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Everything posted by sammykhalifa

  1. [quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1283874168' post='2445377'] You try to hard man. [/quote] He tries to do WHAT? Seriously, though, hope everyone's having fun with this. TKF, you were a good friend in this game.
  2. Don't attack people half your size and they probably won't turtle.
  3. what hurts the nukes is that you can't attack anyone when you're in nuclear anarchy.
  4. Removing the 25 day inactive delete time would help too.
  5. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282105179' post='2421142'] wait you're only fighting with airplanes? That's like the [i]worst[/i] part of war. [/quote] It's like challenging somebody to a slap fight. Why not just have a cruise missile war?
  6. I've always thought that people have made more of it than they should. Hopefully your alliance doesn't consist of members that are going to jump ship just because somebody sent them an eloquent (or maybe not-so-eloquent) email. That said, I could see how it could be a problem if it happens continuously. And I try not to do it myself, partly because I don't like annoying people and partly because it seems like a waste of time.
  7. Seriously, what a nice flag. Good luck with all that other stuff too.
  8. I'd say I was "lols," but nobody besides me seems to think I'm very funny.
  9. Haha, you have a good point. That could turn into something grand. Maybe the REAL problem is that there aren't ENOUGH tiny alliances . . .
  10. Crushing inexperienced players trying to start something new with their friends is no way to keep this game alive for more than the next few months.
  11. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1281036158' post='2401912'] Are you implying what I think you are? [/quote] I'm pretty sure he's at his local watering hole, and is planning on two more before heading out. Because nothing else really makes any sense. It's good to have goals, man, but be safe out there. Arrive alive and such.
  12. Yeah, #iunctus has been a mess for some time, ever since tehChad deleted really. The rights and things he set up went "poof" at the same time his nation did. [Also, most of my CN time is done at "work" so I can't really monitor IRC from here.] And, conveniently, ipbfree went belly-up right as we were planning this and took our forums along with them. It made the cut nice and tidy AFAIAC. You can check our new place at #legacy, or if you're more forum-minded: [url="http://s4.zetaboards.com/Legacy/index/"]http://s4.zetaboards.com/Legacy/index/[/url]
  13. Thanks everyone. We did have proabably 3-4 old CIS holdouts out of the gate; but other than that, we built up basically from scratch. I'm pretty proud of that--not sure that it happens that often these days. It was time to move on, really. We have a core of loyal (but very busy IRL) and dedicated members. We could have held on, probably forever; but I think our members are going to have a lot more fun this way. When a game starts feeling more like a job, it's time to change things up a bit.
  14. Fun announcement. Just the right number of colors. Don't let them tell you different.
  15. The issue doesn't have anything to do with how many or how few alliances there are. The fact is that there are many, many more options for these types of online games these days (stupid facebook farms, etc.), and they're much more visible and accessible than CN at the moment.
  16. [quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1280938663' post='2400772'] u mad? Wait a second, Sarm, you took 200k NS from CSN too! Expect a DoW. [/quote] That's nothing, you should see what they are doing to OUR alliance. It's okay though. I'm working on a plan to destroy them from within.
  17. [center][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090228181910/cybernations/images/8/87/Iunctusnew.png[/img] [/center] [center][img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2662/4116317762_4ec780b480_o.gif[/img][/center] We, the Gentlemen Citizens of Iunctus, are not ones to dwell on the past, so we will try to be brief. The past several months have seen many of our storied and great leaders leave for other worlds. Those of us who remained moved on with dignity and pride, but otherworldly responsibilities of our own have prevented us from moving forward with full vigor. However, we stayed strong; and we could have remained this way, static, until the End of Days. But, as I said, we are not the type to cling to bygone relics forever. We look to the FUTURE--a mystical land of DARING, of ADVENTURE, of FULL COLOR PRINT, and of DRINKIN' AIRPLANE GUYS. [center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sGYULzoQCgA/RuSVeKUY0EI/AAAAAAAABD4/mDy8ZGw65Lc/s1600/One%2Bfor%2Bthe%2Broad.jpg[/img][/center] And with this spirit we close the doors to the past and move on to an exciting, bold, and delicious new Age. In the next few days, most of us will be moving to the great new LEGACY project. We enjoy the protection of our new Alliance and its friends for 25 days as we venture forth. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90115"]Myhttp://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90115[/url] So, we have not ended this story, sirs. We have completed but one volume. For the moment, though, we bid you good day. [center][img]http://www.geh.org/ar/strip71/m198716060032.jpg[/img][/center]
  18. Sorry to hear guys. I knew a lot of you from your former homes, and I was excited about the TCI endeavor.
  19. Thanks everyone for the concern and the information. Mostly I wasn't really sure how widely reported the problem was and wanted to get the information out there. It's an inconvenience, sure, but there are far worse things I suppose. [Stuff] happens. If ratonbox or anyone else needs to get hold of Iunctus for business or just to talk about nothin', please feel free to contact me ingame (forums up or not). I can get into the game more than I can browse the forum anyhow (stupid work!), so I'm more likely to see you faster. I think the thing I'll miss most from our forums is the button on the bottom of every thread you push to "Add Relpy." We decided to keep it that way, and it became a running joke of sorts. R.I.P. Relpy.
  20. So maybe I'm a few days behind the times. Not sure if anyone else has caught this or not yet, but I thought I'd pass it along. I tried to get onto our forums this morning, only to find that annoying godaddy.com racecar driver lady staring at me. A little research and I found out that all of iPBFree is not only down, but gone for good? [url="http://tomlough.co.uk/post/815342111/hello-goodbye"]http://tomlough.co.uk/post/815342111/hello-goodbye[/url] [url="http://twitter.com/tomlough/ipbfree"]http://twitter.com/tomlough/ipbfree[/url] I'd love to hear if anyone else has had any issues or even uses this service. I'd love to hear that this is wrong and that everything will be back up soon. It's pretty hard to believe that our forums just blinked out of existance without warning. We're a pretty sleepy backwater part of CN ourselves, but I thought I'd share. I'd be willing to bet that this is causing problems for people other than us.
  21. It was great getting to know you in TE. Good luck.
  22. I'm intrigued . . . but confused . . . but happy that the "Blackening Process" is underway. I think. OR ELSE.
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