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Tigerdonia Redux

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Everything posted by Tigerdonia Redux

  1. Looks like Paix will be some excellent tech sellers for VE! Good luck on this relationship. VE are great protectors
  2. Good bye Internet Superheroes. I still liked you guys when I was in CG. It's a shame this happened. R.I.P. IS
  3. Sad event? Fran and Hell scream failed at having Coalition and monolith merge with them to form "The Realm." Francesca then proceeded to hastily disband the alliance (without any general member consultation), and then join you guys!
  4. Nice job im317 and Eledan! Come on, I was part of CG and I think this is funny. Get off your high horse, Litha.
  5. Karma is worse than NPO, and NPO was worse than all of their stomps. Karma is just reciprocating their brutality. I thirst for tech.
  6. IRC: BabyJesus Forums: Schattenmann
  7. Wow, without IRON being sanctioned the drop-down box is so much smaller.
  8. Hail the Entente and hail Sooner!
  9. Hey, GPA, can you hold our spot for us? Thanks.
  10. Cannot process your complaint at this time, overwhelming purple bias.
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