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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. See bros, I told you phpbb3 is more secure than SMF, and you didn't believe me! PS. I'll host your forums for free if you wish.
  2. No more ignorant than you or your alliance, surely. If Shark Week was supposed to be propaganda, then GOONS really failed really badly at it. Which just reinforces my earlier point. More to the point, Shark week was not propaganda (I seriously hope GOONS did not think it was), it was just an IC thing they did. The smear campaign NPO staged against GPA - now that is propaganda.
  3. GOONS and NPO were actually the same, the difference was that GOONS didn't try to disguise their actions as something totally innocent all the time and create false justifications for their actions. So I disagree that it would have been any worse. Though given GOONS didn't play the BS game, they would have themselves gotten rolled much faster than NPO, since even dumb people would turn against them quick enough, given they weren't being fooled.
  4. This could be done as part of a broader change to add NPCs to the game.
  5. MK all the way. It's a shame that the orders were allowed to wreck havoc on the world for quite a lot of time after that war, but oh well.
  6. Well I have to admit, this is one heck of an announcement. Congratulations to Sparta on it's government changes, and to GTG for finally getting the top job
  7. Just the way it looks from my perspective, because instead of admitting that it is because the flawed actions of your leaders and your harassment of many alliances over time having resulted in a war, and your subsequent defeat, the people here (including NPO members), are making up excuses saying you only lost sanction due to ghosts and whatnot. Completely different things if you ask me.
  8. First of all, I said "NPO and buddies", not just NPO. Second, there certainly have been NPO people here who whined about it. Third, you most certainly did impose draconian terms on us in countless previous wars - and we were nice enough to not put you through the awful things you did to us. No U
  9. That's the impression I get from so many people coming up with silly excuses for NPO losing their sanction - as if NPO hasn't really lost it, or it's not at fault or something.
  10. High military organisation & high activity. Significant ideological similarities with my own views.
  11. Seven pages of NPO and it's buddies making excuses for a pretty normal thing - can't accept the fact that they got owned. I wonder when NPO will be out of denial..
  12. You best be stating controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant nonsense with the primary intent of provoking other rulers into an emotional or disciplinary response or to generally disrupt normal discussion, sir.
  13. That document is missing quite a few sigs Myworld But on the subject matter at hand, welcome Once you're part of something as special as NOIR, you might understand.
  14. Lol excuses. Also, NPO hasn't started paying reps yet. What you're saying there is really kind of like Hitler accusing the British of hating on the Jews.
  15. Clearly you are uninformed. The way the NoCB was was carried out and the reps asked by certain key hegemony alliances caused other alliances (such as Gremlins) to want to move away from them. Thus, the NoCB war was instrumental in shifting the power away from the Hegemony and allowing this war to occur as it did.
  16. TPF, just get over it. And why encapsulate the little bit of truth in the announcement with so much baloney.
  17. But if your system of governing is so much better, shouldn't you attract their players? I mean clearly, they want to be in one of the best alliances in CN, and I would guess you'd claim that NSO fits that bill.
  18. No, he did not. I was ZIed during that specific war. My involvement with mhawk begins after it was over. I think you should stick to talking about things you have at least some knowledge of.
  19. I think mhawk is losing his sanity, in his old age.
  20. No offence, but you seem like an attention wh*** RV. I imagine this could be very very easily solved with a bit of direct diplomacy.
  21. Actually we suggested that all the Stickmen move to black B)
  22. Problems with the argument of OP: 1. Assumes but never tries to prove that everyone is out to "rule the world" and "win the game" - whatever that means. 2. Assumes but never tries to prove that everyone is as manipulative and deceptive as the NSO. 3. Completely fail to understand what team unity is all about. 4. Pushing own NSO's agenda of being able to do whatever they want without considering the moral and ethical implications of said actions. 5. Assuming but never proving that all alliances are driven by a lust for power and influence as opposed to finer things, such as ideals and morals. 6. Conclusion doesn't at all follow on from the (flawed) argument. IMO, more like NSO looking at the entire world as full of alliances identical to the NSO. 2/10 for effort.
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