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Everything posted by Goose

  1. Goose

    Let Loose the Geese of War

    Oh, I am. Many pylons have been constructed, with many more to go.
  2. Goose

    Let Loose the Geese of War

    Your spastic dolphin imagery is not wanted here.
  3. Goose

    Let Loose the Geese of War

    Greetings, please send me a link of the next rogue you have so that I may send him aid.
  4. I hate you all. You're all a bunch of mouth-breathing buffoons of questionable lineage. A great and valid CB pops up, and half the world cries over it. When you aid someone at war with another alliance, that is the clearest justification for war other than sending nations to attack another alliance (which is in itself a declaration of war). Stop trying to argue about the justification. You might believe that more diplomacy should have been used, but I think most of us would decide diplomacy has had its chance when you state that you will view sending aid to a nation you're at war with as an act of war, and the alliance then sends the aid anyway. Then there's the 1/3 of you making shallow attempts to goad allies of NSO into escalating this. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see this escalate, but you're attempts are rather pathetic. Not to mention that they only feed the tinfoil induced hallucinations of the inbred, conspiracy retards. Which brings me to my third point. There is no conspiracy. The world has moved on from everything being about NPO. Karma was about NPO. The vast majority of us have moved on. The only reason things devolve into how 'everything we do is about NPO', or even that NPO comes up in nearly every discussion is because those of you with the IQ of dirt start your mouth diarrhea about how it was a trap for NPO. I hope this escalates. I hope half the world gets blown up. I like watching things blow up (preferably not mine or my friends; things). I'm going back to my bunker to play SC2. Stay off my lawn!
  5. The Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations will be colored in a lovely Maroon, and we get 22 territories. We'd like to claim South Korea because they are StarCraft. We'd like to claim Denmark for their conspicuous pork consumption. And, finish out the rest in Germany for their beer.
  6. Congratulations to both of you. I shall send word to WickedJ that GOON is to be nuked posthaste.
  7. How dare you suggest that we not disband! We're the worst!
  8. Our lost son, the pizzalover has returned home to us! The Commonwealth calls to her own, and though they may wander far and long, they always come back home.
  9. But... But... We only have the treaty for the chance of speaking to the greatest llama ever. I don't know that we can continue on without him. Best of luck Athens, I look forward to sexually harassing you, Jgoods. You've got large boots to fill.
  10. [quote name='Corinan' date='20 July 2010 - 07:00 AM' timestamp='1279630827' post='2380470'] Why are you apologizing to me? Seriously, I don't get it. I don't get mad at you guys. You're a source of entertainment for me, nothing more. You lot seem kinda obsessed with me, to be perfectly honest. [/quote] It's what Chron wanted if we lost the newsletter competition. As to our obsession, the soulless gingers intrigue us, and you are one fine, handsome specimen.
  11. [quote name='Chron' date='19 July 2010 - 11:18 PM' timestamp='1279603102' post='2380026'] Not an apology to Corinan. DENIED. Go back and do it over. [/quote] Is this better: [quote]Dearest [s]Sir or Madame,[/s]Corinan, [s]We at The Commonwealth are a group of self-absorbed jerks. In our quest for mockery and merriment, we often forget about the other person's feelings. It has been brought to our attention that our tireless mockery of you and yours has upset you, and for this we are truly apologetic. Whether joking about your handsomeness, invading your sovereign IRC territory, or making light of your alliance's failures, we did not realize that we had passed beyond lighthearted fun and moved into the territory of the complete douchebag. While I can guarantee neither that it will stop, nor get even worse (we're just so terrible at everything), we will make every effort to make our due apologies when needed in a timely, sincere, and satisfactory manner. Best regards my handsome friend, Goose Head of State for The Commonwealth P.S. Before anyone asks, I'm totally[/s] sorry.[/quote]
