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Bionic redhead

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Everything posted by Bionic redhead

  1. Okay, I am deeply disappointed that lilweirdward did come out of peace mode and didn't declare war on me.
  2. Strange, strange words for a guy that just ran to peace mode. Tell you what, I'll even sell some infra to get into range of you so that we can have a second round. Sound good?
  3. Three extra days of fighting? I'm okay with that.
  4. Or you could set up your nation to not suck and instead rack up a huge surplus.
  5. I for one look forward to helping reduce the daily bills of our brothers in CCC.
  6. Neat, we didn't have to come up with a clever DoW. (does this mean you're actually going to fight back now?)
  7. I'm not going to say that gov may have been too busy drinking to post anything coherent, but they may have been drinking.
  8. Of all the responses I expected to get, that wasn't one of them. I think that tech can be better used burning furries, NPO and (worst of all) furries in NPO.
  9. Hey NPO, do you want to go and spam me with fake aid offers to see if I'm aiding NG too?
  10. Joined the day after GW1 ended and over the course of 3 nations and a short 'retirement' I've been here ever since. Not entirely sure why though ...
  11. I suspect that he's Moose Hole. The clue is his username.
  12. Stunt goat only made 2 revolutions during the drop. That's disappointing.
  13. Huzzah, now I can legally ... er continue to not post in the cesspit.
  14. Well that and you only have 135 million Reichsmarks left ...
  15. Apparently NoR, DT, DS, GloF and the half of ODN that aren't in DLT mode wasn't enough. I guess nobody caught the message from the Holy and Unholy wars that the more alliances that declare on Fark, the higher our morale gets.
  16. Can we pay them money (beer) to not try and stop NoR? I've got some Inglorious reaction gifs I can bust out.
  17. Ohnoes, someone voted for me to be on the council Also, bad Moose Hole, you've made the admin all cross eyed and sweaty.
  18. And nothing of value was lost. My only regret is that we didn't beat all of your tech out of you in the Dave war.
  19. If only Manis B had been a better moralist and prevented GATO from making this vicious peace mode assault on us.
  20. Pro-tip: Don't attack someone for not having any wars (because they're in anarchy), then go turtle as soon as they fight back.
  21. [quote name='apple123' timestamp='1355035572' post='3062047'] I'm new to this game [/quote] It shows.
  22. Dear Hellas, Please fight me more than everyone else has so far this round. 819 defensive casualties in a 21k NS nation is depressing. Hugs and kisses Bionic
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