like beer reviews and light reps. You chose to defend the viceroys and EZIs in an offensive war where you didn't have any treaties you had to honor (oA, right?). [/quote] Good and evil? I think what you seem to forget is that Viceroys were out of style [ooc] banned to the point of them not being usable [OOC] and The EZI was only "magically" condemned by most of the Karma alliances a month or 2 before the war. What a coincidence. Not to mention some alliances who fought in that war to this day pratice EZI(or PZI?), like your allies in GOD. Must be fun supporting the "evil" side right.
  8. Penkala taking Posts in a DOW topic out of context, why am I not surprised? Really both sides are guilty of trash talking each other in DOW's, doesnt mean they actually mean it.
  9. [quote name='sethb' date='24 February 2010 - 08:19 PM' timestamp='1267042997' post='2201898'] Nice talking about disbanded alliances. Got anything better to do? But I'll bite. Hey, remember when you had to pay them 1 billion dollars and 50K tech? I LOL'd did you? [/quote] That was the subject of Dr Hairy Ballz post was it not? Try harder next time.
  10. [quote name='Dr hairy Ballz' date='24 February 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1267032901' post='2201638'] Hey, that's a nice signature you got there. Remember when... YOU LOST. Oh right, of course you don't because what you say must be 100% correct and not in the least wrong in any way, ever.... I LOL'D, did you? [/quote] Nice talking about outdated sigs. Got anything better to do? But I'll bite. Hey remember when OV Disbanded? I LOL'D, did you?
  11. Itt VE labelling others as ex-Hegemony, Priceless
  12. [quote name='Londo Mollari' date='24 February 2010 - 02:25 AM' timestamp='1266978568' post='2200325'] Interestingly enough, just disliking someone isn't reason enough for us to attack someone. It might be reason enough for you, but we're not used to the... hmm... shall we say, "hegemonic mindset"? [/quote] Yeah you just attack without any reason whatsoever. I.e Knights of Ni!
  13. [quote name='Unsure' date='23 February 2010 - 05:07 AM' timestamp='1266901658' post='2198564'] ...did we seriously go down 13.37? Really? [/quote] Nope. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&view=findpost&p=2120596 33.13--->19.70 13.42 close though
  14. Meh interesting idea. Doubt it can work though.
  15. [quote name='Libera' date='22 February 2010 - 06:02 AM' timestamp='1266818541' post='2196582'] Forgive me...your whining about how all of Q aside from Sparta "got theirs" and it not being fair makes me post immature responses. Then again an immature response for an immature post I say [/quote] It seems the idea of intelligent debate is foreign to you. With that I bid you good day.
  16. [quote name='Libera' date='22 February 2010 - 05:50 AM' timestamp='1266817816' post='2196518'] What!? How old are you, 5? This is equivalent to your standing in line at the grocery store pissed off because the kid next to you got the candy bar at the checkout lane and you didn't. Do you want a tissue too? Or does mommy need to take you out of the store before you throw a hissy fit? [/quote] Ah, a no u response and immaturity all in the same post. Sparta is getting better at it by the minute. Do you have anything better to add to this discussion? I am sure I could use a few more laughs. [OOC]I hate you for making me use a smilie I absolutely hate using, but its the only one that fits the purpose [OOC]
  17. [quote name='Libera' date='22 February 2010 - 05:44 AM' timestamp='1266817487' post='2196479'] As opposed to defending an aggressive side during a war and expecting nothing? Then again, I guess we were willing to let them walk away how many times? We were turned down how many times? How many Hegemonic alliances gave out white peace in the many wars? How many times was it even offered to an alliance you were beating? That said, would you like a tissue, Grandpa? [/quote] Again a lot of these "hegemonic" alliances paid massive reps for their "crimes". I see you and a few others unpunished though for your part in said "crimes"
  18. [quote name='Hyperion321' date='22 February 2010 - 05:22 AM' timestamp='1266816157' post='2196379'] To clarify for everyone: The reason Sparta took the 20k tech as reparations was due to Legion attacking us in an aggressive war. Some say that supporting treaties via defensive clause negates this, but the fact remains that Legion hit Sparta in support of an aggressive attempt to take out C&G by TOP/IRON. For that, Sparta asked for reparations. As I understand from Legion, their reasons for paying (remorse over OOC attacks) are different than our reasons for asking, but the transfer of tech will take place none the less. [/quote] This was true when you first offered the WP, was it not? [quote name='Libera' date='22 February 2010 - 05:23 AM' timestamp='1266816208' post='2196382'] Can't say I followed you on your response. Clarify? [/quote] You might need to come read your embassy on our forums I guess.
  19. [quote name='Voidbringer' date='22 February 2010 - 05:11 AM' timestamp='1266815476' post='2196341'] At the maximum, these reps are 120 billion. At the minimum, these reps are around 32 billion, assuming they use weak nations to buy blocks of 50 tech for around 800k. oh my [/quote] WHile I dont agree with the reps here, they really arent that bad
  20. [quote name='wilhelm the demented' date='22 February 2010 - 05:01 AM' timestamp='1266814872' post='2196312'] You can't defend an alliance against a Defensive strike. [/quote] You know the difference between chaining and non-chaining treaties right? Legion entered on the MD part of their treaty, obiviously their treaty was chaning.
  21. [quote name='Libera' date='22 February 2010 - 04:56 AM' timestamp='1266814605' post='2196296'] There's no point in arguing with the self-righteous. [/quote] You must be pretty disappointed you didnt get 3x the damage done right Libera?
  22. [quote name='wilhelm the demented' date='22 February 2010 - 04:51 AM' timestamp='1266814272' post='2196273'] Thank you for proving that you don't understand the concept of reparations. [/quote] [quote name='Leigon' date='22 February 2010 - 04:53 AM' timestamp='1266814390' post='2196285'] Yeh close to 100% of MKs tech is totally comparable to 10% of their tech. What's it with those zeros today? [/quote] http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=81382&view=findpost&p=2196253 At least read the post I am replying to.... Ofcourse I wasnt serious.
  23. [quote name='logan1' date='22 February 2010 - 04:49 AM' timestamp='1266814181' post='2196267'] Sparta is nothing like NPO. there i said it. now take your baiting and be gone. you have absolutely NO room to say anything regarding to reps, viceroys, disbanding or perceived world dominance. good day sir [/quote] Indeed,Sparta is one of the original Q alliances that has'nt paid for its "sins" during its time in Q. [quote]The forced wonder destruction was pretty awesome as well[/quote] 3mil ns!!!. So much damage D:
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