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Steve Buscemi

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Everything posted by Steve Buscemi

  1. Wow, I think I just saw TOP and IRON wet their pants. Someone needs to get them some diapers, FAST. Yours wont.
  2. I laughed really hard at tonight events. TOP is about to get smoked and we can all thank TOP's 'great military magician' LM and Crymson for such utter fail. Well done TOP! Maybe the lesson you are about to learn will teach you something that will make it possible for you to regain the glory you have lost since the Karma war.
  3. Yikes, over 100 IRON flocking to peace mode. I'm not a huge fan of NSO, but even NSO doesn't deserve this.
  4. This coming from a guy who cut non-nuclear deals with the enemy during Karma and is now telling your ally IRON to let NSO die while you save pixels. lol, still going with the whole hippy line, eh? Nice, but unoriginal. I'll give it a C-. I don't think anyone expects you to do any better than you've done. Quite commendable actually, when you go in expecting an ally to defend you and they don't. You ex-FB guys all have brass balls in my book. My STA attackers is a cut above the rest.
  6. How's that treaty with IRON going? Maybe it's you that is going to be dead. Guess you learned a lesson about treaties to former CoC members. Heh, BAPS was a fun target to hit. Good luck Fark. You are both very capable fighters. Well, here's to thinking that maybe IRON will honor a treaty with NSO and actually stop being infra huggers with TOP. I guess that's what you get when you put TOP in charge. They send all their friends in and don't honor own treaties so they can save their own infra. Classy as always!
  7. My apologies then. I thought he was still in TOP. I'll edit my post now.
  8. EDIT: me thinks I should not assume AA affiliation based on past knowledge. Note to all you ex-Hegemony, this is how real allies do it, none of this waiting 6 days so you could cover your own infra crap.
  9. Meer, you've got to be kidding me. This is coming from a guy who was part of a "coalition" who took 6 days to do anything, finally to only declare 24-wars. Your coalition did exactly what you just preached against in your post. Almost to the T. Give it a rest, hypocrite.
  10. What are you talking about? I had a blast taking nukes for TOP in it's last war, my only war while I was with TOP, the Karma war. I realize you are trying to discredit me, but try harder. And coming from your alliance it's hilarious to see you point the infra-hugging finger. You guys are the creator of that distinction. Khyber, that's an easy accusation to make that doesn't reflect my past. I have fought in a losing war, fighting 3v1 and also a winning one with TOP. Both were great fun. Seriously, you know I only have 8k infra right? I could be ZI'ed and buy that right back. Worst of humans, eh? Note to self; this is what happens when you openly disagree with a bunch of arrogant alliance members who think they can do no wrong. Character assassination.
  11. And a proper 24-war defense you did prepare. The world quaked and almost collapsed for 15-30 minutes with the weight of all 24. Who has ever seen an army so large! Before you go making wild accusations you should know I wasn't even in an alliance at the time of the war, so whatever would've happened wouldn't have mattered to me. But good try. A++++++ for effort.
  12. I really hate passive aggressive comments. Just come out with it. I won't bite. I did warn you guys of this exact circumstance you find yourselves in now, losing major allies. If that's talking too much then I'm afraid we don't really see eye to eye. I just can't win with you guys can I. First it's that I'm inactive, now I talk too much. Oh well. Good luck to you Meer and to TOP as well.
  13. It's sad that TOP has become so comfortable riding the fence, playing both sides of most wars, that it doesn't realize how uncomfortable a position it puts it's allies in. I know FOK did the right thing here and did it in typical straight-forward FOK fashion that I can greatly respect. This reminds me of the courage FOK had in leaving the Continuum.
  14. Krynn, you've chosen a fine ally in IRON. If say......you should recruit from a bunch of aligned nations and get DoW'ed, I'm sure IRON will jump to your defense 6-7 days later and declare a few wars on your attackers. If you are lucky, they might even cancel their treaty with you and then later on still fight for you after being shamed into it and use an ally playing both sides of the war to get lighter terms for themselves. (but not you, sorry!) Congratulations, you must be brimming with optimism!
