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Everything posted by sammykhalifa

  1. Yeah, I thought it was clever. Good change from the propaganda coming out of both sides so far. I thought it was going to be another logdump or something
  2. [Oh, I agree. But apparently there are a lot of people like that out there (healthy or not).]
  3. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1295982426' post='2600634'] Oh come on, you aren't having any fun at all? War is mean-spirited and bitter, it's part of the game. You can still go shake hands with them OOC, but IC it'd be better if there were more bitter rivalries and more mudslinging going on. [/quote] True. I was talking more about the kind of stuff that leads people to still be real-life angry about things that happened 3 or 4 years ago.
  4. I was all for it at the onset, but the last few events have turned it way more meanspirited and bitter. I like the fun wars where the sides can shake hands at the end and go about their business.
  5. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1295962809' post='2600015'] Ragequit War. [/quote] That sounds about right.
  6. [quote name='Cager' timestamp='1295317426' post='2579439'] Disbandment for the NpO is the only option. Make it so guys. [/quote] See, it's junk like that that are going to make you seem to people like the bad guys. Anyhow . . . o/ war!
  7. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1295213481' post='2577668'] Am I the only person who finds these statements completely pretentious and ridiculous? I mean, I guess it's a good thing he made this topic in a universe that uses a base 10 number system, then. [/quote] Yeah, and what a coincidence that most of us happen to have ten fingers . . .
  8. [quote name='lordliam' timestamp='1294724418' post='2571790'] I don't usually come here, but I somehow can remember Legacy's last announcement very clearly. Very. [/quote] Haha, not too clearly I hope. If so I'm just not doing my job.
  9. [center][img]http://img816.imageshack.us/img816/5871/legacyp.png[/img][/center] This Summer, not long after our founding, our young Alliance found itself in need of something to strive for--goals, if you will. And while numbers are not the be-all end-all in this world, we decided they were as good a place to start as any. One fine August day we set our sights on some CAREFULLY THOUGHT OUT numbers and objectives: [quote]GOALS 1) 3.2 million NS 2) 75 members 3) 750 nukes 4) 35 MPs 5) 12 score 6) 90% of the membership over 8500 owns a WRC 7) Average atleast 12 nukes per member [/quote] Then we took a look at where we were at the time. [quote]AUGUST 26 1) 2,342,083 NS (-857917) 2) 57 Members (-18) 3) 563 Nukes (-187) 4) 27 MPs (-8) 5) 8.68 Score (-3.32) 6) 8 of 18 have WRC's=44% (-46%) 7) 9 Nukes/Members (-3)[/quote] Hmm, we decided that maybe they weren’t as carefully thought out as might have thought. Shoot. So, what now? Obviously we needed to grow. But so much? How could we accomplish this when growth across the planet was so small? We didn’t want to give up our quest for some arbitrary statistics so quickly, but we were stumped. But then, one of our citizens noticed a small advertisement in the back of the [i]Legacy Observer and Gazeteer[/i], right between the motorcar ads and the “Situations Wanted” section: [center][img]http://thequackdoctor.com/wp-content/gallery/more-from-old-newspapers/batguano.jpg[/img][/center] We decided that this could just what we needed--the ad did promise that it would help things grow. We were totally unfamiliar with this “Bat Guano,” but did we have to lose? We sent a diplomatic missive (along with a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope) to the mysterious faraway land of “Galveston Texas” and waited patiently by the mailbox. Six to eight weeks later, we received our first shipment and an informative brochure. We weren’t very happy when found out what we had bought, but by then we had already paid the first of six easy payments and were stuck. So we rationed out the shipments and some spoons, and hoped. So at the new year, we were pretty pleasantly surprised by what we found. We met more of our goals than we could have reasonably expected. [quote]January 2 1) 3,885,153 NS (+685,153) 2) 99 members (+24) 3) 1080 nukes (+330) 4) 52 MPs (+17) 5) 14.57 score (+2.57) 6) 24 of 30 have a WRC (80%, -10%/-3) 7) 10.9 nukes/member (-1.1 per member, -108 nukes)[/quote] We’re not normally ones to brag in this way, but it’s a new year; time to take stock in what has passed. We accomplished a lot while still having things to work on in the future. And yeah, we're kinda proud. Lots of people made it happen, and with hard work and bat guano, we have done a lot these past few months. Thank you to everyone, and have a great year! Signed, [i]All the Official Important People of Legacy[/i]
  10. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1293668004' post='2557729'] Does Legacy actually expect people to believe they are really new and from scratch? Are they dumb enough to think we are that dumb? Seriously, If they keep it up and Penn and Teller will do a show about them, and its really not all that funny. [/quote] Not sure what you're implying here, but by your definition, we're a merger. I guess we're dumb enough to think you could figure that out on your own (and with bonus help from our announcements). I'd like to think that we've grown beyond that, though. You're right, though, that starting an alliance from nothing is much tougher. I've been part of both--starting with nothing is hard, and I salute people who give it a try.
