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Everything posted by sethb

  1. This is correct. All debts to me have been paid as of now.
  2. I like your style. You should totally join VE.
  3. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1293165321' post='2552375'] So MK was or was not blocked by VE. MK are trying hard to make it a joke while now more than one VE member says their veto of MK actually happened. [/quote] Yep, the VEto is most certainly real. I find it hilarious that people still believe that.
  4. sethb

    Later CN

    You were a pretty awesome guy. Later man, keep it real.
  5. This is the funniest thing I've seen in quite some time.
  6. [quote name='GeorgeWBush' timestamp='1290859504' post='2524554'] Look VE still are doing unprovoked attacks on me. They do send ransom notes to me like this one: [code]dear Georgewbush of ISAF The VE has ordered you to pay us $1,000 in blackmail money or we will continue the attacks on your pathetic nation, We will use force if you do not pay up within 5 days. Sethb of VE[/code] [/quote] Hahahaha, what the hell?
  7. Feel free to add me to your list. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=258639 Thanks in advance.
  8. What is it with AcTi/ex-AcTi members and overly large egos?
  9. I've been hoping this would happen for a while now.
  10. [center][img]http://i629.photobucket.com/albums/uu17/hail_viridia/ve_flaglarge.jpg[/img][/center] As of today, Viridia has decided to cancel the Mint Chocolate Accords with the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. Reasons have been conveyed in private and we wish GATO the best of luck in the future. [img]http://i629.photobucket.com/albums/uu17/hail_viridia/AS6veGreatSeal.gif[/img] Impero, Lord of the Entente Solaris, Duke of the Entente Goldie, Secretary of Defense Cards, Secretary of the Interior Sethb, Secretary of State Bob Janova, Secretary of Economics
  11. I'm going to have to go with WF. Started with one guy, now over 3 mil NS.
  12. I was very disappointed when this was signed so needless to say this makes me happy.
  13. Legacy are pretty awesome. Congrats to you both.
  14. [quote name='Rooman33' timestamp='1282920052' post='2432782'] Yeah... so are the names for the GOP [/quote] Those are the names of those who originally signed the accords.
  15. Rayvon, Dani C, Solaris, Sooner, Xiph, and Revanche for me.
  16. 1. OP is flawed, I don't see multiple alliances being destroyed. 2. I don't see it escalating nor do I see it causing massive damage to RoK/VE/RnR/GOD. 3.It's not our fault NSO handed us a CB. I thought this was supposed to be funny? [quote name='PearChris' timestamp='1281335416' post='2406898'] Going rouge means Attacking your own Allies and then leaving the Alliance. I was one of the people he attacked and Anarchyed. So I doubt his Rouge Status is in question. [/quote] If you're going to use our propaganda at least learn to use proper English.
  17. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1281484416' post='2410392'] Glad to hear you're going Green. I hope you support the Council for a Free Green. [/quote] The who? Also, welcome, I look forward to working with you guys.
  18. [quote name='Waterana' timestamp='1281310449' post='2405135'] Yet another one sided Supercomplaints curbstomp. Why aren't I surprised. [/quote] You should teach your allies some common sense then.
  19. [quote name='Sir Paul' timestamp='1281072078' post='2402454'] Interesting... While I'm sad to see the alliance go, at this rate, I suppose we'll outlive the G15 in about 6 years. [/quote] You can cross Ordo Verde off that list as well.
  20. Wow, didn't see this coming. I wish you guys luck in finding new homes.
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