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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. Wonders in Viniland Agriculture Development Program = Agência de Desinvolvimento Agrícola The ADA (translation: Agricultural Development Agency) is a half-private, half-state-owned agency dedicated to ensuring that Vinilandese farmers are cultivating in an efficient manner, employing high-end technology and taking precautions in regards to the environment, as well as researching new technology, in partnership with other private enterprises - researches include plant genetics, fertilizers, new cultivation methods and the such like. Agência de Desinvolvimento Agrícola, Saskatoon Anti-Air Defense Network = Rede Di Defesas Contraerei Viniland's air space is defended by not only the Armed Forces, but by many static and mobile components of the nationwide Anti-Air Defense Network. Details in regards to the system are currently classified, although it is rumored to use a mix of Surface-to-Air missiles trucks and emplacements and railgun positions. Central Intelligence Agency = Agenzia Vinilandesa d'Intelligence The AVI (translated into Vinilandese Intelligence Agency) is a government intelligence agency which aims to collect information in regards to foreign governments, corporations, and individuals which it uses to advise public policymakers. It is also dedicated to both espionage and counter-espionage, although the current nature of the agency's operations are obviously classified. Agenzia Vinilandesa D'Itelligence Disaster Relief Agency = Agência de Recuperação de Disastres The ARD (Disaster Recovery Agency) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing relief during or after disaster occurs, generally natural ones but also including human-made (e.g. chemical spills, conflicts, etc.). It receives some government funding, although the bulk of its budget comes from private individuals and corporations. It largely acts within Vinilandese Borders, although it can also operate in foreign nations upon request. ARD HQ, Edmonton Foreign Airforce Base = ??? As of now, Viniland has no Airforce bases in a foreign country. Great Monument = Museu Nacional The Museu Nacional (National Museum) is a massive museum located in Nadrink, wholly dedicated to the history of Viniland, covering its politics, literature, arts and much more. It has many rare, unseen works by Vinilandese authors and artists as well as providing visitors with an interactive experience of Vinilandese history. They can take on a "summarized" tour, which may take a few hours, or a "marathon", where every part of the Museum is explored, as well as being exposed to several short movies - this tour can take more than a whole day. A panorama of the Museu Nacional Great Temple = Catedral de São Sebastião The Catedral de São Sebastião (Cathedral of St. Sebastian) is located in central Calgari, Nova Coimbra, and it is the largest and tallest religious building in Viniland. It is a Roman Catholic institution, and thanks to recent renovations, it can accomodate as many as 16,000 individuals. It is also one of the few examples of Gothic architecture in the country. Catedral de S. Sebastião, Calgari Great University = Universidade Real de Vinilândia The URV (Royal University of Viniland) is the largest Vinilandese university, and it is located in the outskirts of Nanaimo. Renowned for its Social Sciences and Environmental programs as well as all-around high quality in all other courses, the URV currently has 60,104 students enrolled. It is also a known research center, chiefly for environmental sciences. An aerial view of a fraction of the campus Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo There are a number of nuclear missiles silos that have been hidden across Viniland. It is hoped by all that they remain that way. Internet When the Internet became more widespread, past Vinilandese governments hurried to provide state-funded access to the whole of the populace. However, with decreasing costs and increasing speeds, the current Libertarian government decided to sell DiNet, the state-owned and by far Viniland's largest internet provider, to shareholders and end state monopoly in the area. Since the internet provider market turned into true competition, extremely high-speed connections at affordable rates became a reality for the vast majority of the population, who has greatly benefited from the fact that Viniland is a world leader in technology. Headquarters of DiNet Interstate System = Sistema de Auto-Estradas e Trilhos Interestaduais The SAETI (Interstate Highway and Rail System) is a nationwide network of highways and rail tracks, which servers pretty much every major Vinilandese system, passing through their downtown areas as well. Highways are generally six-line (sometimes wider or shorter due to geography and/or demand), two-ways while there can be two or for rows of rail tracks. The system allow for quick and straight-forward transport between major cities, as well as the network itself having many branches which