  15. Shouldn't most the talk about ODN not honoring treaties be put on WalkerNinja's shoulders? He was leading them at the time they got that reputation after all. Kind of ironic that WalkerNinja is in TOP of all places, who have a similar reputation. :lol: It just seems like IRON is butt-hurt over actually having to fight in a war that wasn't a curbstomp. Not really very classy imo. Congrats to C&G and ODN in any case! I wish you all the best.
  16. Way the screw up the stagger, TOP. Classy and competent as always. One of the more entertaining ways I've seen someone leave the game. Hitting the Grand Master of the 24-War Coalition and Reyne makes me laugh a bit.
  17. You're kidding me right? TOP hates Ramirus and you know that. They semi-seriously told ex-Gre members in TOP to go back into Gre to "retake" it from Ramirus and company. Now I know it was just banter, but still pretty sad. I could say the same about TOP being peace mode warriors, but I won't because I know it's strategy. Maybe if this war does start I can have some fun too. My warchest is begging to be used. Sorry for derailing your thread Gre! Gramlins are a picture of consistency and I have a great amount of respect for you.
  18. I hope you are willing to provide proof of those spying allegations. That's a pretty heavy thing to level against someone with absolutely no proof. Feel free to PM me. Stop buying all the crap Crymson tells you. He's never liked me. And did you say the same thing about me when I was taking nukes for TOP from my BAPS target while Crymson and a lot of TOP was cutting deals with the enemy to not go nuclear. It seems it's TOP that is scared to lose infra, not me. Leveling OOC attacks on me (do you even know my age?) is par for the course at TOP I guess. Classy as always.
  19. Gosh, can't you let them be sovereign? I can just imagine all the bad things TOP is saying about Gre behind closed doors. It's quite pathetic how you treaty some of your allies when they are good little laptops.
  20. If Hoo's logs prove nothing then the possibly faked ones prove nothing as well. Why is TOP trying to rally support for it's defense of IRON with logs that "prove nothing"? Seems you are trying to use logs only when convenient. The truthfulness of them doesn't really matter to TOP I guess.
  21. My thoughts exactly. I've been hearing TOP members and Crymson say things about FOK like how they are a "wild card" and dangerous and how TOP/FOK was drifting apart for months. Talk of even cancelling a treaty on FOK. What is said in public is not what's said in private. That much is for sure. I left partly because of our pathetic sucking up (instead of genuine friendship) to SF and even the NpO. That and putting our IRON treaty above the FOK one.
  22. Wow, just about 9 hours go TOP's GM, Crymson posted the faked Van Hoo logs to TOP's general membership "from a trusted source". TOP gov. trying to convince TOP members and it's allies with fake logs is saddening. I guess I made the right decision to leave TOP.
  23. While I am, sadly, in the extreme minority in TOP when I say this.... Thank you for making the actions of IRON have consequences. The RoK reps are very lenient and probably should have been much larger. IRON gladly participated in NPO's community destroying power-hungry antics and are just as responsible. I also have to congratulate RoK for refusing pressure to give white peace at least.
  24. :lol: I have to admit this made me laugh pretty hard. As for the terms, far too light in my book, but kudos to VE/AZTEC/ARES for being so forgiving. MCXA aggressively attacked VE. Activation of a treaty from such a horrible CB warrants equal amount of responsibility in my book. The fact that MCXA is getting off lighter than the NPO is unfortunate. But MCXA has bleed the most members of any alliance in this war so I suppose they are paying for it in other ways. Karma - stop handing out surrender terms so fast! I hope that the 1V alliances (along with Valhalla and TPF) get much heavier terms since NPO's unnecessary aggression was in large part due to 1V's support. So far I have yet to see, unless I missed it, a formal and genuine apology from an alliance on the Hegemony side. Quite a few are long overdue. The ones I've seen privately from our Hegemony side allies have been disingenuous at best. Good luck in the future guys!
  25. Interesting. 9 of 20 OMFG nations attacking Umbrella. That's a decent blitz. Not a good idea to get into 3 wars right away, but ballsy. Me thinks you might have a few more defensive wars coming your way though.
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