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Max Rockatansky

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Everything posted by Max Rockatansky

  1. Congratulations on a swift resolution to our Fungal Dominion allies and the best of luck to UBD in the future.
  2. Ah, The Grämlins. Best alliance with an umlaut in CN history. Excellent work on The Hive. Very intriguing, to say the least.
  3. If anyone should know anything about GATO is they have class. They have had, and always will have my respect. I know this man. If he says it is, than it is so. I have no reason to take his word at anything but face value, for he is honorable and so are the people he serves with.
  4. The people of The Wastes are devoutly religious to the point of zealotry. For generations, those born within The Wastes are taught the Psalms and Psongs of The Black Bible; a large, black, tome covered in steel studs, black leather and chains. It's name is embossed upon it's face in shiny black foil. It is housed in The Great Amphitheater of Bartertown, two blocks south of the sacred Thunderdome. Within it's walls, the Defenders of the Faith invite the Prophets of Doom to spread the Dark Gospel to the Defenders of the Faith. The Words of the Psongs are delivered night and day without end, in between visits from The Prophets. Black, circular, vinyl tablets which are located within covers that are covered in sacred Icons, the very voices of The Metal Gods and The Prophets etched into their surface. When placed upon the altar, the Psongs are played for all to enjoy. The inhabitants of The Wastes belong to The Church of Aggressionism. A polytheistic religion, which worships above all others a central figure known as Osbourne, The Prince of Darkness or quite simply, The All Father. It is believed that in a distant and long forgotten land, The Ancient Blues Gods gave birth to a !@#$%^& child named Rock and Roll. Rock and Roll had attempted to bring forth a child, but it died in 1969 A.O.H.(Age of Heretics). It was in the after birth of that child, that arose the Black Beast of Sabbath from whence the 13 Metal Gods were born. Led by The All Father these gods are: Halford, The Priest of Judas Dickenson, The Air Raid Siren, Lord of the Iron Maiden Cliff, The Undying MetalligoD Dimebag, The God of Shredding Danzig, The Blackest of the Black Mustaine, The Architect of Aggression Shagrath, The Hybrid Stigmata Cronos, The Venomous Corpsegrinder, The Cannibal King, The Slayer Oderus, The Scumdog of the Universe Lemmy, The Bad Cavalera, The Bestial Devastator Included, are various demigods and prophets too numerous to name in this publication. The Defenders of the Faith believe that when they die, their bodies return to a spiritual plane known as Planet Caravan. There, they will co-mingle with their ancestors and brethren in The Mosh Pit of Eternity while the non-believers, False Prophets, and Stryper will suffer in the Dark Disco Hall. A vile, pit of suffering unlike that which no man, woman, or child has ever known. While it is not uncommon for Outlanders to convert, Most generally refer to Aggressionist followers as "insane", and leave them alone as a general rule. This is probably best given that one of their Metal Gods appears to be some sort of undead cannibal, and the themes of depraved sex, violence, conquest, and the acceptance of such "insanity" are common among their Psongs and religious imagery. Coming soon... Part 2: Commerce
  5. This man speakes the truth. Excellent work, Nueva Vida. The people of The Wastes raise their glasses to your continued success.
  6. In case somebody drops out, or moves on to another circle: 1) Nation Name: The Wastes 2) Nation Ruler: Max Rockatansky 3) Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=313250 4) Resources: Cattle, Oil
  7. I'm reminded of one of the holiest of of The Wastes as Psung by none other than one of our most revered of Metal Gods Dickenson, The Air Raid Siren, Lord of the Iron Maiden. The people of The Wastes offer our own particular brand of congratulations.
  8. Congratulations to TGR. At least Chimaera is good for something. (jk)
  9. Why aren't we Batman anyway? Green Lantern sucks. "Oh no my weakness is yellow!" I'm complaining to Londo.
  10. You got GR in our C&G! You got C&G in our GR! Two great tastes that taste like crap together. Seriously, welcome Greenland Republic! You know where the beer is.
  11. I was in Mrs. Mchamon's class. Aaron Crocker pooped his pants in the lunch line. I played a lot of Oregon Trail on the apple IIe. 1986-87
  12. Hindsight being what it is, it was a bad move on our part. If we could do it over again, there's a lot of things I know I could have done differently. However, this ride only moves forward and never backwards. I consider it a missed opportunity.
  13. I say, we agree that the next major conflict simply be called "Yearly, Boredom Because It's Summer War" it would be more accurate and it would put the kibosh on these "NO THIS IS A GREAT WAR 'CAUSE OF BLAH BLAH BLAH AND OTHER STUFF THAT REALLY DIDN'T MATTER AT THE TIME AND NOBODY REALLY DISCUSSED AT LENGTH UNTIL AFTER THE FACT TO MAKE THE NEWBS FEEL LIKE THEY HAVEN'T ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING..." arguments that always arise and always sing the same refrain. At least this way, we've got something new to troll each other about. Just an idea...
  14. Any treaty with CoIN in it is sexy, and we should know. Kudos gents(and possibly one or two ladies, I never can tell..) on a job well done. You kids play nice now, no necking in public!
  15. I actually teared up a little... then I stopped cutting onions and started playing CN instead. Congratulations guys! I'm looking forward to seeing you prosper.
