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Everything posted by Daeryon

  1. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1281791543' post='2415641'] What difference does that make? [/quote] Plenty. The TPF today is clearly not the TPF of 2 years ago. Most of the people who did those curbstomps are long gone. If you want to continue to hold a grudge for actions 2 years ago, that's your right, however , it cracks me up that you think it was wrong when TPF did it, but not wrong when someone else does. [quote] Why would you have? You were the ones doing the stomping for such a long time. It would not make sense for your alliance to go to war to stop what you were happlily doing now, would it? [/quote] Me? No. Most of our members? No. Do you blame us for the actions of guys who have long since moved on? Apparently. Why would we have? Apparently if the current situation is any indication....we only would have done it so we could turn around and pick on people ourselves. [quote] No, your alliance just squealed a lot when they finally got a taste of their own medicine which lends me to the conclusion that they did not like curbstomps much unless they were doing the stomping. Which is remarkably similar to the opinion you just ridiculed. To be fair, it deserved the ridicule much like your alliance's attitude when the tables were turned.[/quote] Clearly no one likes being on the receiving end of a curbstomp. However that you can blame us for actions 2 years ago, and then support people now for the same sort of actions just shows a hypocrisy.
  2. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1281790948' post='2415635'] How is his opinion any different from the one your alliance and her allies long held? [/quote] When was the last TPF curbstomp...2 years ago? more? I'd bet we don't even have half of the members present then. And I didn't say my alliance wasn't guilty of any. But then again...MY alliance didn't go fighting a war to stop curbstomps and injustice either. And oh yeah...then start proclaiming they were fine, as long as they were the ones doing them.
  3. [quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1281790028' post='2415630'] Aren't YOU clever. Karma wasn't to prevent curbstomps, it was to prevent YOU from curbstomping anymore since we'd had quite enough. But you know that already. You just like being [i]that guy[/i]. Not that NPO would [i]ever[/i] spin something (read: everything) in propaganda in order to misinform the new and passive player. [/quote] Now that is funny. Curbstomps are fine....as long as you are the ones in power doing the stomping. I'm sure the next group of nations in power will remember that when they curbstomp you.
  4. You are asking for factual evidence of their bullying? Look at the stats. This "war" is a joke.
  5. Admin only knows. RoK and friends are either just doing it to bully NSO, or were hoping for a much bigger war which seems won't develop without them blatantly attacking other alliances (which really means they wanted to bully an even larger group...with even more of their friends). If this is just a bullying of NSO it'll be over in about a week when RoK and all get bored of wasting money and resources attacking the NSO...who are no doubt ready to end the war at any time. If RoK and friends are desperate for a large-scale war....they'll come up with some half-baked excuse to have their other allies launch attacks at as of yet uninvolved alliances....so they can bully on a larger scale. I'd imagine something akin to "NPO was naughty" would be about the level of validity to the CB issued.
  6. An excellent read. I wish TPF had a bulletin this fine. NPO o/
  7. I kind of view this place like "the media" in the real world. The average player mostly ignores it, and like his IRL counterpart, he attempts to fill his mind with other things...useless things. In this game: IRC jokes, funny pictures, and maybe a seperate tab filled with porn. In the real world: Football games, sitcoms and a seperate tab filled with porn. Does some diffuse through? Sure. But mostly what he wants to hear: USA is great, Obama is cool, rah-rah, the other guys are savages. In this world: (insert alliance) is great, our leader is cool, rah-rah, the other guys are savages. for the most part I think on some level the average player realizes that there is virtually no true difference between his alliance...and the enemy alliance, other than he's not a member. Much like if I took some guy from the US and dropped him in Iran, and told him he was an Iranian citizen, he'd soon be one loyal Iranian. Now, for the people who actually post here regularly...I think most of them know the blind propaganda they are spewing, and just take it as part of the game. Some don't....it's obvious every once in a while that you meet a true believer...who honestly BELIEVES the bull his alliance is selling, but I think a lot of what's said here is tongue in cheek, or outright lies, told on purpose in an effort to convince others that they should like your alliance, and hate the other alliance.
  8. I can't believe I missed this until now. I agree almost completely.
  9. [quote name='LucasSnow' timestamp='1281550200' post='2411331'] LOL Logic; the study of reasoning. It's not present on CN, not in it's true sense anyways. Logic here is nothing more that one opinion painted as fact and why cant you see that logic, it's so obviously logical are you blind? I've given up on Logic in this place. That is all. [/quote] Amen.
  10. now on this map Pennsylvania is free. So TPF will claim the 6 territories in PA....since we have so many PA members. Gray of some sort please.
  11. Okay, with 15 or so slots at 3090855 NS I'll put TPF in for Michigan in memory of a former Evil Overlord who was from there. [img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/2116/michigan.png[/img]
  12. bah. Umbrella is already sitting on most of PA.
  13. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1281368021' post='2407613'] I was unaware that asking a broad question and employing a specific example for context was "spin." You may go back to Go and address the broad question now that you have vented your butthurt on the specific example. "When is it a bloc action?" [/quote] When the bloc coordinates together in a planned action. Regardless of propaganda issued. Plain enough that time?
  14. What a spin. This is [u]clearly[/u] a bloc action. Several members of the bloc have so far been held in reserve because: A. The alliances attacking NSO already have overwhelming strength, and if it's NSO alone they don't NEED the whole bloc involved. and B. In case of military response from NSO's allies on the attacking members there will be fresh waves to attack the allies with. This is all an attempt by one bloc to knock down another. NSO are the unfortunate victims in the situation. The motivations of the attackers are clear. Read the posts of many bloc members drooling on their keyboards while they attempt to bait out NPO. That shows the reason for this war, and that shows that the bloc is acting in concert..whether they document it on paper or no.