  11. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293032034' post='2550026'] I remember these days in Schloss Eggenberg. If I could get 5 lbs of bon bons for $.59 I'd have to trade my car in for a dumptruck to get around the city. [/quote] You know, like the guy always said: what this world needs is a really good fifty-nine cent crate-o-bonbons.
  12. You young'uns and your newfangled cake . . . [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2722/4149246206_7633b6e70b.jpg[/img]
  13. I'm glad to see Olympus doing so well. Hi guys.
  14. One of the best new flags I've seen in a long time. Hey, good luck.
  15. [quote name='Prime minister Johns' timestamp='1289867828' post='2513921'] It is not that politics has dried up, the problem is that it happens almost exclusively in private channels. [/quote] True enough, but it's always been that way. It hasn't "gotten" like that, at least from where I stand.
  16. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1289850177' post='2513717'] If you are fighting wars the right way around here, you build up, go break things and get broken, and before you pound each other into sawdust, you shake hands and walk away, and build up again. In between, there is plenty of time for politics and shifting alliances between factions. Those that don't want to be part of the loop form neutrals and watch it all eating popcorn usually, at least for a good while. That's how it should work. Many of us sadly are doing it wrong. [/quote] True enough that I haven't seen a more mean-spirited game than this one.
  17. I've noticed ITT that people who love the politics say the problem is that the politics have dried up; the warmongers that there aren't enough wars; and the number-crunchers that the mechanics are bad/not changed up often enough. Lots of projecting here. What does that mean? I don't know, but I do know that there was no less of a treaty web back when the game had 40k people in it. I know people who have left the game that liked building a little more than fighting and that it didn't bother them that there just weren't enough wars. I have friends that frankly don't care whether they can catch up with the old/big nations or not (or that there are like a dozen people that make all of the actual decisions in this game) and just like doing their thing.
  18. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1288554607' post='2498177'] How have I never heard of you? :/ [/quote] Geez, I guess we need throw more tantrums and embarass mommy so we get more attention. But yeah. This is awesome.
  19. [quote name='Venser' timestamp='1287614019' post='2489029'] I guess that's the part that gets me. Why would you "not be nice" to people who are unfamiliar with the way things work as opposed to being friendly and educating them? [/quote] And then wonder why the population of this world has been cut in half in the last three or four years.
  20. This is the best news all day. I look forward to this.
  21. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1284071542' post='2448087'] So I found something quite funny here. I was reading through Mido's blog, this doesn't center around Mido I'm just saying, how [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&blogid=444&showentry=1811"]democracy is the way to go.[/url] Now he's joined the alliance The Legacy where it is a very structured, if not one of the more, structured systems: Furthermore his caption under his avatar reads: "A Leader sets the Trail for others to follow!" Well.. that's not democratic. Anyways, isn't it just proof that democracies on Planet Bob just aren't as efficient? [/quote] No. I vote for Sarm every day by continuing with him in his alliance. A "Despot" without popular opinion on his side isn't going to find himself an alliance leader for very long. Depends on what you mean by "Democracy" I suppose. I know of no government in the world [CN or the Real One] that votes on every single issue that comes up.
  22. [quote name='_GunneR_' timestamp='1283955036' post='2446560'] Your objective is failure to accomplish anything? [/quote] Looks to me like they're having fun, what else IS there to accomplish on this planet? Nothing important, that's for sure.
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