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Everything posted by Daeryon

  1. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323062845' post='2863321'] You're right, TPF-FAN is in a vacuum unrelated to everything else happening, and your other ally on the losing side wasn't already engaged when you picked sides. My B. [/quote] Apparently we should have consulted Schattenmann in order to interpret our treaties. He is such a long term TPF member, and knows the intimate details so well. Next time Schat, we'll bring you to the war meetings.
  2. [quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1323060642' post='2863157'] Lets see how good that FAN war machine really is [/quote] I was expecting more. The guy I hit is so "well prepared" he has a warchest of $52 That's not 52 million....that's $52.
  3. A reset would kill the game IMO. The current problems are due to a few things: #1. Boredom. Let's face facts, this game can get REALLY boring. It's been around for quite a while now and has reached a point where a lot of the original older players who first made it interesting in a lot of ways have moved on. In addition, there's nothing new to figure out. I can go to almost any alliance and find handbooks on how to grow my nation. It's all written down. I don't have to think in most cases. #2. Lack of intersting politics (really a subcategory of boredom). Now I'm not intimate with all the politics out there in Bob, but it seems to me like there's very little ambition from a lot of the allliances in the game. Some of our biggest alliances are rather.....laissez faire with global politics: MHA, GPA, WTF. The remainder are either being very careful not to draw attention (Those not in the ruling coalition), or don't want to shake things up because they'd risk losing some of their current control of Bob (those in the ruling coalition). #3. Damage taken in the last couple of wars. Some alliances in this game have really been set back, or downright forced out of existence due to a combination of lack of activity, and the damage inflicted in Karma and every war afterward. The damage causes reluctance to engage in a war in the future. If it took me 6 months to regroup from the last war...why risk it all to start over again? Expecting drama, conflict, and interest out of these alliances is silly. #4. Lack of unique ideas. When NPO in the past took the entire red sphere under it's wing and swaggered around Bob it created interest, drama, they had some neat ideas about how to shape Bob going forward. Always pressing new boundaries. Who does that now? The goal of those who took the power from NPO seems to have been twofold: Stop things from happening like NPO used to do, and keep NPO down. They've accomplished those goals, ad nauseum over the past couple years. Problem is what now? The solution to revitalizing CN is for politics around here to unstagnate. Someone has to step up and change things politically. Make it interesting. Create the drama and people will pay attention.
  4. [quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1307366562' post='2725346'] Do we really have to make an argument out of everything just because it is NPO posting it? It is getting old... oh wait, that is also more than a 2 year old tradition. [/quote] Exactamundo! It's actually pretty funny. I'm glad I got an NPO medal and ribbon. And it cracks me up that DH are taking time to whine about it.
  5. This is great. On behalf of TPF the feeling is mutual. We could have no better allies. Pacifica Prevails!
  6. The outtakes reel from this will be worth watching.
  7. You want it. Why else did you wear that dress?
  8. [quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1304448887' post='2705335'] In this war GOONS was solidly lower tier. In that level they were outnumbered and outclassed after the first weeks of the war when the other side's upper and middle tier nations who were not in peace mode got beaten down to GOONS level. At this level those nations with warchests and wonders were able to cause damage to GOONS with better build and older nations. It was hypothesided in a Doomhouse on the OWF that the best way to fight them would be to have upper and middle tiers in peace and have the fight be in the lower tiers. Doomhouse responded that we would drop significant aid to our lower tier to be able to outlast the enemy. This war took that hypothetical and made it a reality. The strategy of sending your top tier and middle tier to peace mode has been defeated in this war, and we showed that we have the ability and will to drop aid on our lower tiers to counter such strategies. This war was a real war. Sure GOONS did not single handedly defeat all the alliances arrayed against them, but GOONS was on the winning side, that should count for something. [/quote] That's pretty funny coming from the organization that was too high to even fight in the war. You guys are just lucky you had GOONS to fight your war for you.
  9. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1304404708' post='2704965'] LOL, 6 month NAP/ODP in the same document saying they have to have their upper tier destroyed first. I guess NPO and Co learned nothing. I see no mention of NPO and co getting a clean slate in the surrender. It was mentioned over and over in this war that a clean start for NPO was never specifically spelled out in the karma surrender there fore they are open to attacks for past crimes again and again. The DoW said NPO will never be allowed to rebuild. Can they expect another war for the same past crimes some time after the 6 months end. [/quote] Yeah, I'm pretty sure you are right. This war was geared to draw in NPO from the beginning. When it didn't DH just threw aside all pretense and attacked NPO. In 6 months to a year they'll do it again. Regardless of what NPO does. The terms to end this war are pretty clear: DH will attack and cripple NPO. This is the only condition for peace that is acceptable. The reality is that we neither had the numbers nor the will to keep fighting them. They knew it when they started the war, and they have it in writing now.