  15. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1281320918' post='2406049'] 1000 human sacrifices. Where do you want them? [/quote] sweet. Ship em to my island. I like blondes.
  16. [quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1281325540' post='2406308'] Here's my personal opinion: It takes two to tango. This could have been handled a bit more responsibly by both parties. Yes, RoK approached NSO with a legitimate issue, and NSO failed to consider it to be a legitimate issue. I can agree that as far as the skirmish itself goes, NSO is at fault by aiding the rogue knowing full well that RoK considered it to be an act of war. However, I also believe that considering that to be an act of war in the first place is also a bit childish. And so is this DoW. And while we can sit here and argue that NSO started this war by aiding the rogue, let us not forget that this didn't become a war until this DoW was posted. And it wasn't NSO that posted it. Let us also not forget that when we go to war, it's because alliance leaders have called upon their members to sacrifice months (even years) of work in building their nations. I would hope that such sacrifices would be made only for good reasons. I see no reason why this couldn't have been settled without a DoW. Sometimes it's best to just.... let it go. I know I know, for that to happen it would take a bit of [i]maturity[/i] and just a pinch more of valuing your nations a bit more than that. So some rogue is in a war with one of your nations. It's much cheaper to just let it slide and build the nation back up again, than it is to call in the cavalry. What we have here is a war of principle. So what's to stop this from happening again and again? Well, if it were to happen again, then yes, I'd say a DoW is warranted. But at least give it a chance. That way, you can actually tell your members that there wasn't one more thing that you could have done to prevent this. Regardless of who wins, everyone will be losing infra. Over what? Over [i]this[/i]? When I was in the NPO-GPA war, I fought against GPA. But trust me, it's nothing to brag about. Know why? Because it was a stupid war. Officially, however, BCOM will stand with its allies should this escalate any further, admin help us all. [/quote] Good points, but what you are missing is that the 'reason' isn't really the reason. If they didn't declare on NSO here, they would have declared on some other treaty partner elsewhere over some other inane reason. The motivation was to start a large scale war to attack NPO and allies. The trivial 'reason' they picked for this is really....inconsequential. It's all about beating up the competition. Someone else will be next. (Or hell...even this coalition again if Rok and crew don't get what they wanted..a war with NPO).
  17. [quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1281318222' post='2405839'] Well hey, I for one am glad that the "karma" war brought an end to the curbstomp wars here. 639 vs 168 is in no way a curbstomp. (said with so much tongue in cheek that I'm spraining something) [/quote] Yeah boy that war really changed things here on Bob.
  18. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1281317826' post='2405809'] You wanted to resolve this so badly that you aided a nation at war with RoK after being specifically told it would be an act of war. We had no intention of attacking you until this happened. Yes yes, I know ... we hate the NPO so much that we set up this elaborate trap. We told you not to aid as reverse psychology to get you [b]to[/b] aid him. I am so damn brilliant and crafty. Thank you. [/quote] Brilliant and crafty are not the adjectives I would use.
  19. [quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1281317758' post='2405802'] I wouldn't call it funny so much as a lust for another global war, but to each their own. [/quote] No, really, it's funny. Maybe not from where you are sitting, but it is. Your motivations are so apparent it's funny. Most of the posts here are talking about not NSO..but their allies. It's a joke.
  20. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1281316909' post='2405750'] I don't think it is about attacking NPO in particular, more of a hope they could attack many alliances via treaty chain by attacking suddenly. [/quote] GASP! You mean.....GASP! Let me feign shock.
  21. [quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1281317434' post='2405781'] Except a valid CB, the alliance is not neutral, and oh look, they have some rather large allies who could help. [/quote] Isn't it so funny that this conversation keeps turning not to NSO...but to their allies. Hmmm.
  22. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1281317019' post='2405761'] If there were any truth at all to this, then every single thread would not devolve into a discussion about NPO. But the fact is, it's all about NPO. NPO is the imaginary demon that SuperGrievances need. They need to keep pretending that there is some great evil, to keep up the lie that got them into power in the first place, and to perhaps provide a common enemy, to perhaps even subconsciously avoid the inevitable SF/CnG split. The fact is, NPO is staying as far away from politics as they can, and you can't even find something as flimsy as this to tag on them. After the Red Raiding Safari didn't work to goad NPO to war, this here was Plan B, find a flimsy excuse to attack their direct allies. NSO's policy of not taking crap from anyone played right into this trap. But NSO called the trap, and those parties have failed once again to force war upon the NPO. It is only made obvious from the nonstop goading in this thread. The focus is hardly on the flimsy reasons for war, it's all on labeling NPO and company cowards, or trying to deny that the goading is occurring. It's all really quite hilarious, how upset you all are that NPO once again isn't going to get rolled according to your plans. All you are left with is a terrible bit of PR as the reality of the situation rapidly makes itself apparent. [/quote] This is truth.
  23. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1281316326' post='2405718'] And let me be the last to not laugh at you [/quote] I see the forces of eloquence are arrayed against me tonight.
  24. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281315981' post='2405693'] Who's begging? I'm calling NSO's treaty partners liars and cowards if they don't defend their allies. Once upon a time there was an alliance called TDSM8 that, in the face of overwhelming odds and a specific request not to enter, abided by the wording of its treaty obligations. I haven't forgotten that. I'm sure many others haven't as well. It's called honoring one's word. That's all. I don't see you "gladly and willingly" doing anything, so I don't really need to call you self-serving cowards. You just did that yourself. [/quote] You guys are so paper-thin it's funny. Can the official reason for this war just be changed to "we want to attack NPO"? It'll save us all embarrassing stuff like this.
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