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Fort Pitt

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Everything posted by Fort Pitt

  1. It has been proven. It has been proven that CSN has a horrible case of amnesia. At least some members. 3v1 odds. Hmm... let's see... Like MaGneT said, look at the odds from last war. DT, by itself, was facing what... 4-1 odds? Perhaps it was 5-1? From CSN and Legacy. DT was about 50 members [i]maybe[/i] then. CSN was still well above 150, and I'm pretty sure Legacy was about our size as well, if not bigger. So before you finish complaining about fighting 3 alliances, look at your history. Let's also recall who 'won' the war. On the stats page? You could argue we lost, however if you look at it, despite the massive odds CSN had against DT, you guys lost more of a percentage of your total NS than we did. But we'll call this one a draw. Let's try membership integrity. No we definitely won that one. DT had its biggest activity boom ever during that war and after. CSN? Didn't a splinter alliance form or something? Massive herds of members leaving in disgust? Yeah, DT won the membership integrity side of the war. Let's try PR. Oh, once again DT victory. You can't force a month (maybe more, I don't remember how long it was) long war with an alliance without good reason. Yours? "ODP's aren't real treaties." Try me. ODP's are perfectly good treaties, with valid CB's. Just because it's not mandatory doesn't mean its not valid. So... of the 3 categories of war I could think of, we won.
  2. I have to say my favorite part of this announcement, like all UE announcements is the art. Good luck, I have no favorites in this match.
  3. [center][img]http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/4299/21167256.png[/img][img]http://img816.imageshack.us/img816/5871/legacyp.png[/img][img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a388/Adelheid130/Forum_Pics/rok_flag-treaty2.png[/img][/center] Earlier this year, CSN called us "a bunch of rejects and a fat kid" and bragged about how they played on their own diamond. They said we shouldn't even be allowed to touch a baseball. They called us an insult to the game. They've disregarded friendships and used them to their advantage. They've poked us with their words and asking for more. When crap faces like that talk the talk, they better get ready to walk the walk. You see, we had a dream last night. In it, The Babe showed up. That's right. The Sultan of Swat. The King of Crash. A hundred other dopey names. He told us to just hop on over and do what we hadda do. He said, "Everybody gets one chance to do something great. Most people never take the chance, either 'cause they're too scared... or they don't recognize it when it spits on their shoes. This is your big chance, and you shouldn't let it go by. "Remember, DT, Ragnarok, Legacy, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, DT, Ragnarok, Legacy, and you'll never go wrong." We had that dream, got dressed, and headed to the sandlot. We got on our P.F. Flyers, so we are guaranteed to run faster and jump higher. [center][img]http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/3976/csndow2.jpg[/img] [img]http://chzparentingfails.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/crazy-parenting-fails-war-face-engaged.jpg[/img][/center] Tonight. Update. At our field. Be there, buffalo-butt breath. You can count on us being there, you pee-drinking crap faces. It's gonna be a short war, and we gotta get home for lunch. You know, if we had a dog as ugly as CSN, we'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards. Hey, is that your sister out there in left field, naked? Hey, hey, hey. We're just trying to have a little friendly conversation. Come on. You think she'd go out with us? Hey batter, batter, batter! Strike three. You're out, CSN. Signed, The Dark Templar Myworld, Triumvir Supa_Troop3r, Triumvir Titan, Triumvir Fort Pitt, High Templar of Defense Ragnarok, Emperor - Rampage3 Regent - Bob Ilyani Chancellor - Joe Stupid Mistress of IA - Adel Legacy, Sarmatian Empire, Lord Master Conservative, Regent August Heimmsmeyer, Prateor [center][img]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/2985/problemjd.jpg[/img][/center] [right][size="1"]A Zzzptm script.[/size][/right] tl;dr for those who don't understand... http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107386&view=findpost&p=2875698
  4. I like how we skipped announcing the results of elections a month ago. Oh well. o/ DT 0/ NS!
  5. [quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1317274266' post='2811175'] We've also passed 3mil NS for the 4th time, and 1k Nukes. [/quote] $%&@ we lost. We were neck and neck for awhile. Then Bob....
  6. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1317259828' post='2810633'] Nobody except Schattenmann thinks that was a high-profile incident. [/quote] Even if you were part of it? I was. Just not the planning part.
  7. [quote name='Nikita Ilyich Lenin' timestamp='1317259286' post='2810606'] [b]Preamble[/b] MEAT, the Maroon Economic Attack Treaty, is a treaty where the signatories support each other in their goals [u]to have fun and chew bubblegum[/u]. We, sovereign and fantastic maroon alliances, sign this treaty to dominate the sphere with our cultures and trades. [/quote] Unfortunately for you, the kick ass and chew bubblegum reference was already used in a high-profile incident. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Bubblegum_War But congrats none the less, some good alliances.
  8. o/ NV! Spacemonkey: To say that NV was a generic alliance is like saying TOP speed is in fact, quite fast. It's the exact opposite. NV stuck around for every single one of their allies, in every war, before that was a popular thing to do. The were a pioneering force in the uniting of the Blue team in the BLEU days. NV was also a huge force for their side in the noCB war. Of all alliances I have ever seen. NV was the best when it came to staying classy and to their principles.
  9. Myworld is so old, he uses the Old English spelling of "poach".
  10. o/ Colossus Adding one more topic to the mess, classy.
  11. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1317029795' post='2808848'] Great news, you guys in (A symbol here)ESIR have found good friends in DT [/quote] I'll teach you how to make the Æ symbol for 50 tech.
  12. [quote name='Craven' timestamp='1317007529' post='2808722'] Now then.. no rolling.. yet [/quote] fixed
  13. Kitty! I replied to your in-game message Congrats to us haha. Happy to see this finally happen. Too bad I was at church when it was announced... o/ friends!
  14. We have far more important things to deal with than your everyday school bully, because you tripped over the foot they extended for you to trip over. As people have said, winter is gonna be a cold one, better prepare.
  15. The members who continued the raid were not ex-high gov, they were never high gov. I was the only ex-high gov for DT in the raid. I stopped because I happened to be on IRC when Weitze decided to tell us that the guy was actually protected. As for the reps, we're paying far more than the damages that occurred after the stop order. So if you think we're paying our fair share, you're wrong.
  16. The Dark Templar would like to apologize to FOK for a raiding incident involving a former FOK member. For the Dark Templar, Supa_Troop3r Myworld TiTaN
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't activity gauged by when you collect? So theoretically it's irrelevant if you have a large number of large nations who do the full 20 day cycles.
  18. 5mil? Just wait til we roll you Congrats!
  19. For those who are comparing this move to LoSS... This isn't the brink of war, and Legacy has had the same leadership for the past 6+ months. LoSS changes hands every election it seems. For those who are saying they are switching sides... Yes this is true, however CSN and GOD infringed on their sovereignty, turning Legacy's war into Xiphosis' vendetta against LoSS and DT. They forced Legacy to stay in the war, when all that did is wear down CSN and Legacy past what would have been acceptable for a war. For those who are saying ODP's are meaningless... Remember the last war? DT came in on an ODP. During Karma, more people used NOIR (an ODP bloc) as a CB for war than any other treaty. ODP's are powerful. They just require friendship, which is true. A treaty is a treaty, it means something.
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