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Epik High

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Everything posted by Epik High

  1. I think an example would be the "law" where other nations are not allowed to attack Spartan nations. Yeah, they're "subject" to said law, but it's really nothing more than an expression of sovereignty. Or you could have a policy of no tech raiding on black being enforced by Sparta, which would also make others subject to Spartan regulations. But the clause you're referring to seems to simply reserve the right to do such a thing; again, an expression of sovereignty. You can't compare an alliance reserving the right to issue a Moldavi Doctrine to the actual doctrine itself. I could be completely wrong about the intent of that clause, though.
  2. Congratulations to my new government We will slay our enemies with the mighty Saber. Our Longbowe will strike the heart of delinquent tech dealers. Uhh... what exactly is a Coursca?
  3. You trust the other party enough to allow them to make their own judgment call on whether to defend them or not. ODP's are the strongest pacts in the game, true story
  4. Was mildly surprised to see the two King system still in place but if it ain't broke... From an RP standpoint I think this is a great charter with a very unique system. From a practical standpoint I have no idea, though the common perception seems to be that long/complex = bad. There's an exception to every perception.
  5. Number of members dropped below 200.
  6. Interesting to see the shift in norms from zero tolerance for sanctions in interalliance war to a more tolerable attitude. Senators turning into war tools might lead to a stronger competition and unwillingness to give up senate seats. On the other hand, you could argue that sanctioning your own color is only shooting yourself in the foot--not only does the target nation lose but so do his trade partners; you are also saddled with the reputation of being a 'sanction-free' color, making it more undesirable for other nations to join said color. But this effect could be negligible, who knows? I look forward to seeing where this norm ends up in the future. Edit: Evidence of such shifts would be VE's use of sanctions against green NPO nations and some of the replies in this thread. I'm surprised it wasn't used as propaganda during the war.
  7. I think it would be some sort of measure of the number of "core" or "developed" members over time. Membership numbers don't really reflect this, so you can use wonders as the difference between a noob and a more established nation. Wonders aren't going to be destroyed, so you get a better representation of member retention rates. You could also look at the type of wonders; losing 10 WRC nations is a bigger loss than losing 10 SSS nations, for example.
  8. Lol, I thought this was a tongue-in-cheek announcement from iFOK about a color move. I don't know what was more astounding--that iFOK would take into account the exact same considerations in making a color move that I would, or that iFOK has *gasp* opinions (some are even negative!) about other alliances. Oh dear, this is not good for iFOK, not good at all ಠ_ಠ
  9. There is no hegemony, as evidenced by what you've just said. Multiple poles of power.
  10. Social Security System? Disaster Relief Agency? I bet your tax rate is 30% too, heathens!
  11. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=34051 Edit: Redundant post is redundant.
  12. Apology from NSO doesn't really matter--they got their messages across without any consequences. Smart move.
  13. I think that info is right in the first paragraph of the OP.
  14. It's a nonissue. Systemfailure doesn't have a FAC and is sitting at 3 wonders. Even if he were to buy a FAC as his 4th wonder to send secret aid, I think buying such a crappy wonder is enough punishment in and of itself.
  15. The "blue" in Blue Turtle Alliance is modifying "Turtle", not the team color of the alliance. Maybe there's something special about blue turtles (like in Mariokart).
  16. Top-quality! I am so over-the-top that these people of such class (of top-hat-and-monocle class) were elected to these top positions--and at top speed! They will be the topographers of our alliance, mapping out the challenges that lay ahead. They will be the topmast of our ship, guiding us through treacherous waters. And to top it all off, they are a symbol of a new dawn, the top of the inning in this brave new world. I say top of the morning to this new era, and am spinning like a top with joy. o/ TOP
  17. You guys are doing so much math and putting so much effort in proofs for terms that NPO, payable or not, is not going to accept.
  18. I don't think apologizing and discussing peace after the first attack on RV would have done anything, as RV had already launched another war against another Sparta nation and had made it clear what his conditions for peace would be. The best solution would have simply been to indulge him with his wars and attention until both parties got bored. I don't understand your last sentence and won't respond to it.
  19. I don't know you and don't expect to be placed in a situation in which I'd have to assess my level of trust of you. I'm not saying that people won't trust you ever again, as trust in CN (or whatever diluted form of it exists in online interactions) is from my experience easily gained. However, I think the job offers you mention say more about the alliances than how trustworthy you are. Anyways, thanks for the answer, I find your reflections on your actions and your concept of betrayal/ends justifying the means interesting, to say the least.
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