  10. [quote name='Stefano Palmieri' timestamp='1304397048' post='2704720'] Thank Christ that's over. Cheers to the TPF nations I fought, you were a lot of fun. [/quote] Thanks. Was fun fighting you as well.
  11. [quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1303663969' post='2698533'] You obviously don't know me very well. If NPO had attacked DH and DH froze in PM like a bunch of cowards, I PROMISE you I would be typing up this exact thing again, but with different names. This isn't about politics, which you so grievously missed, despite it being very clear in the OP. I couldn't care less about politics at this point. I [i][b]do[/b][/i] care about Bob being interesting. PM isn't interesting. And, for the record, some neutrals do provide a necessary place. I disagree with what they're doing, but for alliances that claim not to follow that practice to do what they're doing? That's a little too much. [/quote] "froze like a bunch of cowards"? No, you don't have an agenda at all. Go worry about the "57th Overlanders". Maybe when you get attacked by 5 or 6 alliances you can leave all your people out of peace mode so they can get swamped. It'll prove how great you are to make CN so interesting....while you get your rear handed to you. It'll be real interesting for everyone, and then you can stop complaining about NPO.
  12. [quote name='SADeki' timestamp='1303657711' post='2698475'] Didn't a lot of people on the NPO side claim that this was going to be an easy victory early on in the war? Did you ever take into account, that the fact that you are outnumbered, and the fact that your alliance and your allies use peace mode to such an extent, might just be related? [/quote] I can't make statements on what "a lot" of people on the NPO side thought. I can say that if anyone with a brain looks at NPO + allies straight up vs DH, the advantage toe to toe is DH. You think DH declared thinking they'd lose? And no, not really. I look at it as doing what we need to do against an enemy with more strength who was determined to drag us all into a war we didn't want in the first place.
  13. [quote name='Lord Velox' timestamp='1303650287' post='2698434'] It's not fighting a war on DH's terms as you say. It's simply [i]fighting [/i] instead of sitting and doing nothing. [/quote] There's plenty of fighting going on. I'd ask the rest of GOONS if you aren't seeing it.
  14. [quote name='Grabem' timestamp='1303625607' post='2698317'] Oh no, we've been found out! [/quote] Quick! Initiate plan BETA CHI ZETA! "Act like we want war when we don't and get our secret agents to post walls of text discussing the fine points of resource trading on GOONS boards until they capitulate!"
  15. [quote name='Lord Velox' timestamp='1303645219' post='2698406'] You do know the poster is on NPO's side [formerly] right? [/quote] And that's relevant how? Regardless of what "side" he's on, or was formerly on, the idea that NPO "owes it to the game" to go out and fight a war on DH's terms is ridiculous.
  16. The entire premise of this thread is laughable. NPO gets attacked by overwhelming forces, and fights one hell of a war, managing to nullify the best assaults of it's enemies, and we'll blame them for not marching out to the slaughter. Oh no! BAd NPO! Using peace mode! You should bravely go out there and face 4 to 1 odds in those ranges! Just as insipidly I'll assert that the boredom is DH's fault. They should sell off all their infra and tech, come down to the level where NPO has advantage and then fight the war! How dare they hold things up and cower in the upper ranges! Where is umbrella??? Why are they not going to the lower ranges and coming out to die?? See? I can be absurd too. Facts are: DH attacked NPO. NPO is defending itself, and well. Frankly it's also hilarious that the poster praises DH for "shaking things up". I would bet cash that if NPO had been the one "Shaking things up", the same author would be writing a post about how aggressive meaningless attacks need to stop. Save us threads like this in the future.
