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Everything posted by Pazuzu

  1. Well played. :lol: Happy birthday NV! I love the flags.
  2. Sincere congratulations to GATO. The vast majority of alliances would rather disband than go through the crap you have been subjected to.
  3. Pazuzu

    First Issue

    Finally CN blogs are being used to their full potential. (voted yes of course)
  4. Sheeple is a hilarious insult to use when your entire alliance is based on doing whatever TPF tells you to do.
  5. I really feel bad for FLY here. The Martian Manhunter sucks, and a dead alliance got a better superhero.
  6. Pazuzu


    Fueled by LIQUIDRAGE!!! was the other spinoff I can think of.
  7. Pazuzu


    TotalGenmay, best Genmay. Does anyone still have the picture that was used for that treaty? I loved that.
  8. The worst bloc in CN history continues to get even worse!
  9. I was living in scotland for Primary 2. Good times.
  10. C&G continues to develop a healthy glow.
  11. I had a great critque of this thread written out but I think it needs its own space to flourish. Look out for my response to this topic in the upcoming thread Trashcat's Corner: A Rebuttal!
  12. Well I hope this puts an end to the silly notion that anyone in the government of NPO actually gives a damn about keeping evil OOC attacks out of CN. Otherwise Bilrow would be ejected from the alliance and in the process of being ZI'ed. Having the moral high ground only matters to them when convenient during wartime.
  13. The misfits over at Avalanche are going to get a huge ego boost knowing they are the reason alliances the size of NPO have to keep dozens of MDP and above-level treaties to feel safe. Also do your small membership allies (TORN and OG, for example) know what you think of alliances that don't fall into the Super Wal-Mart philosophy of alliance organization?
  14. Vanguard cherishes all 78 hyphens of your affection.
  15. Is CN about to hijack a april fools joke thread to discuss what qualifies as a Great War? Really? edit: I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that is whack
  16. If you wouldn't cuddle this you are a monster. End of discussion.
  17. One day many years from now history books will have whole chapters dedicated to covering the turmoil surrounding the Defenestration of the Greenland Republic.
  18. Your listed cutoff date was 10/1/2008. SLCB formed mid-October. Meanwhile IRAN is almost a year old, and in that length of time is still a protectorate. That doesn't scream up and coming to me. I'm voting in your poll, but only under protest. )):
  19. Neither does IRON in regards to their own forum trouble. That doesn't stop people from looking at obvious suspects.
  20. WAE is not an alliance on brown team anymore. Just sayin.
  21. I thought we were only using the ex-TDSM8 as slave labor? On the other hand, those nukes are pretty cool.
  22. Ok, that is hilarious. Now I see why such a large coalition against them is needed. OOC: The alliance score system is in a desperate need of a retooling. Total membership shouldn't have that big an effect. FCC Total/Average Strength: 990,219 / 36,675 Nemesis Total/Average Strength: 986,432 / 36,535 Jarheads Toal/Average Strength: 107,537 / 356 One of these things is not like the others.
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