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White Chocolate

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Everything posted by White Chocolate

  1. 63 of your 113 nations are in peace mode currently and it’s been that way since the war has started. Enjoy that “activity” you’re fighting for.
  2. And yet, we’re still the 3rd ranked alliance in the game and not the 4th.
  3. Well said. Oculus truly made every attempt to work with their bloc mate, Polar. At the beginning of the this war, the person who was the New Polar Order's emperor understood this and worked with the rest of Oculus in return by truly following the supremacy clause. Unfortunately, the true powers in Polar only pretend to do what is right by their allies. It's simply !@#$%^&* that Polar tells their allies and membership . An emperor who actually keeps the alliance treaties? Now the real power inside (and outside - hello NG) of Polar could not have that! I loved the absolute shock from the other side when Polar decided to uphold the treaty! The vile and hate thrown at Polar after showed the world (once again) in a highly public fashion exactly how little the allies of Non Grata are actually respected by Non Grata. The change of direction by Polar and withdrawing from the war was disappointing, but not totally unexpected. It's no surprise that they (and others on that side) mistake kindness for weakness. They know nothing about kindness. Oculus chose to be a part of this war WHEN Polar was a member of Oculus. If Polar had left Oculus and dropped the treaties BEFORE getting involved with the war, you would have a point. Polar could have done exactly that at the start. Your later statement about "don't let Polar's 1st administration going into this war deceive you" is total nonsense. Well, maybe YOUR side is constantly plotting against each other and so it seems obvious to you. I don't know. Polar made a very clear choice to stick with Oculus regardless from the beginning. If it was not sincere, that only makes Polar worse and is not the fault of Oculus. Oculus is acting like they were betrayed because they were betrayed. Polar started this war on their side, then dropped their treaties and left and then turned around and declared war on DT, a member of Oculus. In terms of "destroying" Polar, Oculus does not need to do that. They left Oculus and personally, I could not be happier. Polar no longer has a seat at the table in Oculus and I've wanted that since they got the seat in the first place. ByePolar.
  4. The fact that I no longer have to give a !@#$ what THIS Polar thinks is the third best part of the war thus far. The second is fighting FTW. It's going to be difficult to top number one, but maybe...
  5. Dungeons & Doom (D&D for short) BiPolar II Terrible Peace War (or The Terrible Peace War War - you get what I mean) Roll War (we have both RFI and RFD involved on opposite sides - name can include both) I do not get the Herogasm reference. It's a comic book or am I totally off the mark?
  6. Their cause for war is that we took over Black team by the old fashion method of getting the most votes. Gasp! I know. How evil is that?! Clearly an alliance that prides itself on being moral can not allow such evil as winning team elections fair and square stand without declaring a war. Such noble Knights.
  7. I agree with FL below, but since you offered let's hear your spin/pointers. I'm actually curious.
  8. FL plays an important role in the CLAWS-Doom Squad relationship. There is no better assurance that CLAWS will NOT drop Doom Squad (even when having a private discussion about a crazy idea like attacking OBR and other *cough* matters *cough* ) because regardless of everything else, doing so would please FL WAY to much. Onychectomy sounds lovely to me in comparison to making FL THAT happy. #nukefiringline
  9. Citizens of Planet Bob; It has come to our attention, via recent leaks posted on the Open World Forum (OWF), that a certain internal opinion poll took place inside Doom Squad. Well, I do declare, I am shocked and more than a little disappointed. How dare Lord Hershey actually bother to ask opinions of his membership? CLAWS is willing to forgive this outrage in exchange for something Doom Squad holds dear. The blood of their enemies. Some war slots on Order of the Black Rose and Old Guard should be acceptable compensation. CLAWS hereby declares (or recognizes – we are a member of Doomsphere) a state of war with Order of the Black Rose and Old Guard in defense of Doom. #nukefiringline Signed, Senator White Chocolate, Back in Blackbird Tevron, Recovering Democrat, Rising Authoritarian, SBN Card-carrier, Ministabber Expat, Bard of RFI, Beach Summer Fun Buddy Jazzy95, Supreme Sultan of Grand Inquisition Bohemond Hauteville, Polaris Spy, Shredder at Large Wolfman, Shredder of the Interior ConRed, Advisor of the Interior
  10. Jazzy's post is fantastic. No one at CLAWS would even consider bragging about the #3 slot for real. It's number 3. So what? We've had it for a long time before FTW passed us. Did we brag about it? Not really. It is only because of Canik's previous post that posting this one is fun. Consider it like you all mocking RFI through RFD. Was that you all taking Planet Bob too serious? Canik's first response was the best response anyone on your side had in this thread. A lot of you are good at dishing out !@#$ on the OWF and laughing at other nation leaders. During war, I get it to a certain extent, but some of you take things WAY to serious. And oh, if anyone dares do the same in return then you cry like a bunch of children who got a toy you use to smash things taken away. Don't dish !@#$ out if you can't take it in return.
