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Everything posted by Ogaden

  1. Milk is poured from a box, bags don't even have any structure, you have to put them in plastic jugs which people don't wash enough, they just put a new bag in there. Gross!
  2. I'd like to take this opportunity to point out how bagged milk is weird
  3. We broke all our spanking paddles, they take a while to glue back together
  4. DBDC have been naughty and should be spanked
  5. SNX isn't very top heavy, would countering Umbrella help? Probably hinder more than help
  6. This is cool but why no DBDC Sparta Polar?
  7. I'm sure many kumbayas were sung, and much hugging was involved
  8. Uh, having been in that coalition myself, I seem to recall the NPO terms being a line item that Umbrella was very interested in? But hey let's just shove that down the memory hole.
  9. I completely disagree, I think declaring war on an alliance in order to start a broader conflict is itself a Casus Belli. Casus Belli or Case for War is a justification that you use to justify a conflict to yourself and the rest of the world. If your cause for war is good enough for those who would support you and justification enough to declare war, then it is a valid cause for war. No war is ever just for the target of war, but there is a belief that if the Casus Belli for a war is found to be flawed, that would fatally undermine the aggressive war coalition, so people will attack "the CB" for days, weeks and months. This is completely pointless because for the attacker, the war is its own justification, and that alliance's allies are there for their allies, not for the CB. Causes for war is not politics. Coalition building, stoking grievances, stroking egos, promising quid pro quo, fear and loathing, rampant paranoia, raw hatred, webs of lies and deceit, THAT is politics. Politics is a dirty game of smoke filled rooms, where people trade influence for power, and power for influence. Never trust anyone who is really good at the political game. Doing what you say you are going to do, honoring your commitments and defending your allies is behaving properly and honorably. Coming up with a turd of a CB is not honorable or proper behavior, it is a fig leaf.
  10. You should call it the League of Free Nations. Title yourself Supreme Walford
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