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Blog Comments posted by Aurion

  1. Worst I've seen is people trying to draw analogies between in-game stuff and RL criminal acts...and of course, it's always gotta be the worst possible crime instead of something that makes any sense at all, but I think that points more to a tendency for hyperbole than failure at analogy.Can't remember who did it, but I can recall at least one instance of someone trying to draw a line from tech raiding to rape.
    This post is as bad as what Hitler did to the Jews.

    Your post is like Stalin's policies in the Ukraine.

  2. Worst I've seen is people trying to draw analogies between in-game stuff and RL criminal acts...and of course, it's always gotta be the worst possible crime instead of something that makes any sense at all, but I think that points more to a tendency for hyperbole than failure at analogy.

    Can't remember who did it, but I can recall at least one instance of someone trying to draw a line from tech raiding to rape.

  3. I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
    I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.
    There is a difference between one abuse of trust and using malicious code to gain unlawful entry to portions of a website
    Of course there is, but ~merely~ abusing the trust people place in you as regards their forums still makes you a pathetic little scumbag so it's all cool.
    At least I owned up to it?

    After you got caught, which isn't redeeming at all~

  4. I did not breach security at any time, that would be a felonious act. I simply abused the trust and access that was given to me.
    I'm not sure if you think saying things like this is actually helping your cause any, but either way please do continue.To say this is entertaining does not even begin to describe.
    There is a difference between one abuse of trust and using malicious code to gain unlawful entry to portions of a website

    Of course there is, but ~merely~ abusing the trust people place in you as regards their forums still makes you a pathetic little scumbag so it's all cool.

  5. I think cynics are cuddly and cute.

    Regarding war length and warchests, I'm not sure there's another way to do it with the hand we've been dealt. Like you noted, there's no incentive whatsoever for people to spend beyond a certain point (say, WRC reqs).

    CN appeals to an odd and isolated group of people to begin with because it's so bloody slow-paced. Add more of what amounts to sitting around and waiting on top of it, and voila.

    I think that's the genesis of most of the political complaints about stagnation and the web- people spend so long waiting for stuff in-game that they basically become adrenaline junkies on the political level because they're bored out of their brains sitting there and collecting taxes.

    Everyone could run around like headless chickens a la the current stupid thing going on, I guess. But the arrow for me points straight at improving the game itself instead of trying to "fix" the metagame.

    Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've got to have a good foundation to have a strong game. CN...is iffy. To say the least.

  6. Pretty much everything in the thread fell under this, imo.

    Really, it wouldn't be hard to argue that everything from the jokes to what prompted the thread to begin with were all in bad taste at the least. As a result, I think !@#$%*ing about <line> being offensive is a really freaking pointless argument.

    In other words: Knock it off, please.

  7. If you insist. Two more groaners:

    Sorry James Dahl, you have to be a lot quicker on the draw with us if you want in. When it comes to having fun we are the masters. Racing around complaining will do nothing for you.

    I'm hoping these guys will just Ron away out of this thread. They've got the experience from this announcement.

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