connect to smaller towns or suburbs. Trains in the system usually travel between 200 and 300 km/h, although many sections have been upgraded to accommodate trains traveling as fast as 550 km/h (such as the Edmonton-Calgari branch). As many as 4,000,000 citizens are believed to use the main network on a daily basis, with an even higher number being compiled if subbranches are taken into account. A section of the SAETI near Banff, Nova Coimbra. Due to its difficult geographical features and low population density, no rails has been laid for this branch of the system. Manhattan Project = Projeto Brasília Projeto Brasília is the codename for Viniland's nuclear program. Its details are thoroughly classified. National Environment Office = Escritório Nacional do Meio-Ambiente The ENMA is the name of an office that serves to streamline government services related to the environment, as well as close most state-funded environmental offices, deemed "too bureaucratic and inefficient" by the Prime Minister. Instead, all environment-related issues goes through the Escritório, and if not considered powerful enough, some of then may pass onto the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It also funds environment-related projects and researches Headquarters of the ENMA, downtown Nadrink. National Research Lab = Laboratório Nacional de Pesquisas The LNP is Viniland's foremost research laboratory. Location in Edmonton, Nova Coimbra, it is largely funded by private companies, although it also receives funds from the government periodically. With many branches across the country, the laboratory is a leader in nanotechnology and electronics, although it specialized in many scientific areas such as physics and chemestry. Laboratório Nacional de Pesquisas National War Memorial = Memorial da Causa Located in Nadrink's central square, the Memorial da Causa (Memorial for the Cause) is a memorial that commemorates all of Viniland's fallen soldiers, who fought in numerous conflicts, including the Tahoan People's Front uprising and the Pacific War, amongst others. It contains information in regards to the conflicts in questions, tales from common soldiers of glory, violence and bravery, as well as numerous status and monuments. A snapshot of one of the monuments Nuclear Power Plant = Lethbridge Fusion Power Plant The LFPP is the world's first commercially operation fusion power plant. A fruit from arduous and relentless research from a committee of scientists lead by Mr. Jean-Lazio and Mr. Andrade, receiving contributions from Aotearoan scientist Sir Geoffrey. Completed several months ago, the power plant currently provides energy for all of the state of Nova Coimbra, serving more than 11,000,000 people. The current aim is to phase out most Vinilandese hydroelectric stations due to environmental concerns, and increase the operational rate of the LFPP, which is capable of supplying the whole Vinilandese mainland (where more than 20,000,000 people live) and having plenty left to export. A peek inside one of the LFPP's reactors Pentagon = Pentágono The Pentágono serves as the headquarters of the Vinilandese Ministry of Defense and its where peacetime operations, drills, projects, etc. are planned at, as well as being the chief office for the organization of the Armed Forces as a whole. National security matters are channeled through the Pentágono, too. A front-view of the Pentágono, located in the outskirts of Nadrink. Social Security System = Previdência Sociale The Previdência is a social insurance system, where all sorts of insurances, such as unemployment, disability, poverty and pensions are paid off to the population as a whole. In recent times, however, the Libertarians have greatly reduced public funding to the Previdência, particularly when it came to unemployment insurances and pensions. The system is still said to be effective when it comes to reducing social inequalities, though. The HQ for the Previdência Sociale Stock Market = Bolsa di Valoris di Calgari The BVC is Viniland's largest stock market by market value/capitalization and total share turnover. It is located at the heart of Calgari, and is also known for its advanced, novel technology employed in trading. Bolsa di Valoris di Calgari Strategic Defense Initiative = Iniciative de Defesa Estratégica The IDE is a network of emplacements, satellites and personnel dedicated to the destruction of incoming missiles, particularly those armed with nuclear warheads. Details in regards to the system are thoroughly classified. Weapons Research Complex = Centro de Pesquisas Bélicas The CPB (Military Research Center) is a government-owned complex (albeit it receives a lot of private funding) dedicated to researching and improving Viniland's military strength. Its location and operations are classified, albeit the following photo had been released: Is it really?
  2. "Viniland is saddened by the collapse of a friendly and advanced state, and has its borders open for the former population - the country has received close to a 100,000 Singaporeans thus far."
