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Everything posted by Bleda

  1. Reality will set in as several smallish alliances sieze the opportunity to start up in a trade rich environment , win win for everyone actually.
  2. I wouldn't expect a responce right off , FAN is up to thier armpits in negotiations and such . I imagine Mpol will make a statement at some point tonight or tommorrow.
  3. Boy , I'm just certain that NPO should have accepted FAN's last white peace offer a few hours back . Now they will NOT be negotiating from a position of power . MAJOR diplomatic fail .
  4. Oh you mean like any number of alliances NPO has rolled over the last few years ? let them reap what they have sewn.
  5. As much as NPO likes to attempt to discredit FAN , when they were at thier peak they were the premier fighting force of planet bob . All you must do ask members of NoV what a FAN pile is like ( coincidently NPO used the same CB to roll NoV as FAN did , just a bit later and not by themselves) or you can ask someone about the Mafia offensive that was planned then executed in like 20 minutes of prep time ( yellow number 5 offence + comemerating the last episode of that HBO mafia show: I forget the name now ) When FAN attacked , servers crashed , they were THAT coordinated . Some people here fear them because of that , others TRY to imitate with varying results ( so far MK has come closest ) . Thats why I want to see FAN come back , and why NPO took 10 + buddies along when they originally declared war , and why NpO took the nuke first strike in that war. And ultimatley why NPO won't let them go now , they know what kind of enemy they have created and simply aren't willing to take the chance that someday THEY might end up at the pointy end of FAN's spear . They aren't willing to accept the FACT that even thier actions have consiquences . ( these are my viewpoints and mine alone and do NOT reflect those of my alliance or it's leadership )
  6. In all reality , the part in red would probably do it .
  7. With all the flack they've taken over the last couple years , I'm sure that CN would be a "target rich environment" after a short rebuilding period . Let's face it , alot of alliances that would never have had the testicular fortitude to get up in FAN's face before Vietfan , have become quite outspoken in the time since . NPO doesn't really have anything to worry about from FAN at this point . Some others would most likley get a crash course in the term " FANPILE ". I'm sure admin misses the good old days when FAN could shut down the server with a midnight blitz of epic proportions .
  8. As a for instance , if secret aid flowed into VOX right now , how much larger of a pain would they be to NPO ? Do you think NPO would chose to re-evaluate thier diplomatic stance , or would they continue to persu a prolonged conflict that guarantees a more serious hinderance to thier continued position at the top of the santioned alliances list ? Secret aid would END many of the practices that lend themselves to the stagnation we are seeing right now. Enemies made could no longer be crushed to the point of being a non-issue . It would either force diplomacy if the underdog had friends , or allow htem to be crushed if they really had it coming. Do you think FAN would be getting aid if it was secret ? I bet they would , simply because as far as enemies of the order are concerned , FAN would represent the biggest bang for thier buck in getting even. Let's say the tide was turned and it was NPO who was getting the secret aid from thier allies , With NPO refusing to offer terms to FAN , how long would thier allies continue to dish out aid for thier war before the NPO started to recieve political pressure to find a resolution ? When GPA was attacked , what would have happened if they could have simply sat in peace mode and funded what was left of the unjust path , to do battle in thier stead ? The new relms secret aid would open in terms of policy , war , diplomacy , ect. are simply staggering.
  9. Making foriegn aid untrackable or secret would be another big step . It would enable guerilla warfighters to harrass thier enemies more effectively and encourage more lienient surrender terms from victors of wars , so as to avoid much more costly guerilla campaighns.
  10. Bleda

    Hello Fark

    I never look at the maps , that does take some coordination . How long have you Farkers been organising that ?
  11. way easier to read than the treaty web .. probably means more as well . good job .
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