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Everything posted by Rudolph

  1. Private The Kralj would steeple his fingers for several moments as he glanced at the Japanese entourage, "I sincerely hope that the trip to the White City of the Serbs was an amicable and relaxing one, your majesty," Dragojev replied with before leaning back on his chair, smiling politely at the Japanese Empress. "Now, what kind of refreshments would you like?" he asked as several aides appeared with trays and drinks on them, presenting it to the Empress.
  2. Public "The Kingdom recognizes the government of the Cisalpine Republic and sends many well wishes along with its welcome to the global stage. If the Republic wishes to discuss the nature regarding the current situation between our two countries, we would welcome you to discuss it within our lands." Respectfully, Kralj Dragojev Belojevic
  3. Private Dragojev would smile at the Regină's words, the wisdom ringing true in his soul. If Yugoslavia wanted to do what was right and honorable for its neighbors, it needed to get stronger and have allies and friends before he frowned momentarily. The Kralj sincerely had not wanted for Romania and his Kingdom's friendship becoming closer on the onset of the Spartan nation's collapse, definitely not in this way or fashion. "The Kingdom does not want any African influence or foreign influence within the Balkans or possessing troops within the Peninsula outside of leased land or ports, your excellency, but you are right that we'll be alone in this endeavor and laziness will not do," Dragojev replied with as he turned his gaze back on his fellow monarch, smiling warmly at Maria, "I sincerely appreciate your candor and honesty, Regină Maria, and I was wrong that Yugoslavia is alone," he admitted to his fellow royal, "For there is and always has been, Romania and you, your excellency." The Kralj turned his gaze towards one of the room's windows, "Regardless, we will 'bite' the bullet and do our best endeavor to ensure peace and that the Balkans have some say within the Greek region and likewise with the Italian Peninsula. After all, have to be consistent in our efforts of diplomacy," he quipped before letting out a sigh, gently rubbing the bridge of his nose once more.
  4. Private The Sovereign could hear the shocked gasps of his aides, raising a hand to cradle his throbbing cheek while motioning with the other to his aides, making sure they stopped any outward reactions against the Regină as he rubbed his slapped cheek. He let his hand drop before chuckling mirthlessly, "To some degree, your excellency, you are right for Yugoslavia is indeed alone," he responded with as he tilted his head back, staring at the room's ceiling before glaring at something unseen. "Leading a black ops special forces team is easy compared to leading a country, your excellency, and frankly I'm just an upstart using his family name and history as the first known vassal of the first Serbian Principality to do his best to better his people and the region," he admitted to the fellow Monarch before shaking his head. "However, I do take my responsibilities seriously, your excellency. The Kingdom is one of a very small minority in this world who doesn't believe in Imperialism, considering the history our people went through underneath Imperialism but we are stuck and surrounded by Imperialists who try hard to hide it under 'National interests' but regardless we all know what lies underneath it," barked the Kralj as he glared harder at the unseen object in the ceiling. "We try to do our best to do what is right and honorable, yet we're surrounded on all sides by imperialists, so I do hope you understand that our position is but nigh impossible to do when our own neighbors can't help but dismiss it all the way to the wall." Dragojev sighed hard, gritting his teeth before slumping slightly in his chair, "And for that, we are truly alone in this world," he whispered before shaking his head at the offer of drink, "I'm sorry, your excellency, but alcohol was what killed the last of my family, so I hope you don't take offense to my refusal to partake in it," he said in reply to the offer as he thought of ways he could improve Yugoslavia's standing, for isolation would not help anyone in the Balkans at all.
