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Everything posted by Bleda

  1. FAN has done an offensive with 23 minutes notice before
  2. should be more like this : a. overwelming retaliatory strikes on raider b. reperation DEMANDS are presented as retaliatory strikes continue c. outright refusal to do anything of the sort d. alliance wide blitz with even higher reps DEMANDED you all just do it wrong.
  3. the guy diguised as Mpol has got me to do a double take a couple of times Also , tech scammers suck , hope you guys slap him around.
  4. paper means nothing , good for you FOK .
  5. I still favor FAN's porn based voting system
  6. I know FAN has driven alot of war fighting changes , but I'm pretty sure tech deals predate us
  7. The only possible outcome I can see for this is the recruitment of well......... quite frankly........ wimps . My reasoning : Small unaligned nation gets attacked by another small unaligned nation .... then promptly runs away like a pansy school girl crying over his pathetic infra to you . You aid him , and now when you really need him you know he will whine and cry over his precious infra and most likely desert to save himself ... Just brilliant I tell ya. now lets look at the court of public opinion here for a moment , what happens if the other guy , who was just getting his raid on minding his own business then..... wham.... you guys get to sticking your nose in his business (which is pretty much exactly what your doing) , what if this guy decides to get his own friends , you could easily find yourself on the way to ZI hell as an entire alliance , because you simply had to not MYOB . I'm gonna just sit back and watch one or both of these situations come to pass.this will be more fail than american idol try outs. ETA : watching two small / new / unaligned nations fight is kinda like watching two 3 year olds box on a mattress , neither one is really capable of doing any real damage to start with , and YOU guys wanna recruit the one with the weakest will ????
  8. Nonsense !!! get out of bed and spread that stuff !!!! quit fighting mother nature , do your part to thin the population !!!
  9. actually with a full set of friends with cash on hand , It wouldn't really take that long . 45,000,000 per month incoming aid ..... 4-5 months you'd be GTG.
  10. Good luck to both parties , it's good for the insanity of bob to see lines being erased !!
  11. I am glad to see yet another alliance taking this route . I guess only time will tell for sure if Pacifica has really changed for the better .
  12. Ummm yeah , about those "meat" pies ....... ya see ..... well ....... uhhh ..... yup mule that's it ...yes sir....
  13. Red pretty much belongs to NPO , even without a doctrine . Any alliance of their size is almost assured to hold all 3 senate seats .
  14. I beg to differ on that point . After you've been double crossed and/or dogpiled once or twice you quickly learn that treaties mean exactly nothing. You learn who your friends are . I dare say that should certain "friends" of FAN get attacked , you will see exactly how quickly and ruthlessly a fight can be brought to the enemies front door..... treaty or not.
  15. FAN is not and most likely will never be actively recruiting , nothing to see here , move along.
  16. they(GDI) aren't getting a raw deal , they are paying the price for their leaders actions . I'm actually surprised the declaration didn't come quicker . Stupid is supposed to hurt . A wise alliance would have censured him for his actions before now , instead they backed him , now comes the logical conclusion.
  17. By large nation I'm assuming you mean large enough where he is pretty much self sustaining as far as growth . To that end I would hope such a nation would be a team player and be using almost all of his aid slots and putting at least 100 million a month out in aid to further the alliance he calls home. Or at the very least giving out 3 million for 50 tech deals to his alliance mates. Once you are controlling an apex nation your logical job should be helping others create apex nations , so at a time of war you can actually have back-up .
  18. For an announcement stating what everyone else should already know Ivan sure did get all the kiddie's diapers in a bunch.
  19. The whole alliance should be targeted . The object of war is to secure a beneficial political outcome to the winner by the influencing of the enemies general membership . When done by a recognised alliance it is called war , if done by a non-state actor or unrecognised group , it is called terrorism . Both are mearly a continuation of politics by other means.
  20. Fighting FAN getting expensive?
  21. If I may interject good fellow , In FAN we often find the proper choice is to " Get both " in such situations .
  22. OK that made me but just the same , my take on posting of personal opinions is that even though it may not be your alliances official position at the time , it does PERHAPS give an insight into a POSSIBLE current that may have gone unnoticed inside your alliance . One that MAY in the future show itself . The proper way to treat such things would most likely be to investigate the attitude , and possibly take steps to reverse it (assuming it's a negative to your agenda) For instance , alliance A see's alot of negative posts coming out of alliance B . It may behoove the leadership of alliance A to find out why the negative attitude is prevalent and take steps to bring the two alliances closer together , avoiding what could in the future become a threat...should the posters find themselves in elected positions. Completely ignoring such posts is as foolish as beginning aggression based on them. ( then again , if you're looking for a fight they could be just the ticket )
  23. Bandwagoning is a construct , opportunism is a motive . All treaties do is state what an alliance CAN'T do.
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