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Blog Comments posted by Scorn

  1. Everyone has the option to ignore the coalition and focus on their allies instead. Fight the enemies of your allies and let the chips fall where they may.

    You will be criticized, as it is impossible to "win" if you fight on both sides of a large coalition war. But you will likely maintain the goodwill of all your allies instead of just those who also fell on side A. Of course, some people value their pixels so much they would never be willing to fight on both sides of a coalition war. It can also put a big fat target on your back for coalition mates on side A who take issue with you for fighting in defense of an alliance on side B.

  2. What happens when you press on the handle?

    I am not a coffee drinker myself, but had a roommate that worked at Starbucks for a long time. His primary concern for coffee makers was that they use a metal filter, because paper filters apparently absorb too many oils present in the coffee slurry mixture (not sure what to call unfiltered coffee). Does your coffee pot Moka style require paper filters?

    Long live hot chocolate!

  3. Braveheart would be in my top five war movies. I also enjoy the Civil war epic Glory; Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman and Matthew Broderick did excellent work and the action sequences seethed with a realistic representation of Civil war era battle confusion. Anyone else a fan of Last of the Mohicans? There you go King Wally, three non-modern era war films.

  4. People shouldn't be so nit picky about the time (or the formatting). Six months or a year from now and people won't care if June 29th is updated at 0300 or 2355. It is just a fun little bonus thing to check in on the sanction race.

    Anyone that takes time out of their busy day to do an update is performing a community service. I thank you.

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