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Kim Jaym Il

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Everything posted by Kim Jaym Il

  1. The Ministers mud wrestle to determine who gets the first pick. This was quite the spectacle when Grub was still working in Peace.
  2. Congrats folks, two outstanding groups joining together can only result in something amazing.
  3. Good luck to the new council, and to Chim with the Clan. :3
  4. What are the odds that two alliances share a monthly biggest gainer spot, and both have the same number of members to boot.
  5. Could you please point out where he called you a dick? I believe he posted that for the people who are still posting blindly even after the OP edits. The post under yours, for example. Personally, I rather like this policy, and I think it's going to shape up to be a great help for the Pink Sphere.
  6. I sign this document as a representative of the Blue team, in a white alliance, who supports the Pink sphere.
  7. Cameo Overall I must say, well played, TPF.
  8. Without any bias at all, I shall vote for The Galactic Republic.
  9. I now know that if he joins the NSO, I can blame Random.
  10. It looked differently to me earlier, wasn't sure if it was different or if it was my eyes. Has it been made brighter?
  11. Ocho is the only logical choice.
  12. Good sir I have the finest cookies in town. Freshly baked.
  13. Welcome to our friends from Xanadu. I look forward to the days to come, and the friendships to be made. o/
  14. I have arrived to hail and gnaw on the Minister of Love and Cuddles.
  15. When you bring your business to public view, expect people to comment on it.
  16. I think the point isn't so much that he left as much as it is that he was told to leave.
  17. Liability would be a better choice of words, to be honest.
  18. Updated slightly to fit with today's topic of conversation.
  19. Congrats Soldier, I hope to see you quickly reach 3 points.
  20. When the current one falls off the first page.
  21. Congrats folks, two very fine alliances right there.
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