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Everything posted by Scorponok

  1. Stef; let's not detract further from TPFs thread. There's a nice thread all about Us which you can use to voice your feelings about TIO located here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/118293-when-platysphere-wont-take-you-you-go-to-plan-b/page-1? If you so wish.
  2. I guess TLR used up all their manners when they defended TIO.
  3. Congratulations to our allies in LoSS and MCXA.
  4. Best of luck to my friends in TPF and my allies in GATO.
  5. Any cumulative stat updates? Those are the most fun.
  6. Underestimated the amount of love we had for you.
  7. Joking around is hard to do on here, I guess.
  8. Well i thought it was pretty obvious. TIO, NATO and R&R are all allies and are pretty close, whereas LoSS hadn't the same relationship with NATO or R&R nor held a treaty. So it just wouldn't had made any sense to create the bloc with them. When I made that sig it was merely an inside joke, which after a few discussions I guess took off and got serious.
  9. The part about DDL, Bambi and Berbers being in this club?
  10. Moufassa abandoned us and we were too broken hearted; obviously.
  11. Feels so good to finally make our threesome public knowledge (OOC: Time to change our FB relationship status from its complicated to Married). This has been a very long time in the making and I'm glad to finally acknowledge Bambi and Berbers are awful. o7 Us
  12. I smell a rat, and some cheese. Good luck GOONs.
  13. This has been a long time in the making and I am very happy to finally put pen to paper and proud to call you allies. Onwards and upwards my friends. o7 IRON o7 TIO o7 Iron Bears
  14. My &£@$ froze before it came out. Congrats to you Polar. Hai IAT.
  15. Congratulations to you Q, I know you'll lead IRON well. Good luck to our friends in IRON.
  16. Farewell TORN, thanks for all the thick memories.
  17. Congrats to our allies in R&R.
  18. Good luck to our brothers in R&R, you made the right decision here.
  19. Congrats Irule, though it is a shame not to see Legion-x in government. Good luck with these changes LoSS, I hope it serves you well.
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