  12. Dearest Sir or Madame, We at The Commonwealth are a group of self-absorbed jerks. In our quest for mockery and merriment, we often forget about the other person's feelings. It has been brought to our attention that our tireless mockery of you and yours has upset you, and for this we are truly apologetic. Whether joking about your handsomeness, invading your sovereign IRC territory, or making light of your alliance's failures, we did not realize that we had passed beyond lighthearted fun and moved into the territory of the complete douchebag. While I can guarantee neither that it will stop, nor get even worse (we're just so terrible at everything), we will make every effort to make our due apologies when needed in a timely, sincere, and satisfactory manner. Best regards my handsome friend, Goose Head of State for The Commonwealth P.S. Before anyone asks, I'm totally sorry.
  13. [quote name='Reign of HavoK' date='14 July 2010 - 11:24 PM' timestamp='1279171443' post='2372388'] If you roll OO, then yes, yes you are our savior [/quote] We've seen the leaked plans. Our declaration on OO will only result in the destruction of SG.
  14. [quote name='Omniscient1' date='10 July 2010 - 11:08 PM' timestamp='1278824865' post='2366627'] Congrats! If only CSN would get rid of that wickedj guy. They'd be a halfway decent alliance [/quote] Our goal is to be fully indecent. Without WickedJ, that would be untenable.
  15. If we get sanctioned, our pip will be a crispy strip of bacon background with 'The Commonwealth' written across it. Heaps of lens flare would be included.
  16. [quote name='Dexomega' date='10 June 2010 - 09:22 PM' timestamp='1276226528' post='2332725'] It was fully and clearly implied in Peggy's post that it was not going to be an alliance-wide war. BAPS has, like it or no, cleverly devised a way to my UPN look like wimps in a war that would get neither alliance [s]no[/s] anywhere. After Unjust and Karma we don't need any more useless wars. If you want to dispute that claim, talk to me later. If UPN is given a set of rules that they do not agree on, so be it. This thread may die now, it's getting us no where with you arrogant war-mongers jumping on a UPN hate bandwagon. You look like a bunch of children. [i]EDIT: You try catching Pertussis and staying sane. At least I'm not having to defend myself by exploiting a grammar mistake.[/i] [/quote] Wait, you consider Karma and this last war to have been useless?
  17. Congratulations GOD! Nice looking stats.
  18. [quote name='Mechanus' date='08 June 2010 - 11:58 AM' timestamp='1276019893' post='2328985'] I admit, I laughed heartily when I saw the first sanctions placed on another Mechanus. [/quote] Dear Mechanus, Please stop turtling so that I may get some live-fire training for my soldiers. Goose
  19. [quote name='Jim Bob the Glorious' date='05 June 2010 - 12:20 PM' timestamp='1275762038' post='2324677'] Tum's a dude. [/quote] With a tail. Congratulations to my Farktacular friends.
  20. [quote name='Banksy' date='05 June 2010 - 01:09 AM' timestamp='1275721774' post='2324313'] UPN had multiple treaty commitments. When TOP et al attacked the ODN, they were obligated to defend us, but that would mean that had to attack some of their allies direct treaty partners. UPN couldn't meet all of its commitments, so it choose neutrality. It was a casualty of circumstance. [/quote]Being in a bloc means you don't have conflicting treaties. You have the bloc, and you should always be on the side of that bloc.
  21. Good to see Athens breaking barriers. Specifically the 4M NS barrier!
  22. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='30 May 2010 - 04:27 PM' timestamp='1275258407' post='2317097'] [color="#0000FF"]I recognize most of those names. They all annoy me. Although I am surprised you didn't find a way to fit NationRuler in there. I wouldn't mind having all of my enemies in one place.[/color] [/quote] He's Deputy MoD. Don't worry, we're all here.
  23. [center][url=http://cncommonwealth.com][img]http://cncommonwealth.com/forum/Themes/BlackRainV220rc1/images/CSNImages/CSNBanner.png[/img][/url][/center] We've had some changes in government recently, that some feel I must alert the world to. Personally, I'd rather go back to running the worst alliance in peace, but if for some reason you have an urge to speak with someone in our horrid government, you'll know whom to speak with. Head of State: Goose Deputy Head of State: CaptainImpavid Minister of Foreign Affairs: SpacingOutMan Minister of Defense: WickedJ Minister of the Interior: hhawk Director of Finance: montypython Director of Education: Lord Brendan Director of Recruitment: Raptor Jesus So, please get on with living your lives and forgetting about our existence.
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