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Everything posted by silentkiller

  1. 2 mins too late Good thing in the case of ROK it wasnt even attempted then. Unless you call talking about it in a irc convo as attempted spying.
  2. or you are agreeing with him because he's saying the things you so want to believe yourself. Yeah I can do the same thing as well. Again I am sure if there is any evidence that ROK was spied upon than the agreesors will bring it forward right?
  3. Wow, do you even know whats happening here? Apparently talking about an alliance in private logs is spying.
  4. They called it off on 1st august, TPF surrendered on 4th August.
  5. Only Mhawk didnt have any contact with them. [OOC] because he was on a trip.[OOC] Also the war ended on 4th of august. NPO surrendered on 20th of july iirc and TPF surrendered much later. Yes TPF was planning to do something like this while they were at war. But ZH seperated from TPF, cancelled the operation on 1 August(?) . 3 days later TPF surrendered.
  6. Why would TPF need to do that when ZH already said(before TPF surrendered) that they werent going to do the op anymore. edit:grammar
  7. Even after the employee says that he quits? Because you know that's was ZH did.Before TPF even surrenderd no less.
  8. It's so obvious that this is the truth. I mean there is no chance they could have just told you this because you are a rogue and have no business knowing what they are going to do. right?
  9. So a founding member of ZH just said that ZH was not fonded by TPF rather drunkmonkey and was not carrying out TPF's orders and you completely ignore it?
  10. So TPF was supposed to make another splinter alliance and then tell them they didnt want their services anymore before you could be sure that TPF had stopped their plotting? AFter all they cant tell zero hour that they didnt want their services after zero hour already quit(before TPF surrendered). I can imagine. Zerohour: hey I dont wanna do this anymore. I quit Mhawk: you cant quite. you are fired!
  11. So you are just making things up as you go along? nice to know. normally the party accusing another of commiting a crime they are supposed to back it up with proof as well but I am sure your "reasonable" assumption is enough. Just like Athens made a resonable assumption that TSI was leaking stuff and WF ressonably assumed that KDII was ordering his alliance to attack them. edit: So mhawk and co are supposed to give you all the irc logs/forums pm's etc from the time they surrendered till now to prove they didnt spy?
  12. So you have proof that TPF spied spied after they surrendered. I am sure a lot of people will like to see that.
  13. Oh and they surrendered to the coalition they were at war with, but lets ignore that.
  14. According to TPF "NO", according to the aggresors maybe (no proof provided)
  15. Heinous http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2058302 basically TPF are getting declared war on because they werent the ones who cancelled it and are getting killed because of their "intentions"
  16. Didnt have to? they get the chance to damage the alliance they hate and establish good relations with multiple relations with the now stronger side of the treaty web. Oh not to mention also geting prased for "doing it when thet didnt have to". Only a fool would miss out on such an oppurtunity. Also to all the people saying that TPF was not in an eternal war I did say they were in a possible eternal war due to their own and PC's refusal to budge on their demands. and this somehow makes the word of the main participants in the event trustable, Triton's logs were accepted without a second thougt.
  17. and again these "protectorate" should have been punished as well, I am sure they werent forced to take up this assignment and took it up voluntarily. But I am sure right now they are being given a pat on the shoulder for providing a war to Athens and co. Emphasis on what they thought was eternal war partly due to their refusal to budge on the terms and partly because of PC's refusal. Do you remember why FAN was'nt allowed to surrender. Hint: because they refused any peace which wasnt white peace(although who can blame them for that).
  18. All I am saying is that Athens should have atleast talked toO TPF before going on the offensive, normally only listening to the main criminals and take it as absolute proof doesnt end well, "see WF-UED". yes what TPF did was wrong but from what I am reading they did it in the face of what they thought was eternal war"
  19. They took the sleeper cell's word the original ones who betrayed them and started a war without even talking to TPF at all, I am sure TPF would have been a more credible source.
  20. NOU? but how much clearer can my intent be when I am telling you they are intended to be used on Athens? Also back to the main point why isnt the supposed "sleeper cell" under attack? after all they are the main people who took action in this sorry episode. But you see Ov did wrong us(debateable I know, and I mself am of the opinion that they didnt) whereas all TPF did was intend to wrong someone but never actually did it. Their extent f harmin Athens was to give them a protectorate.
  21. Yes but at no point did it affect Athens and co in anyway, they were not wronged in anyway. They are declaring this because TPF took a few steps that did not affect Athen in any shape. All TPF did was create a new alliance(which some people disagree with anyway. and again with my hypothetical rogue situation: "I am planning to go rogue on Athens and have bought a few soldiers for this purpose am I now a target because I planned something and then set it into motion. Also a few of TPF's allies are intenting to attack you, I am sure that enough cb for you to pre empt them right?
  22. So wait a min TPF is being attacked because they intended to get an alliance to merge into Athens and then cause trouble? but what happened was that alliance gained a protectorate with Athens and then didnt do anything? I still cant figure out how this somehow is an act of war against Athens, or how TPF wronged you. TPF did nothing that gave you a cb, they allegedly made an alliance with the intention of spying on you creating tensions but as we all know that never happened so you somehow get a cb because TPF "intended" to do something. here you go I hope I Athens disbands in the next few months, I have come up with a brilliant scheme. nevermind it's not worth it anymore. Will I get attacked for my intention to harm you? After all I did exactly what TPF did, came up with a plan even did the first step to achieve it but then backed out for whatever reason, I am awaiting the declarations. Also another thing that I dont understand is the main people involved in this scheme "Triton" somehow escaped athens and co wars. [OOC] for all the people using ooc refrences this is nothing like attempted murder, more like someone is following another person with the intent of killing them but has a change of heart and doesnt follow through with. I didnt know intention to kill was a crime as well. but as we all know ooc comparisons are stupid so how about we all stop doing them.[OOC]
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