  3. Bavaria and Viniland signs a treaty Nadrink, Distretto Federal: Almost immediately after Viniland officially recognized Bavaria, a newly created state located in its namesake's region, the Ministry of External Affairs began forging diplomatic ties with the newborn German nation. The result of intense exchange was the following NAP/Free Trade treaty: Classified: To the CEO's of T&A, Astaldi, Gruppo Riva and Semco - Second Report of findings in Ferihn Over the course of the last four days, our team has made vast progress, mostly in response to the rumors that Bohovia would be reborn and a new nation was emerging in Montréal (OOC: This report took place before Edward and Ottawa reappeared on the map, the subsequent ones will take that into account), threatening our free access to former Canadian facilities in the territories were they would emerge, as well as a threat of expansion into SkyCity existing. We are thus working triple-time and sucking as much as we can before our job is no longer possible. As aforementioned, we were very successful as we searched military-industrial complexes and government HQ's chiefly in SkyCity, as well as having some of our men move into Ottawa and Montréal before they became inaccessible and relentlessly searched all possible locations for information - sure, the local suspected them "inspecting so much', but they'll never be seen there agian, so oh, well. Our findings include: -Blueprints, assembly lines, materials and how-to's of the AISR .4 - we're unsure whether if it outmatches current Vinilandese rifles - that will take some testing in our part. -Blueprints for railguns, presumably for SDI purposes. Nothing novel in here. -Our most relevant find yet, the blueprints, parts, as well as some assembly lines, for the Leopard 3A1. Given the Vinilandese Army's outdated tanks on this category, this might be a very useful - and highly profitable find. Given our knowledge of Fusion power, we might be able to power that baby even better and developed an improved version of it. -Plans, sketches and some prototypes of Canada's newest infantry armor. Unfortunately, we have no definitive blueprints or how-to's on this one, so reverse engineering may be much more arduous than the usual. Such may still produce significant results due to carbon nanotubes being applied here, although we do not know by how much they increase effectiveness. -Plans and machine parts for the Mammoth Mk.I. Looks like a super-heavy tank, but very immobile and expensive to produce. Unsure if we ought to bother with this one at all. -Hints and some data about Canada's genetic and space program. We are unsure what to make of from them, since they are only partial, incomplete information and the bulk of it seemed to have been transferred elsewhere or deleted. We will still send what we've got to scientists to see if they can make a wee bit of sense off them. -Hints of an advanced CAS and bomber aircraft - dubbed the PZL-230 Skorpion. We are unsure of its potential, but we might learn a thing or two from the Canadians so we will carry own our search in regards to that. That sums up our findings. We're still not done with the city or its outlying SkiCity, and we will now conduct inspections throughout the remaining territory of Canada, although unfortunately, we will very likely not be able to make it into facilities that will be soon out of Vinilandese and Tahoan control. -Inspector Team Omega
  4. OOC: /shrugs Uber, the IC condition is for him to hold elections...but since the elections are taking in his country, he decides what his population will do, how many will vote, who they will vote for, etc. No one gets to decide the outcome other than Martens himself, even if you have a thousand nuclear weapons pointed at him. Of course, that might make him change his mind, but he gets to wholly control how his people reacts, whether if they seem to be "brainwashed" or not. IC: We recognize Nordheim as a sovereign state, and hope to see their people choose what they want.
  5. Although we are saddened to see a nation closing itself to beneficial exchanges (ergo, trade), Viniland understands the motivations and will respect the Alliance's current decisions.
  6. Viniland's Information Database Official Name: Regno de Vinilândia (Kingdom of Viniland) Official Flag: Population: 39,104,000 (2009 estimate) Gross Domestic Product: $2,547,416,326,480 (Mid-2009 estimate) OOC: Using the following formula: (IG civilian population x 100) x IG Daily Gross Income X 365 Gross Domestic Product per capita: $68,386 (Mid-2009 estimate) Possessions: Viniland currently holds: -Alta Vancavite (Northern, Central Vancouver Island) -Columbina (British Columbia; excluding Vancouver + Southeastern tip of Alaska) -Nova Coimbra (Alberta) -Rio Grande do Leste (Saskatchewan) -Eastern Alaska -Midway Island -Itamaracá (Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Eastern Bahia) -Brasília Visual Aid: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/4718/cnrpmapupdate24.png -> All yellow territories labeled "Viniland" Official Languages: Portuguese, Italian and English; Cree and Athabaskan are regionally languages. Official Religion: None, although Roman Catholicism is the de facto religion of Viniland. Capital: Nadrink (located around Columbina's southwestern coast) Largest cities: Calgari (largest), Nanaimo, Edmonton, Nadrink, Kelowna, Regina, Saskatoon, Recife, Salvador. Demonym: Vinilandese Governmental Structure: Viniland is a Constitutional Monarchy and a Representative Democracy. The Monarch serves as the Head of State, and the Prime Minister as the Head of Government. An elected Parliament (Parlamento) and a Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal) also exist. The Prime Minister and his appointed Cabinet wields Executive powers, while the Parlamento has Legislative power and the Supremo Tribunal, Judiciary. According to the constitution, the Monarch may veto any bill or amendment passed by the Parlamento, or overrule any decision by either the Prime Minister or the Supremo Tribunal, in addition to being able to call elections, dissolve the Parlamento or declare martial law whenever he deems fit. However, cases of the monarch using such powers are very rare.However, in light of recent amendments passed by a Libertarian-minority Parlamento, the Monarch may now only call emergency elections and declare a state of emergency or martial law in the absence of a head of government. Parties/Elections: Viniland is a multi-party state and has five main parties: Libertario (Libertarian, economically far-right and socially left, ruling); Monarquistas (economically centrist, socially far-right), Democratas Liberais (economically and socially centre-left), Conservadores (economically and socially centre-right) and Trabalhistas (economically and socially left). Although not a major player, the Partito Martenecista (economically centrist, socially "german/nordic traditional") gets a significant amount of votes, largely from the German/Nordic minority within Viniland. Every four years, an election takes place, unless the Monarch or the Prime Minister calls an early election. The population votes for Parliament Members and Prime Minister in such elections - Municipal and State elections take place on a different schedule, albeit in the same schedule. Universal suffrage is granted, provided they age 18 or older without a recent criminal record, may take part in the voting. All parties have a quota on Campaign Spending - each individual party may not spend more than $50 million on campaign-related events, personnel materials, space, etc. All four major parties receive $10 million in public funding while minor ones receive a varied amount, from 1 to 10, usually. Private donations are limited to up to $20,000 per capita. Attempting to use any fund designated for campaign spending for other purposes, or spending beyond the quota, or receiving individual donations worth more than the cap may result in a complete cutoff of public funding to the offending party, or criminal charges may be pressed against those involved in the unlawful activities. Current Government: Note: Not all government members are listed, but most of the "main" ones are. The Monarch does not associate himself with any political party. Ruling Party: Partido Monarquista (Monarchist Party) Monarch: Vicente D'Albuquerque (V The King) Prime Minister: Pasquale Bianchi Chief of Staff: Guisseppe Ferrari Secretary of State: Mário Rossi Minister of External Affairs: Celso Amorim Minister of Internal Affairs: Samaritana Schmid Minister of Defense: Daniele Favaloro Minister of Justice: Francesco Storace Minister of Communications: Luigi Romano Minister of Finances: Benito Zappa Demographics: Total Population: Viniland has roughly 37,104,000 million citizens in total. The majority of those live either in Southern Columbina, Nova Coimbra, Itamaracá, Bahia or Southern Alta Vancavite. State population ranking goes as follow: 1st: Nova Coimbra - 12,483,000 2nd: Itamaracá - 8,252,000 3rd: Columbina - 7,436,000 4th: Bahia - 5,854,000 5th: Alta Vancavite - 2,178,000 6th: Rio Grande do Leste - 1,490,000 7th: Alaska - 926,000 8th: Brasília - 448,000 9th: Midway - < 100 Last year, the country had a growth rate of 1.28%. 94% of the population lives in urban areas, while the remaining 6% resides outside any city limit. Ethnicity: Viniland is a country that experienced vast influx of Portuguese and Italian people into its lands and has a significant Brazilian population. The Portuguese compose a narrow third, while the Italians make up a very similar number and Brazilians, almost a fifth of it. Significant amounts of assorted people also reside in Viniland, including Germans, Spaniards, Aboriginals and Far Easterners. However, thanks to an open society and frequent intermarriages, Portuguese, Italians and Brazilians are quite mixed with one another. Another important ethnic group are the "British" of Viniland (colloquially referred to as Anglos since they are almost exclusively English speaking) ; largely the descendants of British settlers in Western Canada with some Eastern Europeans and Northern European as well (ethnically, although those are also English speaking nowadays) from pre-Viniland times or the bulk of the residents of Alaska. English speaking people number roughly two million. Nearly half of them are concentrated in Alaska (who are ethnically diverse), while the remaining ones are scattered throughout mainland Viniland, with Calgari having the largest Anglophone population outside of Alaska. They make up pluralities or even majorities in small towns of any mainland state. There has been some larger influx of people into Viniland - first, Turkish people from Byzantine went on to live in Brasília, and they currently number roughly 50,000, or 12% of the city's population. Gebivians also emigrated en masse to Viniland (mostly to Nova Coimbra), numbering around 2,000,000 and greatly increasing the proportion of Italians in the country, as well as providing some support for Nordlandic and French numbers. With the collapse of Singapore, some of the former country's citizens decided to emigrate to Viniland, and they now number around 84,000. Note: "Luso-Italian", as defined by the Vinilandese Institute of Human Geography(VIHG), is an individual who declared himself to have mixed