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Everything posted by sammykhalifa

  1. Hey Andre, [I don't approve or disapprove, but your link doesn't work.] Oh, I mean . . . I wasn't looking to surrender to anyone at all. Yeah.
  2. You're friends and all, but I never have and never will understand Stickmen's issue with Purple.
  3. Fun topic, sir! I'm proud to have helped to add to your alliance's total.
  4. The people of Largeblackdot. thank you for your vigilance.
  5. [quote name='Darth Andrew' date='04 February 2010 - 01:50 AM' timestamp='1265266213' post='2158446'] Only because there's no real reason for the war to continue. [/quote] Well, it IS a game. You should he able to fight in it without the anger and resentment and years-old grudges that we normally have. Your ability to play the game in the future should not be at stake. I never really understood how some peoples' fun-level was in their ability to subjugate others in an online game. I'd be totally okay with it if in a few days everyone just decides to drop the war altogether and went on their way--it'd somehow be fitting with this crazy battle. There'd probably be more wars in the future that way.
  6. I'm glad to have come across your path in the TE, LoD. Have fun with your new project.
  7. This war seems a lot less bitter and hateful than many of the other recent ones. Good.
  8. [quote name='cyrus0321' date='03 February 2010 - 10:31 AM' timestamp='1265211078' post='2156576'] Hi there, feel free to visit our palace, but please be careful for the mines [/quote] Ha, yeah, I think I found some of them last night. You shouldn't leave them right in the way like that, someone could get hurt.
  9. I salute our worthy opponents and the unstoppable march of Modern Technology. [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2690/4311982490_a3fbcfce81_m.jpg[/img]
  10. A whole-hearted salute to our Immortal friends. [img]http://lqart.org/photosfold/barholly.jpg[/img]
  11. Nah, I think it's a healthy change for the [game], as alliances can make more moves without the fear of being stamped into nothing as a result. More fun I think.
  12. It's a very welcome change from the ways of the past.
  13. Awww, good luck but it'll suck to see you go from black.
  14. Maybe I am the only one that is totally relieved that something big and exciting didn't happen when I was off having New Years Eve fun. 'Cos I had way better things to do at 1 AM January 1st than sit in my apartment waiting to do update attacks. Not MUCH better, mind you, but still.
  15. Aw, that sucks. I hope you had fun during your time doing this, though.
  16. Ah, yes. The dessert. How silly of me not to follow the traditions.
  17. We are proud to have finally signed this into being.
  18. You say that keeping to your word is a form of morality, and that people should stick to their word. But you say also that nobody should intervene just for morality's sake. So should you not join a conflict just to keep your word?
  19. Depends on if by "Rolled," people mean "Utterly Destroyed" or "Smacked around for a few days."
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