  17. Some of my favorite bits...some are indications of trying too hard, some just fun grammar mistakes, etc: [quote]My fellow Pacificans, I was hoping to wait until after the fighting stopped to sit back and take a look at Planet Bob and see where all the various blocs and alliances were, so that we could plan a strategy on how to take back what is rightfully ours. [/quote] This (and many other parts like it) is an indication to me that this was written by someone outside Pacifica, looking to paint Pacifica in a bad light. "Take back what is rightfully ours". The sheer gall of that statement sure to get under the skin of anyone remotely opposed to Pacifica. GASP! how dare they! GASP! They don't own this game! Etc. IMO, someone in Pacifica would not write a document for general distribution with such blatant statements like this to indicate that Bob is "Rightfully ours". Well....not anyone with any kind of a brain anyway. [quote]Regardless, as we were posing as a peace-loving alliance since the end of the Armageddon War, and we had our own plans for this conflict, this came as a mild shock to us. [/quote] Cut. Me. A break. "posing as a peace-loving alliance". Like there was a deliberate PLAN of action in Pacifica to not BE peaceable, but only to ACT peaceable. Also, let's throw in some sinister PLAN that Pacifica had to ultimately be involved in the war....the war they deliberately avoided (Not the first mind you). "ATTENTION PACIFICANS! ACTIVATE PLAN ARGENT! PLAN ARGENT! EVERYONE ACT NICE! EVERYONE ACT LIKE WE WANT TO AVOID A WAR! Our secret agents are currently working on plan LAMBDA LAMBDA FIVE! "DESTROY MUSHROOM KINGDOM FROM WITHIN BY POSTING TOO MUCH GUN PORN ON THEIR BOARDS!" [quote]Nations and alliances who I never thought would see the light after the Armageddon War have publicly and privately lent their support to Pacifica, which have included several saying that had they known this is what “Karma” was going to bring, they would have fought on our side.[/quote] This is interesting, in that IMO, this is the motivation of the poster. Reversing bad public image through this letter. It's no secret that this unprovoked attack has brought a lot of bad will. The second half of this...knowing what Karma was going to bring....this is an accusation the author has heard....probably one leveled at him. [quote]We have proven that Pacifica is not as weak as people have been gossiping in back channels, but instead is the unstoppable and unbeatable military power that ruled Planet Bob years ago. If anything, this terrorist attack has been a blessing in disguise. While we had healed completely from the Armageddon War, it had been an issue on how we were going to take back the reigns of control from those who did not deserve it. [/quote] Hilarious. First, the author makes the mistake of assuming that PACIFICANS would be in back channels where others were "gossiping" that Pacifica was weak. Um..no. Those present in anti-pacifican gossip sessions? THEY DON'T TEND TO BE FROM PACIFICA! "Take back the reigns of control from those who did not deserve it". Couple things to note there: #1. The author is an individual who does not understand the difference between "reins" and "reigns". A clue to his identity. #2. The threat of a "healed completely" Pacifica looking to "take back the reigns" is so clearly stated as to be laughable. A Pacifican would not write this document. Someone looking to paint Pacifica as bad...would. [quote]My fellow Pacificans, it is time that we take back our planet. And I firmly believe that we can do it before the end of the year.[/quote] BEWARE! BEWARE! PAFICIA NEEDS STOPPING NOW! WE HAVE LESS THAN A YEAR!! MOMMY! I could go on all week with the size of this document, but I apparently don't have as little to do as the author
  18. I'm just amazed that someone would spend all that time writing that only to get so many things wrong. But they got one thing right, TPF rocks.
  19. An honor to fight beside the Sith! Let's bury some GOONs.
  20. [quote name='Tkdkidsx2' timestamp='1296355534' post='2610246'] I have a question for you all. Why exactly are we fighting this war? Wouldn't it be mutually beneficial to just hold hands and sing 'Kumbayah' (or whatever), with no victor and no loser? The tech could go aflowin', and we wouldn't have to have nations QQ and quit on us. Just a question. [/quote] You are wondering why one group of people try to bully another? That's just the way things are. Humans are like that. They've done experiments, you put one group of people in charge of another, the group in charge starts feeling superior and has no problem bullying, dominating and hurting the other. It applies whether you are talking about soliders/citizens, prison guards/ prisoners, or even people playing games. Archon and his buddies needed to dominate someone to feel important, so they are trying to dominate us.
  21. [quote name='Affluenza' timestamp='1296334684' post='2609870'] No. I can with much certainty and confidence say that GOONS and PC will be nursed back to health. [/quote] Well I can't speak on the PC front, but when we're done with GOONs? You are going to have trouble finding the pixels to put them back together again. [img]http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/6139/thems.jpg[/img] They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
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