  5. Private "Seeing as the Kingdom is an ally to the Great Lakes Republic, we see this as an excellent position to have this meeting. Scheduling the meeting will be a week from now in the Great Lakes Republic as agreed to. If the date or time is ill-suited for Carthage, do please send the appropriate date back in your response." Respectfully, Kralj Dragojev Belojevic
  6. Public "The Kingdom politely requests for a meeting to be scheduled and attended between our two countries in a neutral area so we can discuss the matter regarding the Greek and Italian Peninsula and hopefully find a solution for the peoples living there. We hope for a speedy response to our communique." Respectfully, Kralj Dragojev Belojevic
  7. Private "We wish for the Persian Empire to be both a friend and an ally to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, esteemed Šâhanšâh," the Kralj replied with as he smiled politely at his fellow royal, taking a sip of the offered glass of water to soothe his thirst before continuing, "And yes, the situation in tumultuous Europe is one of the reasons we have extended our branch to the Empire to begin with." "What kind of treaty would the Empire be willing to participate in?"
  8. Private The Kralj would laugh, a rather pitiful sound before he glared at the contents of his tea for several moments, taking the time to think. "Frankly, your excellency, I never wanted this to happen, not like this. This was my second greatest fear now slowly becoming a reality in front of my eyes," the Sovereign of Yugoslavia replied as he took a sip of his tea, not as bitter as he rallied himself around. "War will bring what it has always brought. Pain and bloodshed. Even still, the Kingdom will stand tall against this..." Dragojev would trail off for a second or two, "...invasion of the Balkans. Frankly, your excellency, I care not what Carthage thinks it has a right to but no Balkan land shall be under foreign rule. Never again."
  9. Private The Kralj and his entourage would marvel at the Persian capital throughout their trip, not minding the rather silent trip before they arrived at the Imperial Palace and promptly escorted to a conference room. "We must thank the Persians for their hospitality so far, esteemed Šâhanšâh," Dragojev would begin with as he sat down on the offered chairs, smiling politely at the Persian Šâhanšâh, "And your capital is a glorious and magnificent one," he continued. "But alas," the Kralj said before letting out a sigh, "I sincerely wished this was a meeting solely for friendship but I must be frank with the Persian people, the Kingdom needs friends and allies more than ever if our desire to maintain peace in Europe is to take hold."
  10. Private The Kralj would be held back by one of his aides, eyes progressively widening out of shock as his aide whispered into his ears. "W-W-What?" he asked out loud before his aide frowned and simply nodded to his Sovereign. Dragojev swallowed as he shakily took his cup, sincerely hoping that the tea would calm his severely frayed nerves as the lukewarm liquid went down bitterly down his throat. The Sovereign placed his cup back on the table as best as he could, "I-It would appear, your excellency, that we have far bigger concerns than this issue with Sparta because from what my aide has told me, the Spartan nation has fallen. I had left orders as always, that should in the case of the Spartan nation collapsing for whatever reason, I sincerely must apologize knowing that they were your allies to the end but I could not let any foreign power outside of European origin to claim the lands of the Greek and Italian region. Yet, it appears to be that the Kingdom shall to go to war as Carthage intends to claim the lands of their former ally as their own," he replied shakily before shaking his head, knowing that he had to calm his nerves to ensure unity in the face of this coming conflict, that much he did know.
  11. Declaration of Protection! The Kingdom's Forces to protect the region of Greece and Italy! Issue 8.Y January 7, 20XX With the subsequent collapse of the Spartan state that used to be one of the southern neighbors of the Kingdom, the Kralj has seen fit to publicly announce a declaration of protection above the famous cradle of western civilization and the Italian Peninsula to ensure peace and stability for its residents, providing much needed peace of mind for the Greek and Italian citizens. Not much has been elaborated upon by the Kingdom but several divisions have been equipped and deployed to act as its peace keepers, the Kralj has been reported to have stated the following: "The Greek lands and the Italian peninsula has always had a massive influence upon the good peoples of the Kingdom, thus it behooves us to help the citizens in their time of need." From what the paper was able to discuss with the Sovereign, unlike the situation with the City of World's Desire almost several months ago, the Kralj had send prior notice and communication of their intent to all of their neighbors and allies and ensuring that no sovereignty of the fledgling Italian state was infringed upon.
