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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. Highly Classified A commonplace routine within the Canadian protectorate was for Vinilandese inspectors to analyze the current state of the territory's infrastructure and buildings, in order to make sure nothing was falling apart and those who were left could live safely. Said inspectors, who were hired and dispatched by all kinds of businesses (because of a Vinilandese law that requires all businesses to "commit socially") were generally welcomed by the locals. However, one day, some men thought it would be a great idea to abuse the opportunity to inspect the insides of a structure... On June the 11th, several private corporations, including defense contractor "Túlio & Armando", construction firm "Astaldi", steel-makers "Gruppo Riva" and consumer goods manufacturer "Semco" sent a unified inspecting team, consisting of 21 men and women, to SkyCity after the Vinilandese government requested that the city's residents be ensured of their safety. As usual, those folks went inside buildings, analyzed their structure, columns, electric systems and the suchlike, much like another building inspectors. However, they would often stay overtime in their workplace - commonly believed to be a practice imposed by the contractors so the employees would have more time to revise their job and make sure no mistakes were done in a building's status report. The popular belief was wrong.
  2. "Túlio & Armando" offers to sell 100 of its Leão-20 for $700,000 a piece. Shipping will be made immediately after payment, whether if in installments or all-at-once. Let us know."
  3. "Once again, war is made over petty justifications. Apparently, the world will never learn to cooperate with each other... so the best we can offer is mediation between the warring parties, and echoing Singapore's position. Also, our borders will remain open - it is of no use to let refugees remain in the bloodshed."
  4. Well remembered, time scales do not apply to private RP's, of course.
  5. "Time Scale" usually implies average time passed after a given period of RL time, and is mostly applied to developmental/construction/mobilization/etc. RP. Of course, when it comes to meetings, wars, etc., it's going to run slower.
  6. Acting under the assumption that RP'ers generally prefer either 3 months = 1 year or 1 month - 1 year, and that the RP time scale came under scrutiny... it's time to vote. If you do vote, please post a justification, since polls concerning RP get a lot of outside votes.
  7. One cannot be nicer than Hakai.
  8. OOC: Dude Mudd, I have a Fusion Power Plant operating commercially. Could've asked for some kind of deal.
  9. Although I tend to be skeptical "lol we r betta than ur cuz our culurs n culture" RP's, I don't really think we should outlaw it, because firstly, it is merely roleplay and the RP'er is not conveying any OOC messages by doing so (Well, unless it is obvious that such is happening). Secondly, racial tensions, although very unfortunate, are very common social issues that takes place on most societies - just like class contrast, wars, etc. Lastly, where would the line be drawn? I could see some RP'ers being thrashed around for their roleplays, while others wouldn't. "Common Sense" and "Good Judgment" are the remedies to that kind of RP - if it goes too overboard, then it goes kaboom. If not, then go ahead.
  10. OOC: I completely missed the private part. Give me a break, I slept five hours today.
  11. Are you rejecting a nation from a continent merely based on their cultural and ethnic background? Why should it matter, s'long as it cooperates with its neighbors and fellow nations occupying the continent?
  12. OOC: I null voted, like a boss. IC: May the will of the people of Yeonbyeon be done.
  13. OOC: I'll stick with RL names just so you know what the weapons and such are. IC: Dimensions: Length: 49.11ft (14.97m) Width: 17.16ft (5.23m) Height: 16.24ft (4.95m) Performance: Max Speed: 162mph (261kmh; 141kts) Max Range: 1,181miles (1,900km) Rate-of-Climb: 2,415ft/min (736m/min) Ceiling: 9,478ft (2,889m; 1.8miles) Structure: Accommodation: 2 Hardpoints: 6 (including wingtip mounts) Empty Weight: 11,799lbs (5,352kg) MTOW: 22,282lbs (10,107kg) Power: Engine(s): 2 x E.G. T700-GE-701C continuous rated turboshafts developing 1,890shp and driving a four blade main and tail rotor. Arsenal: 1 x 30mm chain gun Four underwing hardpoints and two wing stub endpoints for various mission specific ordnance including: 16 x AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missiles 4 x Hydra-70 2.75in 7/14-Shot FFAR (Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket) rocket pods 4 x Hydra-70 2.75in 14-Shot FFAR (Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket) rocket pods 18 x Stinger AAM (Air-to-Air Missile) missiles 2 x AIM-9 Sidewinder AAM (Air-to-Air Missile) missiles 2 x Sidearm ARM (Anti-Radiation Missile) missiles 4 x Auxiliary Fuel Tanks Dare we note, it is a somewhat outdated model compared to what Viniland and other highly advanced nations have... but we can produce at a very low price, for our facilities are highly efficient. Let us now.
  14. "Túlio & Armandes", a private Vinilandese defense contractor, wishes to take up on the offer of producing two squadrons of attack helicopters.
