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Everything posted by sammykhalifa

  1. Hey, I think I've heard of these guys before. Congrats.
  2. I used to say Lead, but it has suddenly become a beast for me since our brave Astro-Prospectors started mining radon. It would be even better if I decide to pick up the mining wonder. I'd say coal is kind of crummy, actually. I'm surprised more people didn't vote that way. I don't understand why people are trashing Aff. Pop., especially after the change. Pop boosting is everything. No, it's not that the things that make that circle are bad, it's that you're missing out on resources that mean free money. The 8% population you get from fish (for example) is 8% more money that you don't have to do anything for. You spend no money for those extra people: you pay no upkeep for them. You're 8% closer to your next improvement, can get 8% more soldiers, etc., etc.
  3. Indeed. We are working on getting communications up and running better as we can.
  4. Thank you everyone. I'd be wrong not to thank and congratulate Nomadd for his excellent work revising our charter, or for not apologizing for screwing up his great formatting when I tried to copy and paste it over here.
  5. A GRAND ANNOUNCEMENT We, the enlightened men and women of Iunctus, are a proud but modest people. We do not often pollute this venue with our boastings and cries for acknowledgement. However, there are a few things we would like to share with you now. One year and one day ago, guided by the vision of tehChad4610 of Wickistan, a mere handful of friends and survivors banded together to form our alliance. We are one year old! Our chances did not look great in those early days. We did not have the large numbers or the pre-existing framework or the high profile that other new alliances enjoy. Slowly but surely, though, others joined us in our vision. We worked to help our compatriots become more developed and civilized. Through times of war and times of peace, and after several challenges and losses that kept us around that elusive barrier, we now feel confident to say that we have achieved an arbitrary size: Not all news is so happy. Within the past few weeks, our noble Founding Father, Chad Himself, has vanished from this world. We are baffled and alarmed that such a thing can happen, and wonder who could be next. But despite these suspicious circumstances and the mad power struggle that followed, now is a time for looking to the future. With that spirit, we have reorganized our leadership and governing policies. I am pleased to introduce our new government: Triumvurate Praetor Thank you all for helping to bring us to this day. Thank you to our steadfast allies and noble foes. Most of all, thank you and congratulations to fellow citizens of Iunctus of the present, the past, and those yet to arrive. We are sure to remain mostly inconspicuous for ages to come. Hail or something! For Iunctus, SammyKhalifa of Largeblackdot.
  6. Hey, it's a thread from you guys. Looks like you had fun writing that. I'd fire the typesetter, though. White on black must have cost a fortune in printing ink.
  7. Yeah, and you're a Mongol khan, not a ninja. heh
  8. Nah. Thanks for the advice, though. I guess I worded things wrong. True that people shouldn't take IC insults personally; still, someone can only be poked with a stick so many times before hitting back. Stickmen are doing their best to make it happen.
  9. This would all be more entertaining if our Stickmen friends stopped pretending that they're not just out for a few laughs from treating other leaders [players, people] like dirt.
  10. Wait, are people down on you because you're just out to have fun, or because you're out to intentionally tick people off?
  11. Lintwad! Glad to see you're still having fun.
  12. It's going to eat something else come update or so.
  13. Is anyone capable of being original instead of copying an existing post and changing the names? Le yawn. -SammyK
  14. Location: -71.00000, 69.00000 99%
  15. When I can't get in, it is always from a typing mistake or a mis-hit Caps Lock.
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