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King Boris

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Everything posted by King Boris

  1. Nice milestone MK Now I'm hungry for nuked potato.
  2. You may be unaware but when Sileath calls MD a "her", he is using it as an insult. There's no need to jump on that bandwagon. The only person telling you the details of the sentence is Sileath. Don't you think BTA would be able to speak with a little more authority? Sileath is not a poor choice based on popularity or competence, Sileath is a poor choice because it's a bad idea to take in enemies of alliances. It's even worse to put them in government lest you want to implicate the entire alliance with their actions.
  3. The "Dynomite Pact" is irrelevant. Their affairs are not connected in any way with BTA. Again, Sileath is not in a position to be the jury on BTA's intent. I for one have certainly not called Sileath inexperienced, unintelligent, or bad at meeting the duties of his office. There's no need to put word in my mouth.
  4. MD's intent is not up for your interpretation. You committed a serious and reckless act after using all your "get out of jail free cards" with multiple alliances. So what did PeteM do to you again?
  5. Criminals are not given the right to determine their own sentence. Sileath can run his mouth all he wants but he is not in a position to tell BTA when and why his ZI is over.
  6. He didn't call you a liar. One thing you are though is a stated enemy of an alliance. Why CG would accept such as gov is an interesting matter.
  7. It was a blast. Thanks for the good fight and I sincerely wish a speedy recovery for you guys. Even Lazer
  8. Please use the spoils to increase your NS 600k, thanks.
  9. The people of Columbustan have deliberated on the matter and have pledged support to Schloss Eggenberg in recovering from the genocide. Though Columbustan is unable to offer assistance from our armed forces due to our and Take Cover We Comin's respective cabals' sphere unity partnership, humanitarian aid will be sent to the ravaged areas after our pending technology exports have cleared the docks. We hold the distressed followers in our prayers. May Justitia exact swift justice.
  10. ODN has found good allies in GR, congrats to you both.
  11. Two years of redirecting inquiries regarding the whereabouts of a certain princess. What is so great about that...
  12. Kingdom isn't even in your name. I'm too lazy to check, but is your unspeakable evil THE unspeakable evil?
  13. To clarify: BTA is a protectorate of no one aside from FIRE. FoB holds a treaty with BTA. FoB is a member of the C&G bloc. If you're taking RV seriously and believe that he speaks for BTA, you might need to check your lulz detector.
  14. Bump for some cool dudes, sorry about the raid a few months ago.
  15. Damn, and here I thought I could just walk in and take over. Good luck you Ronin!
  16. Thats what the thumbs are for, so you don't leave any empty bases.
  17. Still think it should have been called =LOST= At Sea. Glad to see this finally, =LOST= are
  18. For what it's worth, the Revenge Doctrine is defunct. Congrats to our NOIR buds.
  19. The two worst alliances ever. You're a perfect fit.
  20. Well this is freakin lame... Just kidding, it's awesome. o/ DE o/ FoB
  21. Sad to see you go, though it is nice to see you joining our allies. o/ Fly o/ Athens o/ CnG P.S. Thanks for giving Jacko an even bigger head with the shout out.
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