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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. I highly approve of this. Oh and the treaty too
  2. Lots of exiled alliances coming back as they no longer need to fear existing.
  3. While this is true for some people, I know for a fact that countless people quit from countless alliances, simply because their community was driven from the game, and they no longer felt as though they belong in it. These people may very well come back, as these communities are being re-created.
  4. Given that NPO and cronies have been removed from a position of power, I predict many players and communities coming back into the game.
  5. I demand someone makes a webpage with all of those flags - i aint looking through all of them...
  6. The large majority of alliances including yours were given white peace or equivalent peace settlement. But not every single front is the same. Letting the key perpetrators of countless past crimes get away with white peace or light terms would not achieve anything useful.
  7. Incorrect. If Karma was going eye to eye the terms would be a lot worse. Reps are just one part of the terms - don't forget that. And reps aren't the worst part of the terms if you ask me. "High" reps are not necessarily caused by reps which Echelon gave out in the past, but by all of their collective actions which have been underhanded, dishonourable and plain wrong. Whether the reps are worth the "BLEU thing", as you said - that was just your opinion. But keep in mind, the reps are designed to reflect a collection of things and not any one thing.
  8. Ever heard the expression "private channels ftw". So you're equating any and all wrong doings of your alliance to making a simple mistake? I'm going to disagree - it's not that simple. The number of mistakes, their severity, and how they impacted on other alliances must be taken into consideration...among other things. I'm not sure whether I've ever seen anyone say that it's wrong to honour a treaty. Being allied to NPO on the other hand...this is nothing to do with honour - this is a choice you made. Regardless of how "new" you claim your government to be, you clearly haven't changed if you still supported the kinds of things NPO represents and stands for. And if you didn't, then you'd cancel all of your treaties with them - it's pretty simple. They are not illogical nor unreasonable. They are what you deserve...that is the point of Karma. And I don't see why the alliances at war with you should be forced to compromise either. They won the war, and they have the right to dictate your terms. And if you have a problem with that - bad luck, you have nobody but yourselves to blame for making decisions (or the lack of correct decisions) which have led you into the situation which you now find yourselves in. And I'm not talking about honouring treaties either.
  9. Is this some kind of a joke? Why don't you learn2history before bringing up silly discussions like these. You don't have to drop a treaty in order to surrender. Indeed, many alliances dropped their treaties at the onset of the war (Echelon included) without any encouragement from Karma at all. This however did not affect their participation in the war, so I feel your point is flawed - which reflects your lack of knowledge and understanding of the situation. I'm really getting sick and tired of this crap.
  10. Where's the option, "I dislike them more now because they whine like crybabies and won't accept their rightful terms"? Seriously, polls these days...
  11. But what if you already have one of these? If you know what I mean B)
  12. I see this wonderful project has finally been announced. We wish the best of luck to all signatories, especially TSC
  13. No big surprises there, Craig is firmly in the position FC used to hold
  14. Those flags are clearly not the same size - the first has more height than the second. Bob, you fail.
  15. In my opinion, SWF and LSF should merge...into INT It's wonderful news to hear about your comeback, my comrades.
  16. There are about 70 people above 4k infra/peace mode (actually slightly less), which would be the main targets. 70*14=980*80=78400 So at most this is 78k tech. The people below them are likely to be out of nuke range, but let's add another 2k for the hell of it. 80k tech - but I doubt it would even be that much, and it's certainly less than 150k. Those 50 people I would presume are the ones who can contribute most, and as I have said previously, well over 50 people in NPO have adequate tech to contribute significantly to the repayments. Who's doing the political spin now?
  17. What hatred, I am just stating simple facts...It's just that I do it in a truthful and detailed manner compared to most others.
  18. Are you saying that Karma is going to destroy 150k tech in 14 days? Really? And are you contradicting your claim earlier about your banks having enough money to pay reps AND rebuild after merely 14 days of war? I made this exact assertion (that the aforementioned is not false), and you said nobody is claiming it's false, well then you must agree? If someone has X in their warchest, and it's been weeks, then logic would in fact state that they now have X+Delta in their warchest... Keep in mind, I am talking about the peace moders here.