  12. This poll will run for 48 hours, and only CNRP2 Players can vote. Everyone has three votes, and if you vote for more than three people, your vote instantly becomes void. If you have the need to post do so on the OOC thread, otherwise posting on this thread also voids your vote.
  13. Private Dragojev would smile softly before taking a sip of his tea, the taste soothing and acting as an excellent balm to his psyche. He placed his cup back on the table as he clasped his hands, "If you don't mind me saying so, your excellency, I appreciate your honesty and candor," he stated as he quickly glanced at his entourage, knowing very well why they kept and continued holding their silence before he moved forward, "It's refreshing in this day and age where subterfuge reigns supreme in global politics." "It is not my intention to anger you in such a way, your excellency, but we are at stark opposites of modus operandi and global views of the world," the Kralj replied, "I understand that Romania saw Alvonia as a threat to its new found allies within this 'Eastern Bloc' that the good country of Romania belongs to. Frankly, the Kingdom too saw Alvonia as a threat to peace considering the 'war' they waged between itself and the Northlands but I still and will continue to stand by the position that war should and always be the last resort if diplomacy fails utterly. That is one of the differences were you and I differ as rulers and Monarchs." The Kralj glanced around the room for a few moments, seemingly gathering his thoughts before landing his gaze once more on his fellow Royal. "The other key difference, your excellency, is that we cannot ignore the reality of our neighbors and we will not turn a blind eye to imperialism that borders us. Yes, I am the Kralj of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and I do concern myself with my peoples but I also am a ruler and monarch in the Balkans, our homeland, thus making it an impossibility for me to ignore the entirety of peoples native to our home. Every action the Kingdom takes and does has to take into account the reactions of our neighbors, including the consequences that may come from such actions." He would glance impassionately at the map before blinking, "The other difference, your excellency, is that considering the travesties done by the previous Yugoslavian nation before this incarnation, we cannot turn a blind eye to injustices and wrongs being done in the name for 'national interests'. One of the wrongs that we see is in inherent imperialism and I would never force the good country of Romania to our side simply because we differ on views but as long as Romania stands alongside Sparta, the Kingdom honestly cannot see it possible to turn a blind eye just for the sake of peace." "I sincerely wished it was otherwise, deep in my heart, your excellency, but I do not see the Spartan nation abandoning its policy of imperialism just because one of it's northern neighbors is wary of it."
  14. Private The Kralj would nod once at the Minister's words, "It seems more than agreeable to the Kingdom, Esteemed Minister," he replied with as he motioned for the map to be taken away, promptly being folded and removed from the table by one of his aides. "Is there anything else in particular that Alvonia wishes to discuss with the Kingdom?"
  15. Private Dragojev nodded at her words, the Kralj being the epitome of understanding while inside he seethed violently for a moment before harshly clamping down on it, knowing very well that this meeting was key for several important reasons. "If you don't mind me asking then, Madame President, what exactly could have the Milanese government done in the eyes of Zapadnaya to gain this legitimacy? I must ask because I feel it be prudent and necessary to know just what exactly a government who holds cultural, language and historical ties to one region would need to gain this great legitimacy that you ask of it." "With regards to the Spartan nation, the Kingdom feels that for the 'threat' the Spartan nation represents to the Balkans, it must be politically neutralized. A stop-gap measure at best, we feel but it'll give the Kingdom more than enough time to properly address the instability in the region."
  16. Apologize for the delay in replying but sincerely thank you (And Eva) for having brought that up to me ^_^
  17. Private "Considering the proximity to the Alvonian border, I imagine the port of Koper in the region of Primorska would suit your needs extremely," the Kralj said as he snapped his fingers, an aide laying down a map of the Kingdom with the borders between they and Alvonia highlighted before the Sovereign used a push pin to mark where the port of Koper was located for the Alvonian Representative. "As you can see, it's a very excellent port to be leased to Alvonia."
