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Everything posted by Fighter26

  1. Nation:Kimotoro Ruler:Fighter26 Style:-2 Alliance:Veritas Aequitas Link:http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=247501
  2. I gotta say, taking away my opinions on the topic- that people's bias will ultimately guide this poll either way...
  3. Very cool, we love you guys As for the treaty congrats to TPF and BTO, heres to new friendships.
  4. Sorry I'm booked... hows Sunday work for you?
  5. As you get to the higher end of the 3k (around 3600 up...) you will notice that the jump was worth it.
  6. Seriously if you got to a good person like this your pulling at straws.
  7. I used to plan on having at least two -3 dollar events at a given time, my event now have given me cheaper tanks or something. I guess that's better. Almost all the events I have had were bad ones heh.
  8. Perhaps I misread your post, but do keep in mind that Nukes without a Uranium supply for upkeep makes them even more of a financial burden...
  9. This is still debated in the eve community, I'm in a corp that has some friends that were affected by this upstart. There is not much that happened in the larger scope of BOB, because close to 80% of them joined K (the second largest alliance in the game now) and they hold sovereignty over most of the space controlled by BOB. tbh the Goons and Bob both trade losses every now and then. I'm the same name in eve, contact me if you are looking for more info. The sandbox format of EvE protects it from anyone completely ever controlling it.
  10. Sometimes saying sorry isn't a option, it's good to be prepared... also some things are worth fighting for Btw fish is ftw, that's my second favorite
  11. Funny every time I see this someone adds more wonders lol Vote for Uranium
  12. There are some alliances who have specialized goals, however in general if you feel comfortable stay put. I would like to point out that the smaller aa's give you more chances to become a member of government, where you can feel a bit more depth to the game.
  13. Ninjas? This isn't Sea World this is real as it gets =P good luck
  14. is this true only if your nuclear armed, or does it offer alot more abilities such as spying away enemy nukes?
  15. Okay I have a good question for those who have sentimental ties to FABs or other cheaper military wonders; what do you believe is the most valuable of the military wonders under 50mil?
  16. I am out of aid slots for now, see you all next round
  17. I have one more slot available
  18. Out of aid slots, thanks to those who are doing deals with me
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