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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. I think it would be easier for all parties concerned if GGA simply disbanded.
  2. Just like TCB can depend on said members to fight for it in times of war? Oh wait...
  3. Good luck to our allies with their reforms - you have DF's full support.
  4. I support this crusade against stupidity and ignorance.
  5. Congratulations on the treaty, hope your relationship gets all the best in the future.
  6. /me facepalms The Hegemony is so full of !@#$, it's almost funny - but actually depressing.
  7. We are very proud to be friends with such a wonderful alliance. I would also like to extend a great thanks from our entire alliance to Aircastle for their rebuilding aid. <3 you guys.
  8. It's about damn time. I don't know why alliances like Gremlins and TOP ever allied with the NPO, or thought it was a good idea to still be allied with them, for so damn long.
  9. No major power structure, as it is unnecessary, pointless and silly.
  10. Lol who the hell voted that they'd win.
  11. Very very nice, congratulations - I know you guys are close, good to see such a treaty form.
  12. It's very nice seeing alliances who fought only a couple of weeks ago huddling up to each other like that
  13. Congratulations Stig, I wish you and your new alliance the best of luck. Let me know if you need anything.
  14. Well this is a truly momentous occasion...I mean seriously. I hope your former members come back, good luck rebuilding. OOC: The wolfie in my avatar is cooler than yours, mpol
  15. Welcome to NOIR. This makes 23 members of NOIR I believe...damn - we're just so full of win
  16. Congratulations to our IPA allies and their IAA buddies.
  17. Welcome back. Seeing previously destroyed alliances coming back in force is wonderful, and I hope to see more of this in the near future.
  18. Hail ARES, it's nice to know there are other alliances who value friendships and righteousness above paper and PR. Weren't you in charge of soldier? /thread
  19. I am happy to see this. Better late than never.
  20. But this then implies that harsh terms are not a means to force a surrender. In the more general sense, I disagree with this point.
  21. What is his point then? To me it seems the point is, the harshness of the terms doesn't matter - it's the alliance's fault if they disband. I disagree.
  22. Because they lost a war and got destroyed. If they try and be d!@#s to anyone in the future, they will lose another. FAN and Vox get peace. No more f!@@#$ry on the red team. We can make fun of them all we like, etc I agree with all of your points though.
  23. From my perspective it looks to me like he's saying that FAN and Vox are the status quo measurement for alliances who choose to disband over terms, implying that no terms are "too harsh".
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