  16. Ah, the great lovers' quarrels never really end, do they? It's so sweet. *GAG!* Drai, you need to bring back Chuck Norris. Your new avatar sucks. Either that or you could have shown some class for once in your life and took up Stephen Seagal. Like you were supposed to. I think you promised.... Yeah, I'm going with that. Indeed... Indeed. We should all get together, get drunk on IRC and tell lies. **Edit: Chicken!!! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!? PM me homey. Also, this: I miss him too.
  17. Wow, what do I say here? No more TBB... You were an excellent opponent, sir. A lot of the good things that came from my time in Atlantis were because of how much of a brutal son of a !@#$%* you can be. You didn't pull any punches, and I enjoyed that. Quite a lot. Even though that part of me is in the past, know that I learned from it, and yes... it was a hell of a ride. Truly well played, sir. Take care of yourself and enjoy your rest.
  18. Congratulations are in order. To more peace, prosperity, and friendship. o7
  19. I stumbled upon this last night and found it to be the epitome of hilarity in the style of Kerouac and the late, great, Hunter S. Thompson. Excellent posts are made of these.
  20. Oh Slayer... How I missed you. We really should catch up sometime. If only we could have put aside our differences. I have no doubt we would've been great friends. Alas, it was not meant to be. I did enjoy the back and forth though. I think both of our alliances were better places at the time as a result. A better counterpart, we could not have asked for in TPF. I salute you, sir. I remember you.
  21. Kaiser Von Shizer in the hizzle fo' shizzle. Let's see, VE(as Gino Felino), then I rerolled again, got into some trouble with the NPO. Quit for a long time. I came back, and got my reps all payed off and now I'm in Athens.
  22. [OOC] Before reading please bear in mind that a majority of my time in CN has been spent in alliances that did not raid. I haven't raided any nation, but I'd like to someday just for the change of pace, as it is an aspect of the game I've yet to experience and nothing more. I feel I would be cheating myself if I, as a player, did not experience as many different facets of this game as I can.[/OOC] In nature, if a pride of lions take down a single gazelle is that fair? If a hive of wasps destroy a small termite nest, is that fair? A wolf pack will eat the deer, the deer is then consumed by a larger number of larvae, and then an even larger number of bacteria. It never stood a chance, the numbers were against it for it's entire life. It's very survival, a mere roll of the cosmic dice. Is that fair? No, it is not. The real question is not whether it is fair for larger groups to consume weaker, smaller groups. It is in our nature to do so. Humans banded together into tribes in order to conquer nature, or at least tilt the odds in their favor enough to be able to survive. When those tribes became big enough that they began to deplete their hunting grounds the larger, stronger tribe destroyed the weaker tribe in order to survive. Was that fair? No, but at the time it was what was needed to survive. Our success as a species has become synonymous with our ability to conquer that which we perceive to be a weaker opponent so that we may feed our tribe. As we moved from scavenging pointed sticks, to smelting and forging metal pointed sticks, to constructing massively destructive, flying pointed sticks that can level cities, we have developed this interesting theory known as "civilization". What makes it interesting is, that as civilization has evolved with us, the definition of civilization has changed. What once was acceptable, becomes an action punishable by incarceration, beatings or even death. All the while, becoming a symbol as well as a condemnation of what it took for us to reach this very point in time in the first place. Proving that we are all as a species, at least a little bit hypocritical in our own particular way. In the end, when the chips are down and all the hands have been played, nature wins out over civilization every time. It's bigger, been around longer, and we have not tipped the scales in our favor enough to fully overcome that which made us what we are today. Perhaps some day, we will. But as we have learned, nature isn't fair. It is cruel, merciless, and we are subject to it's every whim;slaves of our own success. In the end, we just haven't come far enough to beat the odds. So congratulations to the Poison Clan, RAD, and TCB, and my sincere condolences to anyone that's been hit in a raid. Not everyone is going to show you the proper respect, but some will and those are the ones who have come to terms with their animalistic nature. Both sides would do well to remember that it isn't personal, it is only business. Your turn to lay your finger on the trigger will come and go as it does for everyone else. Just remember to show even your enemies the proper respect, so that you'll never underestimate them.
  23. Congratulations to our friends in Vanguard on their wonderful achievement. Here's to many more great days ahead. o/
  24. I think the head headshrinkers call that "projecting". It is an inevitable piece of the puzzle known as "The Human Condition". Or something. I don't know. Good call though. From the hills and fjords, to the creeks, marshes, rivers, oceans, plains, mountains and deserts; treaties come and treaties go. All we, the uninformed and the informed can do is speculate as to the actual reasons why(Let's face it, anyone outside the parties involved who think they've gotten "the whole story" is probably incorrect.). But the reasons are theirs alone and that in itself should be respected, personal opinions aside. Does that mean people are not entitled to their opinions? Of course not, that's crazy talk. Equally crazy is responding to people who's words one has not read and contemplated(Or, in more extreme cases comprehended). An antiquated notion, which I'm glad to see has been on the decline since my heyday. TPF has endured because like them or not, they are a strong alliance with strong allies. Allies which still include our Spartan brethren. Nothing is permanent in our world, and sometimes we forget that it can be for the good and not merely for ill. An artist does not fully appreciate his creation until he puts down the brush and takes a step back. That does not mean the painting is finished. I wish the best of luck to TPF and Sparta, for that's really all I can do. Until next time...
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