  19. I choose to reply to this with laughter. I honestly don't care what your biased claims of what you would offer Karma are - they are full of crap. Your alliance is baaaad, bad as bad can be. You have shown time and time again that you show no mercy, that you will extort others, that you will destroy communities and (OOC)drive players from the game(/OOC), that you will...oh why am I even saying all this? Why is it necessary? The only time you have ever done anything even remotely not totally screwed up is due to PR reasons, because Moo could obviously see that the large majority of CN no longer supported your !@#$%^ry. tl;dr you aren't fooling anyone. Even if you say you truly would give white peace, deep down, you know that is simply no true. There is no logic behind it given your past history. If the situation with the global hegemony hadn't changed, I have no doubt that this war would be the end of CN - OOC: and by that I mean several thousand more players would quit. NPO was a cancer. I was very happy when it became apparent they would be cut out. I am no longer happy because you refuse to graciously accept the generous terms you damn well know you more than deserve.
  20. There are no grudges - I was simply detailed what terms NPO would be given if NPO was to lose to NPO as a means to clarify the generosity of Karma. As for the rogue thing, bring it on Who exactly voted for Sponge to be Karma's greatest hero? I certainly don't remember any such vote. Sure as hell isn't my hero, the guy's a total And again - these are not terms which I would give, these are terms which would be classified as harsh and ones which NPO would likely give someone in their own position.
  21. Just because you did it to FAN doesn't mean Karma will do it to you. You seriously need to stop being so paranoid, as you are starting to believe your own lies saying that Karma is as bad as NPO. Nobody from Karma will be unreasonable. Just because there are inactives/ghosts on your AA doesn't mean you won't get peace. As long as they are all accounted for, as long as they are all expelled and as long as it is clear that war will continue for those who are not in NPO (ie. ghosts/people you expelled for being inactive/disobeying orders), then I am confident everything will be fine. And in regards to inactivity, as I mentioned previously somewhere, it takes no longer to switch to war mode than collect taxes - which is required every 20 days. Mass PM everyone but your top banks, and the only inactives will be the ones who are incapable of taking the most trivial orders, while they are being spoon-fed to them by PMs. Surely you do not care for such slackers. As for the spy reports, I swear, I have seen at least two dozen spy reports of NPO peace mode nations with around 1bn and more money and more with less but still more than enough to pay for reps (500-1bn range). This was weeks ago - by now, they have even more.
  22. See the problems with this list are numerous. 1. Not adjusted for inflation. 2. Does not include non-rep terms. 3. Does not include terms presented to alliances which disbanded because of their inability to accept those terms. 4. Does not list terms which NPO had an instrumental part in forming, but did not specifically hand down themselves. Now allow me to educate you on what REAL terms for NPO would look like. Payment of 100% of the total technology possessed by the New Pacific Order AA at day 1 of the war. Every single payment of 50 tech must come with 3mill. Repayment of 100% of the reps to every single alliance which still exists, which was ever handed down reps by NPO, adjusted for inflation. Decommissioning of every single military unit, and soldiers down to 20% Decommissioning of every single wonder (which is possible to decommission), all military improvements plus factories. No military wonders for a period of 1 years Complete removal of all NPO government, No NPO nation gets peace until they are on the grey team NPO as an alliance must move to the pink team permanently. Members can only switch after they have been on grey for a month. Complete re-write of the NPO constitution by Karma, including: Permanent restriction on foreign affairs policy Permanent restriction on the type of CB allowed for war ("spying" is not a real CB, nobody is interested in your BS). Permanent transparency of government policy to members Permanent restrictions on the number of each type of treaty you are allowed to hold [*] One-way NAPs with every single Karma alliance for a period of 2 years. [*] No treaties or wars for a period of 1 year. [*] No external aid for a period of 1 year. [*] Only allowed to sell tech to the alliances NPO is currently at war with for a period of 1 year. [*] Must apologise for every single war they have ever been in. [*] Specifically apologise for instituting smear campaigns against the alliances for which this is true. [*] If at any time any of these rules are broken, all of NPO's present enemies plus all willing alliances will ZI every NPO nation and the duration of terms would be reset. NPO should be worshipping the alliances at war with them for being so generous. NPO has no clue how lucky it is that they have decided to be merciful and impose lenient terms compared to the harshness of terms NPO has historically given (LUE, NAAC, LoSS, GATO, Legion, MK, etc).
  23. Then you'll have no problem paying reps then, great. Go and accept your generous peace offer now, kthnx.
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