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Everything posted by Erixxxx

  1. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1296426503' post='2611601'] Also, erixxx...please sign a MADP with 57th or someone we're attacking [/quote] I'm sure you're not the only one who'd like that.
  2. Declaring on two of my favourite alliances. I hope you guys make Athens eat their DoW. [quote name='Vespassianus' timestamp='1296385142' post='2610997'] Honoring an MDP is uncool, but forming an alliance like 2 minutes before DoW and bandwagon is cool? Your logic makes sense 57th... [/quote] 57th was planning to make a comeback way before this war started to unfold. Blame bad timing.
  3. How many times have you guys passed 4mill NS now? Anyway, congrats once again! o/ NEW
  4. Becoming what you're fighting to destroy is not the way forward. Bad move.
  5. Welcome back, guys! That's one hell of a way to march back on Planet Bob. Good luck! o/ 57th
  6. I still remember when you made your DoE. Congrats on kicking the training wheels! o/DRAGON
  7. An awesome treaty between two awesome alliances! o/ DRAGON o/ DB4D
  8. If you've got an issue with one of my members, I suggest your alliance sends a representative to VA's IRC channel instead of blowing this up on the OWF. This reeks of attention-seeker.
  9. Good to see this finally happen. o/ WFF! Belated Christmas presents should be incoming shortly.
  10. I think this calls for a "lolJorjor".
  11. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1289240925' post='2506303'] I object to the notion that it has to be announced like this. You really want everyone to spam announcements of such trivial and obvious policies? [/quote] It should be taken for granted, I agree. But people don't. Hence why these announcements are apparently necessary.
  12. [quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1289072069' post='2504145'] If there is relevant reasoning to the cancellation beyond the declarations of war also being posted on the OWF you should have provided it in the OP. Not everyone is going to search through multiple threads to keep up with your little micro drama, he said/she said crap. Unless you are going to actually explain your cancellation, you really can't be that surprised when people draw their own conclusions. Having said that, you've never really been very keen on international politics, or common sense for that matter, have you? No sweat, I'll help you out when I can. [/quote] Not everyone is as keen on revealing a ton of dirty laundry in public as others clearly are. And there's nothing wrong with people coming up with their own conclusions, the problem arises when they automatically assume their conclusion is fact. And to be quite honest, I think DB4D is better off without your help.
  13. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1289029126' post='2503806'] Yeah, but does that really fly with the whole "death before dishonor" thing? No. [/quote] Would you have just let it slide if one of your allies had lied to your face, and to the face of one of your other allies, in order to trick you into a war?
  14. Seems like I need to change me sleep patterns so I can actually be around when stuff like this happens. I'm still not sure what's up and down in this, but fair winds in getting it sorted out in a satisfactory way.
  15. Good luck with this, DB4D is indeed some mighty fine people. o/ DB4D! [quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1284787070' post='2457057'] Don't worry I'm the new Lord Protector of CN. [/quote] Oh lawl, you're still here?
  16. [quote name='The Flying Scotsman' timestamp='1284147366' post='2448972'] Thank you for making me feel incredibly old Erixxx. [/quote] Any time.
  17. Congrats, MAD. You've found some mighty fine people to protect you. Good luck to both of you.
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