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Everything posted by Ellis

  1. Yes, now you've said that, I've finally manged broken through the brain control devices. I would leave now, but I'm scared, scared that my nation will be overrun by irradiated cows and nuclear zombies. Scared that I will be placed on the eternal vengance list, a secret list of all the nations that have ever left the NPO and will be hunted down and destroyed in the future. I also have logs to prove it: <Cow> So have you got the EV list ready? <GenericEvilIO> Yes Sir, the list with all the nations that have ever left the NPO <Cow> Good, if we're going to hunt them down, we're going to need that list <Cow> Keep it secret though, if anyone finds out, it will be a PR nightmare, and our legions of adoring fans will leave us
  2. Y'know, the worst results of this war are the changing standards. Before, we put a lot of work into being the evil alliance. IAA and others could tell you about that. Then, some mild oppression and posturing, and you're evil. Now, you merely have to try and get back what is rightfully yours to be evil, no oppression or even verbal abuse involved You guys have ruined CN See you on the moon
  3. Did he start with 1 already? 0 - 1 + 2 = 1 1 - 1 + 2 = 2
  4. Hmmmm, some kind of brain teaser? Who could it be? The Red Cross? Cult of Justasia? I'll have to get back to you on this... Although generally I don't like you, I think you've done the best you could do on this, so stop being so humble
  5. Well, I wouldn't claim to be a genius, but what sort of person, might join MXCA? If it was, say MK, you'd have something, but what's to stop them helping their friends in Pacifica, which they'd be more likely to have, being in MXCA.
  6. Good luck, hope it works out for you
  7. Congrats and good luck, and reserving your names like that should hopefully avoid any %$^& later on.
  8. I know the first part is directed at Capitain Flinders, but I'd say he's being blunt, not rude, and you really were question-dodgeing. As for your opinion, I can't see one different from your alliance's in this thread, and unless you state differently, I think it is generally assumed that your opinion is the same as your alliance position. Edit: I see you have now, fair enough.
  9. Like who? Ok, it's possible that we might have followed Vox members to their new alliances and so they are more free in that regard, although that isn't so much to do with the ton of new alliances around, and while I'm not sure, FIRE may have been violating the moldavi doctrine now, if it still existed, I don't think I've seen any alliances disbanded due to our actions reform recently. ^^ This
  10. My Emperor lifted the radio silence everywhere, not just for that thread, and I hardly think monstrosity is the right word. It's a thread, with words in, that was responded to, with posts, that just had words in, and I'd said most of the arguments on both sides were well thought out, on the whole. So monstrosity is a highly unjustified word for this situation, really.
  11. Oh, well that just changes everything. Now that Hoo, who is the leader of an alliance, which is, I hear, somewhat different from TPF, has said something, what can we do but bow to his superior intellect? Note: I'm not calling Hoo stupid in any way, he just doesn't know everything.
  12. Good luck with this I suppose, but I'd listen to the Walrus in the hat if I were you, he knows things.
  13. Call it that if you like, my point still stands. I'm not sure I can trust you on this though, you don't, after all, have any fish
  14. Happy Birthday You didn't invite me to the party?
  15. Good luck, hope you do well. Are you a migrating duck then Sileath? New alliance and it hasn't been a month, good choice though. MHA
  16. Yeah, my Emperor created the thread, with just one post, not just over 3,000. 'Twas an infomation thread, not a disscusion thread, and like I said, you chose to respond. Also, it was very much the response we expected.
  17. Hey We didn't create it, you and people like you created it by responding. What with the war 'n all, our 'put a gun to your head and make you post' enforcers have been uncoordinated recently.
  18. Remember this, whoever the target is, we saved you from being mauled by tigers AND Jaguars Temporarily
  19. ^^This. Besides Rex, you havn't actually come out and said anything. If you have a problem with Mhawk and TPF, you gonna voice it? This is a new era of free speech and transparency, remeber?
  20. Nice Congratulations on that Also You have taken our ghosts, that is unacceptable! You will regret this! Revenge!
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not sure that Sir Paul was being serious have...or was he...
  22. I think the reason the New Polar Order havn't accepted terms is they're preparing a three-way break off flank attack Sorry if I ruined the element of suprise Also o/ TPF
  23. wha...but I...ummm DAMN YOU! Nevertheless, good luck with your alliance
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