  11. If it bothers you that much, The Order of the White Rose would be a great name for your alliance. I am sure the other white team alliances would welcome you.
  12. Perfect. @Tevron might even accept this as a flag. Indeed, Doom Squad is one of the best. A great Protector of CLAWS! I just have one little complaint, but you all know WHO that is -------------------------------------------------------------------- Now - back to business - what was I going to say? Oh yeah - #3 is the new #1 in 2022
  13. The only thing alliances care about for real (leadership will tell you different but it's a lie) is WHO is the hegemony. That's it. Those in power want to stay in power. Those not in power want to take power. Everything else is secondary. I'm not saying that I like it this way and I'm not saying I don't. Like everything else, alliances have their own self interests and that's simply not going to change. It would take a massive amount of work and the current leadership of any alliance who cares would have to chat peacefully to work it out and then agree to keep it that way instead of plotting the next moment to change it. Not going to happen. The best worldwide chats we have (if they happen) are during global wars. Probably because we don't have to pretend that we like the "other side" during war. What are they going to do, attack? In my opinion, if alliance leadership (and of any alliance - mine included) really desired to change Planet Bob, it would require all of us to step down and hand our power to the next generation. Pick active people who know the basics but have been here less than two years and put those people at the top of the alliance and then leave them alone to do whatever without our interference. For CLAWS that would probably be @Wolf man Don't get too excited Wolf Man, it would only be effective if the other alliances did the same and they will not. Also, even with that, things would eventually get back to where we are.
  14. Hello Christian Coalition of Countries (CCC), One of CLAWS friends would like to dance. They want to do this showing the upmost respect and thus have asked CLAWS to make formal introductions before coming out of their shell. Since people have decided to make retro arguments to justify actions in this war, circa 2012, Tevron and I decided to use an old favorite. CLAWS declares war on CCC in defense of the New Pacific Order. You’re welcome. Signed, White Chocolate, Back in Blackbird Tevron, Recovering Democrat, Rising Authoritarian, SBN Card-carrier, Ministabber Expat, Bard of RFI, Beach Summer Fun Buddy Jazzy95, Supreme Sultan of Grand Inquisition Bohemond Hauteville, Polaris Spy, Shredder at Large Wolfman, Shredder of the Interior ConRed, Advisor of the Interior (tl:dr CLAWS makes a ghost DoW on CCC to bring in another alliance)
  15. Your side is almost entirely in peace mode in my range. That's actually smart, it means they get to have a little more control over when and where they declare. I'll do the same. However, you and they know all this. Normally I would not even bother arguing this !@#$%^&* with you or anyone else. I'll make an exception here. I will now, as I always have been willing, do whatever the hell it takes to fight for and protect my friends. I do not care who is on the other side and I give zero !@#$ what our enemies think. I am in this on a military level @kerschbs 100% - but you side needs to do your part and bring FTW and NATO people out of peace mode now and then so I actually have a few targets. Doomsphere are the best friends anyone could have. Unlike many alliance I have had contact with since 2008, they truly believe in friends > infrastructure. It's not just a slogan to justify whatever the hell political aims the people in power feel they need to achieve like Non Grata has, both in the past and now. I knew you, Non Grata, when you were in Oculus. Thank admin the rest of Oculus did not hand over power to you. This world would be a !@#$@#$ !@#$ hole. Thank admin also that Polar finally decided to step away. War is necessary. It reaffirms who are really with us and who are not. For starting the war, I thank NATO and FTW. It's been...interesting. Now can we PLEASE shut up and fight?!
  16. It makes me sad as well. I was hopeful that someone in Non Grata would be the one to make me feel like I would have to bother with peace mode after a fight. But no - it's Freehold of the Wolves. Your guy in my range is also in peace mode. I am assuming that the majority of FTW in peace is strategic. I have not seen a DoW (thread) yet from Non Grata though.
  17. Well, there is this treaty called an MDoAP that CLAWS has had with DBDC for a long time. It is not a secret treaty. It is not like you all did not know about it either. Our involvement is no surprise I am sure. Glad you admit it. Agreed. They do talk a lot for people who claim not to be involved.
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