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  1. I was wondering what you all think is EXPECTED of an alliance. I am currently in one and its possible I expect to much from it so I was wondering what you think a good alliance should be able to deliver to its members or possibly Planet Bob in general.
  2. In defense of my post... The propaganda is great (ala videos on youtube) and so wasnt Iraqs (ala Baghdad Bob saying Iraq was winning the war when the coalition was on its way to baghdad) Although we all know how that turned out.
  3. Well I wont be testing my theory thats for sure. I am quite content just being a medium nation trying to build from there.
  4. NPO is sorta like the Walmart of Alliances. Thats not a bad thing. It protects its interests and other NON members. The Revenge Doc as I interpret it is for ANYONE on Red Team. I could join a new alliance called ANTI NPO tomorrow and if I am on the red team they will protect me. It seems to me they do more good then harm. (Note: Not saying they dont harm)
  5. Bump bumppity bump bump bump!
  6. Three more people and we can all be very happy! HURRY HURRY JOIN JOIN!
  7. im in... Lets get this thing going!
  8. Simply send me a message IN GAME with an offer and once I get your offer and your EMAIL I will send you your Graphic. I have taken Graphic Design Class and I should be able to make you proud. Simply state what kind of look your going for and I will get that to you ASAP! Kev PS: I am on here pretty much all the time so no worries about me not responding ASAP! Double PS: If you have a good trade set we can discuss something in lines of that too. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=266744
  9. Please PM me in the game at this link. Thank you all so much. I look forward to discussing terms. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=266744
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