Portuguese, Italian and/or Brazilian ancestry. Also, the statistic only take account of the "main" ethnicity of the reporting individual; reporting multiple declarations would display a similar result. Breakdown of Ethnicity: Portuguese: 32% Italian: 30% Luso-Italian: 10% Brazilians: 17% British or Anglo: 5% German or Nordic: 1% First Nation Natives: 2% Other: 3% Religion: The majority of Viniland's population is Roman Catholic, which is the nation de facto religion. However, the constitution grants freedom of religion. Due to that and the population's general comfort with non-Catholics, a number of immigrants practicing other religions arrived, as well as most Pagan natives maintaining their beliefs rather than converting to the official religion. A significant amount of Vinilandese have converted to other Christian denominations or quit practicing religion. Most Anglophones tend to adhere to Protestant denominations. With the recent influx of Gebivian refugees, largely Agnostic or Atheist, have reduced the proportion of religious Vinilandese. The current strong secular Libertarian government has also caused some of the youth to lose interest in religious practices. Aside from Christianity, Nordlandic Paganism may be found in some German/Nordic communities, as First Nation beliefs can be found in many aboriginal agglomerations. Buddhism is also common within the small yet expressive Asian community of Viniland. Breakdown of Religion: Catholic Christian: 72% Protestant Christian: 7% Other Christian denominations: 1% Nordlandic Paganism: 1.5% Aboriginal Paganism: 1.5% Other: 3% No religion: 14% Languages: The following shows information regarding which languages the Vinilandese speak (Note: Italian, Portuguese and English are the official languages; the latter however is hardly spoken fluently outside the Anglophone community): Italian, Portuguese and English: 2% Italian and Portuguese: 75% Italian and English:[/i] 1% Portuguese and English:[/i] 2% Portuguese only: 10% Italian only: 5% English only: 3% German and a/both/all official language: 1% First Nation languages and a/both official languages: 1.5% First Nation languages only: 0.5% Other: 1% .... Education In Viniland, it is compulsory for all citizens to attend school, from grades 1 to 7 (Primary School) and from grades 8 to 12 (Secondary School). All parents must enroll their children into Primary School in the year their children turn seven. Pre-school services are also offered - parents are encouraged to enroll their children in both literacy programs and bilingual learning programs, where the child can learn both Italian and Portuguese in a fast pace until he or she is seven. Education is the responsibility of both Federal Government and States, although Municipal Governments may play a role as well (by building/funding municipal schools), although municipalities are not obliged to do so. Educational Program (Primary School) Vinilandese primary schools primarily focus on teaching and enhancing literacy and numeracy to its pupils, in addition to the teaching of both Italian and Portuguese and installing the basic foundations for further geographic, algebraic, historical, scientific, social and artistic learning. There is fairly small flexibility in terms of courses that Primary School students may take - for most of tenure through the school, all children are required to take Portuguese, Italian, Social Studies (History + Geography), Science, Mathematics and Physical Education plus either Art Courses (Choir, assorted Bands or Paint Art) or Informatics. Between grades 5 and 7, children must also be enrolled in a Foreign Language course. In most primary schools, the FL courses include Irish, English, German, Spanish and Mandarin. Immersion programs are available for German, English and Irish, although those are done outside of traditional school hours. With English being recently considered an official language, it is compulsory for 6th graders and above to take an English course up to 9th grade per federal regulation; states and municipalities' regulations may differ (with the class being compulsory for all grades in Alaska, obviously). Children are strongly encouraged to engage in sports activities. The most popular sport among Vinilandese children (and in the country as a whole) is Football (the actual one). Basketball, Tennis and Volleyball are also well popular. All Primary Schools are equipped with Soccer Fields, Gymnasiums and Swimming Pools, some have tennis courts, cemented fields and/or softball camps at their disposition. Artistic activities are also encouraged, although those do not gain a strong emphasis until Secondary education. There is also a special program available (both before and after school) for all fit children that is basically a military boot camp, but focused at youngsters. Children learn basic self-defense techniques, go through intense physical activity and learn about military history, warfare and strategy. Combat skills are not taught until Secondary school, and firearm wielding, only if the pupil is 18 years old or older. Educational Program (Secondary School) EDIT: Comments, questions, etc. can be made through PM's or IRC (querry or through #cnrp) Notes on names that I use: In order to enhance realism, I use either Portuguese, Italian or a mixture of both languages when I name people, organizations, buildings, etc. So to symbolize the harmonious bilingual relationship of the country, I often opt to mix Portuguese with Italian - which may sound like a broken version of either language, but that's actually intentional. Now with English also being an official language, I may use some typical names here and there.
