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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Black magick of course, another reason all should join the dark side. B) Edit: 1,000th post =p
  2. Its good to see you guys try to make things right between yourselves and MCXA, I'm impressed. Good luck and I look forward to seeing more of you guys.
  3. Thank you, I'm glad to finally get us officially on the black team.
  4. We were considering waiting on that, but figured it might be a bit much for one announcement. I appreciate all support people are showing.
  5. Hello, I have a few updates to announce regarding the Fifth Column Confederation, as it has been a while. Our new government is as follows, King - Methrage Director of War - terveis Director of Development - Lovealot Director of Technology - chairmanR Director of Interior - cujothekitten Director of Foreign Affairs - Bradicus We have moved to a new forum, so I invite everybody to come set an embassy up with us at our new location, http://cn-fcc.net/forum/index.php We are making our official color Black. We have also adopted a new Charter, which can be viewed below,
  6. Because its not that great of a reason and more often than leading to war it doesn't. MCXA chose not to start a war, so now TOP has a treaty with both, which is further reason not to in this situation.
  7. Just because an alliance chooses to start a war over something doesn't mean it should be repeated, the CB isn't even the real reason for the war some of the times. There would be almost constant war if people used every previous CB in order to start new ones with every opportunity.
  8. Its not really anyone's place to call for action except MCXA if they felt they were wronged, although it seems some here are trying to stir things up between MCXA and TSO out of boredom. If TSO members who were formally MCXA wanted to leave and did leave, I don't see why others feel the need to get involved in this. Alliances live and die based on the will of the members to keep it going, so MCXA will be fine as long as the remaining MCXA members consider it worthy of continuing, which is for them to decide, not people on the OWF. Good luck to both MCXA and TSO.
  9. Good luck rebuilding, as long as you keep at it you'll make up for any losses.
  10. An alliance can gain strength while not at war or in conflict with the current leading alliance, so it would be possible for an alliance to become the the new leading alliance if the previous leading alliance allowed another to surpass them in power without fighting.
  11. I can imagine it now, they gain vast membership, then Obama Alliance joins Q. Now that's change I can believe in!
  12. You guys were one of the better alliances CN has seen, its a shame to see you disband. Good luck to all of you wherever you may end up.
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