  18. Private "Madame President, the Kingdom does not look positively on imperialism of any kind. If we weren't, we would have simply incorporated the territory of Romania and Albania into the Kingdom before its own people established their own governments. I can't speak with Druk Yul in Asia as I'm not exactly sure with regards to the 'cultural' boundaries within its territory, I'll have to look into it before I can judge. But as it stands, the Spartan nation is incorporating territory and land that they do not have any claims to, simply all based on 'might is right'. Tell me, Madame President, what is to stop the Spartans from simply coming into our territory in order to conquer it?" Dragojev would sigh before raising a hand, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "The Spartan nation makes me wary and due to its imperialism is an incredibly destabilizing factor in the Balkans in the eyes of the Kingdom, Madame President."
  19. Private "The Kingdom does not begrudge the Spartan attack on the former Milanese Regime given their former madman of a leader but have you been made aware that the Spartans are effectively doing their best to bring Southern Italy and former Turkey into their country, yes?" the Kralj would ask the Madame President.
  20. Private The Kralj would nod in response to the President's question, "Yes, that we do, Madame President," the Sovereign of Yugoslavia answered with as he let out a sigh, "I do believe that as cultural brothers, we should have a rather frank but civil discussion with regards to our..." Dragojev trailed off for several seconds, tapping a digit on the table as he thought of a good word that could replace 'imperialistic' but failing to do so, "...Rather imperialistic southern 'Neighbor' that is the Spartan nation." "But first, I must ask. What are your thoughts on the Spartans, Madame President?"
  21. Private Dragojev would shake his head, "It's not simply about the Italians, your excellency," the Kralj would begin as he frowned, not hiding his own disappointment. "If it were simply the Italians, there would be no problems but as it stands, there are a plethora of issues that have been there since Sparta's inception and arose after the 'peace' with Alvonia. Frankly, I am disappointed. You of all people, your excellency, claim for peace but are the first to push for war without hesitation to benefit your interests and that of your allies. There is 'peace' within the Balkans and it's simply because people are wary of each other, several being unsure of what to do while others claim one thing publicly and act completely another." "I do believe I don't have to mention names as to who are who in that, your excellency, but offers of friendship and cooperation cannot work with an underlying notion of threat behind them. That threat simply festers and boils deep before blowing up in an incredibly spectacular fashion, creating grudges capable of withstanding centuries," the Sovereign with explained before taking a deep breath, taking a sip of his tea to calm himself and hoping the taste and flavor of the tea would wash away the built up frustration he felt for the current situation within the Balkans. "I mean no disrespect, your excellency, but regional stability in the Balkans is simply not a reality unless the region as a whole destroys the notion of imperialism as a policy or all follow it as a policy and supporting the Spartan nation," he said as he frowned morosely at the current reality all within the Balkans found themselves in, gazing deeply into his tea.
  22. Private "It pleases us tremendously to hear of such a rapid response to our inquiry. To that end, we find the choice of the Persian Empire's own capital to be appropriate all considered and we shall travel as soon as possible for this wondrous meeting between our two countries." Respectfully, Kralj Dragojev Belojevic
  23. Private Dragojev would simply nod at the Minister's words before gesturing to his staff, refreshments being brought in and politely handed to the Alvonian entourage, the Kralj having taken the silence as a yes in the face of more pressing issues. "With regards to the economics treaty between our countries, I believe making it easier for enterprising businessmen to understand the law, ensure that there are no loopholes of any kind with regards to trade and transportation between Alvonia and the Kingdom. Uniformed procedures and the like," the Kralj explained, "As for basing rights within the Mediterranean, I imagine we can come to some agreement since the Kingdom has no issue with Alvonia."
  24. I always make sure to triple-check the votes before posting the official closing with the results of any poll, though I do appreciate the concern.
  25. The polls are officially closed! The results are as follows: Question 1 - Biohazard, Lynneth and Rudolph are the winning candidates. The results is that for the CNRP2 community the incumbents were re-elected, staying on for another two-month cycle as the community GM's.
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