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Everything posted by Ellis

  1. Good luck, sounds like you have an already established member base, so a good start
  2. I see it now Sad to see you go, CG. I'm starting to think the ghost of the moldavi doctrine is hanging around the red sphere or something.
  3. What? So making an alliance disband is also a legitimate tactic in war because people have done it before?
  4. Hey you Awesome that RAD got peace, awesome that NSO had fun. I guess you could say this is
  5. Well, if you were, you caught one which could set records.
  6. ^^ This. I wouldn't expect them to say no, but... *shrug*
  7. That could be the best intro for a treaty I've ever seen Edit: Spelling makes baby Jesus cry.
  8. While I wouldn't accuse you with actively colluding with them, you were at least passively supporting them by accepting the screenshot, and spying on us by viewing it. Oh well, the wars over now, enjoy your reps.
  9. WHAT PART OF TABLOID DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!?!?!?!?!?! ...Seriously Also, banning someone from our irc channel =/= restricting freedom of speech. They can say it, but just not on our channel.
  10. While you may be a reincarnation of another nation leader, it seems at first glance that he's been around longer than you have. Also, WUT vs The League/Aegis/CoaLUEtion wasn't NPO 'n friends beating on a bunch of helpless nations, for example, if The League had gone nuclear in GW2, it might be a very different world today.... Another thing to remeber would be that VLAD DID NOT SAY WE WON GW1 He said that, we effectively won the peace, resulting in victory in GW2 and 3. Wait, what? Drew a line in the sand? By all accounts, our worst actions were, say GATO's viceroy, MK's and Athens' tech reps (incidently, 7/8ths of their tech, try more tech than you have, ) and redeclareing on FAN after FAN-WUT. I really don't see how OV could be any worse than those, really. I like MA, but line in the sand? lol
  11. You had me fooled, I was just about to ask you about the secret plan to drop our reps and kill everyone but then I realised you weren't him and then... oh oh dear
  12. I know man, it's just terrible. You should have seen the planning session, we were all just sitting there rubbing our hands together and planning how to wriggle out of the reps and take revenge on everyone on bob.
  13. Gosh, these Spartans, they're new Hegemony, but worse I see what you did thar
  14. Like he said, community is one of the tools of an alliance rather than the simple making of one. For example, way back when, I'm told the orders were pretty much one community, but they were two seperate soveriegn alliances. (While it could be argued that one would not have made a move without the other, they had the right to, so...)
  15. They don't love us, it's just (as far as I'm aware) that they don't hate us like you do either. Someone from GATO, (I can't remember who) told me fairly recently that 50% or more...um...GATOians? dislike the NPO. And they were probably putting it lightly so I'd feel better. And raping is not the right word, curbstomping, murdering, beating down, whatever, but that isn't the right word for it.
  16. Yes I'm ordering my space jackboots now, they're very styleish. You can attack, but due to the low gravity your army floats off in to space?
  17. Sound tactical advice from our PITA buddies MK Oh wait, that was canceled Don't worry MK, you'll always be our PITA...buddies
  18. And Avalon, them too. Also Echelon and everyone else who fought alongside us, we do not begrude you your peace. Pssh, it's not as fun as it sounds That you fought was enough.
  19. While it is true that we failed to destroy you, I'm not sure that quite matches up with the postion we are in now.
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