  7. "Given Prussia's recognition of Bavaria, we will follow suit and also recognize the newly born nation. We wish to extend diplomatic ties to the Bavarian people."
  8. "We will only recognize Bavaria if the land's current protector, Prussia, allows the nation to spring."
  9. Private, deep within Viniland's High Military Command bunker "Haha, I won the bet!", shouted Marshall Dutra as reports from Viniland's military satellites indicated that Mariehemm and Hansa had been struck with unconventional weapons. "Everyone made the same bet as you. You get nothing. Moron.", boldly replied Minsiter of Defense Daniele Favaloro "I guess every war in Europe involving Nords end up the same way - they say they want peace, then suddenly someone launch nukes, then the next thing we know, the continent looks like a green goo.", noted Major Lucci. "Oh, well, I'd reckon we can't do anything about it right now, can we?", asked Dutra. "Not at all.", replied Daniele "We ought to wait until the war ends... then offer to rebuild what has been destroyed and clean what has been spoiled. Our corporations are going to love the fat contracts they'll get. Also, I'm hoping for a major refugee influx - Rio Grande do Leste could use more people, y'know? We've been getting some, but not a lot. We'll see how it works out." "Indeed.", concluded Lucci. EDIT: 3,000th post! EDIT2: ofc: Emergency VNN Report: "Due to the escalation of the conflict, it is only sane for all Vinilandese citizens to retreat to their Fallout Shelters at this very moment. If a citizen does not have its own shelter, then public shelters will very likely be available nearby. Citizens are encouraged to take additional food, equipment, entertainment materials and what not.' Classified: All component of the Vinilandese SDI has been placed into maximum alert. Although no changes in Defcon were made, all branches of the Vinilandese Armed Forces were placed on maximum alert and are ready to respond to any nuclear or biological incident.
  10. "And since when did Germanic peoples become Asians? The ethnic group being portrayed are not the target of the propaganda, given the circumstances." OOC: I'd reckon Melech doesn't have good photoshopping skills, so he just used old WWII propaganda posters... also, this became an issue only become Sumeragi wanted to make a sort of grandstanding for an unknown reason.
  11. "As we stated before the conflict escalated, Viniland will maintain its borders open and will welcome any refugee/displaced person into our country, so long as those submit themselves to proper screening processes. We're also open to the warring parties for mediation. We currently have no other official stance on the war."
  12. Atlético Vinilandês fights hard, but is ultimately thrown out of the cup by Estrella Roja 06/16: After a breathtaking match and sternly attacking and defending, the Atlético (0) ultimately succumbed to be more experienced Estrella Roja (1) during overtime, at 116', signifying that the team will not play another game in the Copa Del Mar. Once again, the Fernão Barcelos (27) - Bonifácio Céu (23) duo in the offense showed exception team spirit and work. However, much like in the last friendly, they performed poorly in critical moments, such as crossings and shootings. The offense's poor results resulted in another reaction from the coach, who ultimately stated: "Their spirits and camaraderie are perfect, there's nothing to be changed there. However, they need to work harder on their shots and passes... what's teamwork worth if you can't reach the net?" Because of Céu's and Barcelos' weak show, the midfield and the defense had to work extra time in order to get the ball out of the team's area and place it on the other side, exhausting them all. However, they could not prevent Nbeko Yebga's crossed ball from reaching Unax Sena's head, which deflected it into the goal and did not allow Vinililandês' goalie Florêncio Gana (26) to reach it, for the take was too powerful. "Our team has strong training ahead.", solemnly stated Valdísio, the Atlético's coach. Atletico Vinilandês' next match will be on the 26th against S Team in their opponent's home, Sueden Stadium.
