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The Syndic

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Everything posted by The Syndic

  1. [quote name='Buds The Man' date='01 February 2010 - 10:49 AM' timestamp='1265042943' post='2150623'] Ninja sure it could be but ive never known an alliance rolling out that allowed its members to pick its own targets and that is what they are saying. Most have target lists so sorry if im a bit cautious considering all that is happening on Bob atm. And locke that comment from you is hilarious especially telling me where my comment should have ended. ON that note Voodoo and i have spoken, to what the resolution is we shall see. I wish our friends happy hunting in their defense of IAA attacks. [/quote] For TORN we just let people choose their own targets since there were so very few TORN nations remaining with open slots.
  2. [quote name='Devilyn Caster' date='01 February 2010 - 01:20 AM' timestamp='1265008828' post='2150094'] Good lord I love you guys. Have fun on the field of battle [/quote] There is some serious star wars fanboy love here.
  3. Congratulations to our friends in GATO!
  4. [quote][00:15] =-= Dochartaigh is now known as Doch|IAAn00blet [/quote] This accurately sums up Doch.
  5. [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/6/6a/Empireflag.png[/img] Thoughts on the IAA's flag?
  6. [quote name='The Syndic' date='08 January 2010 - 12:19 AM' timestamp='1262931579' post='2093642'] We have lots of cookies...and aid. [/quote] We still need to ban such an idea.
  7. My favorite would have to be the "Pray for a viceroy." Hail the Mushroom Kingdom, full of the greatest propaganda artists on Planet Bob!
  8. >.> Locke >.> Congratulations on your 365 days! Also, join IAA. Now.
  9. Congratulations to =LOST= on its growth and those elected!
  10. There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who have a plan prepared for when the zombies take over the Earth, and those who don't. We call those last people dinner. Good luck to ZDP and thank you for making me think of Red versus Blue.
  11. Good luck on reaching that 5 million mark!
  12. Congratulations to our allies in CPAC and their friends in TCU.
  13. I think all the ranting has left everyone slightly confused.
  14. The NSO flag is quite simply amazing. Congratulations to both parties!
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