  15. Vicente d'Albuquerque (26) Although he most definitively does not look or act like a blue-blooded man, Vicente most certainly is the current Monarch of Viniland. Vicente was born while the Royal Family was vacationing in Kelowna, Columbina and is the one of the three sons and daughters of Rosa and the now deceased Vinni d'Albuqerque. His father, a very robust, stern and shrewd man, managed to maintain the Royal Family politically significant and played a major role in Vinilandese decision-making, and encouraged Vicente to engage into physical activity, as well as in the study of politics and economics. On the other hand, the softer Rosa was much more permissive and attempted to ignite her son's artistic side, but her influence was always overshadowed by Vinni's. Thus, Vicente turned out to be a strong student and leader while in Elementary School, earning very high marks and awards from Track and Football. Even after Vinni's death when he was just 10, his education lead him to the same result in High School. However, after graduation from high school, Vicente when on a one-year trip of self-discovery across Viniland and North America. When he came back, he shocked his family by applying to the Faculty of Arts in the University of Columbina, majoring in Music and minoring in Portuguese and Italian. After graduating from University, Vicente joined several musical projects, all of them achieving moderate success. He also published several books of experimental poetry and prose, receiving critical acclaim but not widespread recognition from the public at large. When Vicente officially became Monarch at 14, the title was already not as strong as it was under Vinni, since during Rosa's six-year reign the Parliament successfully reduced Royal power to a minimum (which was the main reason that Rosa passed on the title to Vicente despite still being "able" to rule). During his 12 year (and counting) reign, Viniland rose to be an even stronger power, although the King stood clear of actual decision-making and chose to let the Prime Minister and Parliament do their work. The public is generally sympathetic towards Vicente, praising his musical and literary capabilities as well as his somewhat unusual attire look for a Head of State (leather jacket, long hair, etc.) although they dully note his "do nothing" attitude towards politics in general as some belief the Monarch should do something about the country. Pasquale Bianchi (46) Bianchi is the current Prime Minister of Viniland and the leader of the somewhat fresh yet far-reaching Partito Libertario (Libertarian Party). Born to a lawyer and a real estate agent in Calgari, Nova Coimbra, Bianchi pursued a businessman career early on - he proved to be an excellent student and won several contests and scholarships early on. He studied relentlessly while in the di Cavalcanti College, located in Edmonton and acquired a PhD in Commerce. While studying for his Master's, Bianchi managed to snatch a clerical position in Energia S.A., Viniland's largest Electricity provider, and quickly rose through the ranks. By the time he was 30, he was already the vice-Chairman of the company and a millionaire thanks to successful investments in the Stock Market. Bianchi's political career began when he was 32. He joined the Conservative Party and became a dedicated member, as well as becoming involved in the community of his native Calgari. First, he successfully managed a nomination for Mayor of Calgari through his party, and he won a landslide victory (64%), and remained on his spot for eight years, during which his city experienced exponential growth and became Viniland's economical hub, overshadowing other major cities such as Recife, Nanaimo, Edmonton, Nadrink and Kelowna, all thanks to his libertarian economic policies, which allowed many businesses previously hampered by local taxes, red tape and insufficient infrastructure to flourish. When he was 40, Bianchi decided to give the Parliament a shot, and won an easy victory on his riding and became an MP for the Conservatives. Four years later, however, thanks to the influx of some 2 Million Gebivians into Viniland, Pasquale Bianchi finally acquired a natural support base, as those newcomers were largely Anarcho-Capitalists or Libertarians, and Bianchi was the politician who they associated with the most, ideologically. Not long after, Bianchi founded the Partito Libertario and initiated a months-long tour across Viniland in order to spur support for the newly founded identity. Thanks in large to his efforts, but as well as the commitment of his party's rank-and-file members, the Libertarians managed to snatch a surprise win in the following Federal Elections, securing a majority in the Parliament - never had such a new party garnered so much popular support. Since Bianchi's term began last year, Viniland has gone through many changes, including a non-belligerent and free trade foreign policy, slashing of taxes and discontinuation of many welfare services, the construction of a Fusion Power Plant and a remarkable improvement in the nation's environment thanks to incentives given to private corporations. His achievements have generally been well-received by the public given actual improvements took place, although critics say that the drastic reduction of social services (particularly to the elderly, homeless and unemployed) will cause grief and reduce the standard of livings of the former beneficiaries over the years. The Prime Minister is not only noticeable for his achievements while in office, but as well as the attitude that led to said success - he is remarkably shrewd, clever and intelligent, almost always knowing what he is doing and talking about, as well as being quite flamboyant and aggressive when debating an issue or arguing with opponents, traits that have earned him public respect. Bianchi is also highly cultured as well, making frequent references to Vinilandese popular culture, citing Vinilandese literature and being highly knowledgeable in foreign languages - not only he is fluent in his native Italian and Portuguese, he is also very skilled at Irish, Nordic, English, German, Spanish and French, as well as knowing many other languages. Bianchi's private life is seldom mentioned, for he rarely lets the media ask about it, preferring to talk about current issues, politics, social conditions and economics instead. He is married to Renata Bianchi, a chemical engineer, and has two sons and three daughters, as well as a grandson. it is known that on his spare time he enjoys playing football with friends, as well as playing cards and golf. He also is a voracious reader and writer, and according to him, is currently "exploring classical Greek and Roman literature".
  16. Male/16-18/Canada/Hetero/Deist/Unmarried+Job+Highschool
  17. Nine divisions from the Vinilandese Army has been dispatched into Canadian territory in order to ensure the residents are kept safe and that the current status quo does not disintegrate into the kind of Anarchy that men is most familiar and let them maintain the currently desired (by the Canadians) social order. Elements of the Vinilandese Navy will ensure the safety of formerly Canadian waters. In regards to Canadian non-American territories (as we will call it), they are a join Vinilandese-Tahoe protectorate as of now, akin to the mainland and we are dispatching small military units to said areas to keep them safe. We, however, understand the concerns of the local nations and hope to reach a consensus in regards to the Marianas.
  18. "We warmly welcome Singapore to the world stage, and wish to initiate diplomatic ties through either a simple diplomat exchange or the signing of a Free Trade treaty."
  19. OCO: Well, if the RP'er doesn't specify his demographics, then I assume he is employing real-world populations.
  20. "While Viniland is overjoyed to see another Italian state rise, our people is certainly not amused at the fact it is a dictatorship."
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