  13. Acceptable. The shipment of the materials ought to arrive within a week, given they will exit from the Northwest Pacific. OOC: I always use RL USD for international transactions, since we don't have a currency exchange market... and it would be kind of impossible to RP one. :C Also, I tried looking up for industrial chemicals, and the price variations were from as low as $.20 to as high as $500... no idea of the proportions of each one.
  14. Oh !@#$ I just read a PM that was on my inbox since this afternoon, and ottawa (leader of Bohovia) requested his lands back (he was on a car accident a few weeks ago, hence his inactivity), but wanted my or Mudd's OK before claiming. Sine Montreal lies on the middle of his former territory, that poses a problem. Well, Edward, if you mind, could you hold off your claim and PM ottawa1234 so you guys can work out a deal?
  15. Yeah, that's fine. Just give either me or Emperor Mudd a heads up before you expand more (I'm expecting you're going for the whole of Quebec.)
  16. OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1620089
  17. Calm down, mate. Quebec *is* a Viniland/Tahoe protectorate, and you could've told us that you wanted to establish your nation there. What are you claiming? Montreal only?
  18. Various Vinilandese corporations are willing to supply the necessary raw materials: Lumber - $10 million Plastics - $80 million Steel - $15 million Aluminum - $30 million Tin - $75 million Stainless Steel - $20 million Glass - $5 million Copper - $6,5 million Brass (scrap) - $1,5 million Industrial Electronics - $80 million (OOC: Can you please be more specific what you mean by industrial electronics? =/) Artificial Textiles - $30 million (OOC: It's measured by foot in the sources I found... and I actually have no idea how many feet of textiles equal a kilogram) Natural Textiles - $40 million (OOC: See above) Industrial Chemicals -$300 million (OOC: There are a crapton of industrial chemicals, which have exponential price variation amongst themselves, =/) Oil: $450 million (for a billion liters) Energy: $400 million (10 GWh, not counting the five years) (OOC: Where are you at?) Total: $1,545 million Final OOC note: Dare I say, your requested amounts seem to be somewhat arbitrary... And since I'm unsure whether if anyone in here knows prices for industrial hardwares, you'll either get a godly deal or be badly ripped off.
  19. oh my god are you even serious
  20. This thread thoroughly confuses and amuses me.
  21. Each unit costs $5 million, although we'll sell ten of them for $45 million.
  22. To the CEO's of T&A, Astaldi, Gruppo Riva and Semco - Reports of findings in SKyCity Over the course of the last two days, we inspected several office buildings in SkyCity (they were pretty tall, dare I say). Not only our regular work went smoothly, but we successfully managed to infiltrate and look at computers and virtual databases, as well as archives, books and documents, while locals were either distracted or away for a short time, and surveillance apparels were temporarily disabled by ourselves for "inspection". We have made no majestic findings yet, but the blueprints we have found may be of highly profitable nature. Alas, our results include: -The blueprints for the Center Tower and Nakheel Tower -Partial urban planning of SkyCity -Detailed information about Carbon Nanotube Muscles, although nothing in regards to its making or manufacturing (Aço & Ferro already produces something very similar, but it could be highly useful for Astaldi) -Blueprints for several consumer good industries Unfortunately, we could not "inspect" any government building yet - and given Canada's forner government system, the bulk of the spectacular projects are probably located in government facilities. But do not sweat, for we were granted permission to inspect all of the Ministerial buildings, as well as military industries. More relevant discoveries may be at hand. Out. -Inspector Team Omega
  23. Classified reply to Steven Finnegan We will confirm that, as far as we are concerned, the scientists, engineers and architects that worked on the Lethbridge Fusion Power Plant are not engaging on any major project for the time being and will very likely accept working on a Tahoan fusion reactor. We had previously heard of the existence of the ITER, albeit we've never had many details about it. However, we speculate that the reactor may be further worked on and eventually become the basis for a commercial reactor. Indeed, the team that worked on the LFPP will figure that out with the Tahoan scientists. They ought to be in your nation within 72 hours. -The Vinilandese Ministry of Energy
  24. We do have a large inventory of Leão-10, which could be sold by roughly $300,000 a piece.
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